Butch Jones bracelet Bible verse

Many,eh? You're keeping tabs on their numbers? And for what? There are MANY nutjob liberals and atheists out there....but I don't make it my life's mission to point them out, and make snidely remarks about Liberalism in every thread that may have a political element in it.

So you're going to compare Atheists, who believe in nothing and normally just want to be left out of anything religious, to a group of extremist snake handling, venom drinking, rednecks?

You do realize that most wars are spawned from religious beliefs, right? There's never been a war started by Atheists. Religion is the root of all evil. The "nut jobs" you speak of are the ones blindly living life from the pages of folklore. A book of stories, no more real than the works of Batman, Spider-Man, James Bond, or Indiana Jones.

I'm glad that you (and not necessarily you, VolorNuttin) have your security blanket, but I hope those of you living for someone else (who you've never met) start living more for yourselves. You'll see life is much more enjoyable without the extra pressures of "oh no I'm going to go to hell if I get a tattoo or have sex with someone before marriage". The world already has enough rules, so let's not put more restraints on ourselves from an invisible source.

And please note, I don't claim to be agnostic, atheist, Christian, or anything. I'm simply living and treating everyone I meet as if we all have the same struggles. It's stress-free and now I have an extra day to mow my lawn. Fire away.
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So you're going to compare Atheists, who believe in nothing and normally just want to be left out of anything religious, to a group of extremist snake handling, venom drinking, rednecks?

Yeah, atheists generally want to be left alone. That's why you're here in a thread about a bible verse attacking Christians. That's why any mention of religion on the internet inevitably devolves into atheists insulting Christians…because they just want to be left alone.

You do realize that most wars are spawned from religious beliefs, right? There's never been a war started by Atheists. Religion is the root of all evil.

What? Have you ever heard of Mao? Stalin maybe? Hitler? Those names ring a bell? All atheists.

The "nut jobs" you speak of are the ones blindly living life from the pages of folklore. A book of stories, no more real than the works of Batman, Spider-Man, James Bond, or Indiana Jones.

Yeah, like TS Eliot, William Blake, Rene Descartes, Thomas Aquinas, Soren Kierkegaard and millions of other great Christian philosophers, scientists, and writers throughout history. All blind folklorists compared to the intellectual might of VolAllen.

I'm glad that you (and not necessarily you, VolorNuttin) have your security blanket, but I hope those of you living for someone else (who you've never met) start living more for yourselves. You'll see life is much more enjoyable without the extra pressures of "oh no I'm going to go to hell if I get a tattoo or have sex with someone before marriage". The world already has enough rules, so let's not put more restraints on ourselves from an invisible source.

These "invisible rules" you just described are what is commonly called "ethics". You may not see the need for them, but I generally find them a useful character trait.

But I'm glad you have diagnosed the real problem in modern society. I look around every day and say to myself, "Wow, there just aren't enough people living for themselves!" There truly doesn't seem to be enough selfishness or greed these days.

And please note, I don't claim to be agnostic, atheist, Christian, or anything. I'm simply living and treating everyone I meet as if we all have the same struggles. It's stress-free and now I have an extra day to mow my lawn. Fire away.

Interesting to note that "treating everyone we meet as if we all have the same struggles" involves going into a thread that has nothing to do with you or your beliefs and then making broad generalizations about millions of people you've never met and positing that if people don't think the same way you do, then they must be blind "nut jobs."
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Yeah, atheists generally want to be left alone. That's why you're here in a thread about a bible verse attacking Christians. That's why any mention of religion on the internet inevitably devolves into atheists insulting Christians…because they just want to be left alone.

What? Have you ever heard of Mao? Stalin maybe? Hitler? Those names ring a bell? All atheists.

I stopped reading after you said Hitler was an atheist.
Many,eh? You're keeping tabs on their numbers? And for what? There are MANY nutjob liberals and atheists out there....but I don't make it my life's mission to point them out, and make snidely remarks about Liberalism in every thread that may have a political element in it.

Interesting comeback.:huh:
truly added nothing of value to a pointless convo....off the cuff spur of moment comment....deleted
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Butch (and most of the coaching staff) goes to my church. My wife called me out yesterday for skipping by closer parking spots in an attempt to find his car and park next to him.
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Maybe this is common knowledge but I didn't know so I figured I would just post it. Apparently CBJ wears a Nehemiah 2:18 bracelet.

Nehemiah 2:18

And I told them of the hand of my God that had been upon me for good, and also of the words that the king had spoken to me. And they said, “Let us rise up and build.” So they strengthened their hands for the good work.

Let's not bring religion to the site, please.
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Christian crazies ALWAYS try to make something of the fact that Hitler and Mao were atheists, as if that actually means anything. So if Hitler had been religious he would have been, what, a soft-hearted gardener or what? It's the usual reaching by religious zealots. Religious freaks have killed MANY, Many people all over the world, through the ages--and what they believe in his nonsense--comforting nonsense, but nonsense nonetheless.
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Christian crazies ALWAYS try to make something of the fact that Hitler and Mao were atheists, as if that actually means anything. So if Hitler had been religious he would have been, what, a soft-hearted gardener or what? It's the usual reaching by religious zealots. Religious freaks have killed MANY, Many people all over the world, through the ages--and what they believe in his nonsense--comforting nonsense, but nonsense nonetheless.

It must really suck to be you.
Have you ever wondered why no one ever calls Santa Claus believers "crazies"? Or why there are no organizations with the specific goal of eliminating "Tooth Fairy" believers?

Christian crazies ALWAYS try to make something of the fact that Hitler and Mao were atheists, as if that actually means anything. So if Hitler had been religious he would have been, what, a soft-hearted gardener or what? It's the usual reaching by religious zealots. Religious freaks have killed MANY, Many people all over the world, through the ages--and what they believe in his nonsense--comforting nonsense, but nonsense nonetheless.
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Have you ever wondered why no one ever calls Santa Claus believers "crazies"? Or why there are no organizations with the specific goal of eliminating "Tooth Fairy" believers?

Easter bunny is my favorite, nothing to do with Easter and lays eggs. Gotta love it.
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Christian crazies ALWAYS try to make something of the fact that Hitler and Mao were atheists, as if that actually means anything. So if Hitler had been religious he would have been, what, a soft-hearted gardener or what? It's the usual reaching by religious zealots. Religious freaks have killed MANY, Many people all over the world, through the ages--and what they believe in his nonsense--comforting nonsense, but nonsense nonetheless.
Religious Zealot......Usually called fundamentalists, these people tend to be the people that piss off atheists and lead them to be jerks in definitions like god and bible.

Guess it worked.
Butch (and most of the coaching staff) goes to my church. My wife called me out yesterday for skipping by closer parking spots in an attempt to find his car and park next to him.

So did you get a spot next to Butch?
So you're going to compare Atheists, who believe in nothing and normally just want to be left out of anything religious, to a group of extremist snake handling, venom drinking, rednecks?
Yep...plenty of athiest nuts. Just like those who post antagonizing billboards and start up Athiest Churches...yeah, they exist. Article in the Tennessean recently about one in Nashville. Bout as many of them as those "snake handling" congregations you're talking about.

You do realize that most wars are spawned from religious beliefs, right? There's never been a war started by Atheists. Religion is the root of all evil. The "nut jobs" you speak of are the ones blindly living life from the pages of folklore. A book of stories, no more real than the works of Batman, Spider-Man, James Bond, or Indiana Jones.
Do you realize you're full of sh!ite? Cause you most definitely are. The 20th Century was the bloodiest century in all of human history. More people killed because of Athiest Tyrants than all other wars....COMBINED!!!!Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc. Funny people just like you making up your own facts, when history is staring you in the face and saying...WRONG ANSWER!!!

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