Butch Jones = Bruce Pearl?

I don't remember seeing that either......also Butch stated this was a line of scrimmage league and they need to win both sides....I have seen nowhere that Butch believes in offense and no defense.

As far as Tennessee's D vs O, I think you need to look at it with both eyes, not one. Consider:
1. For 2013, the DL is one of the most experienced areas of the team, where we have senior DTs McCullers and Couch. DEs Smith & Walls are juniors.
2. Of the 12 4-star verbal commits for 2014, 7 of them play defense - all either LBs or DBs. The opinion that CBJ thinks he can win in the SEC without D can therefore be rejected.
3. Our Achilles Heel on D the past few years has been in the secondary, not on the DL. I don't know Jancek's philosophy about D, but many years when the Vols had a great D, LBs and sometimes even DBs, not the DLs, led the team in tackles. This is where you must have talent.
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Maybe it's just me, but Butch Jones reminds me a lot of Bruce Pearl.

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Nah.. Bruce never said we were smart enough to know he can't get the job done his first year(when getting the job done means breaking .500 in the sec)....

I didn't get a chance to watch any of Coach Jones on ESPN so I'm not calling you out on whether or not you heard him say this. It just seems though that if he did say something like this and the way this place is, I figured there would be a 50 page thread entitled "Butch Jones doesn't think we can win" by now.
I watched the segment in question yesterday, and I do recall him sayin we have a smart passionate fan base, that understood what we were up against this year(not word for word), I don't believe he ever said he couldn't do it, or that he expected not to. I will check on my lunch break and post what he said exactly.

I think this all boils down to "What you see, depends on what you are looking for...."

Butch has done nothing but exceed our expectations, to this point. I know he has to WIN, but lets let him play a game first.

I know it has been BAD for way too long, but I think some fans are just expecting the worst at this point, and if they go ahead and claim it on Volnation now, if we are again let down, they can say "I TOLD YOU SO"(sad part is recently they would be right more than wrong)

Amazes me that some say, Butch can't recruit in the SEC, then when he does, we say well Butch can't recruit DTs.(I know we have to have DTs in the SEC), but lets see how the class finishes, and see how we look on the field
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Over under on when we see Butch, Tiny, and Bic Mac shirtless at a Lady Vols game?
Just telling it how I see it.. I was "full butch", but it seems like he has some doubt in his own plan.. How many Dt's does he have committed in a Dt league? And all Bs aside, we have a good D-line & O-line THIS YEAR & he has no hope of having a good season? Hard to have faith at this point!


J/K Cyclops, but I don't think having not recruited any new DT's at this point is due to a lack of effort on CBJ's part...
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Pearl recruited with duct tape and bailing wire. It was his style of play that won games.

Fine if your still pissed at Pearl for his stupidity in the Craft situation, but Pearl was a winner both on the court and the recruiting trail.

Took Milwaukee to sweet 16. 50% of his time at TN they went to the sweet 16 or better. While all his recruits didn't pan out (show me the coach who does have all his recruits pan out..doesn't happen) Pearl brought the best tallent to TN we've seen since King and Grunfield.

You don't win 31 games in a season and get ranked #1 in the nation with suspect tallent.
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When butch gets us ranked #2 and then goes on the road to beat the top team in the country....during the regular season, then we can make that analogy. Until then, CBJ is 0-0 in at UT.
Bruce has been here and is gone now..thanks Bruce, wish you had followed the rules.

Butch is here, just 2 minutes of conversation and you know he gets it, 7 months and you know he has a handle on recruiting, just 6 weeks from now you will be able to see he can coach football. I don't know if Hart knew what he was doing or not, but the choice he made is unbeatable. Look at them VOLS go.
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4-3, chitty coach,learn OUR, I have no time for this..

I can't believe that you critique others' grammatical structure, but type like a elementary school child both intentionally and unintentionally.

What I find telling is that you were infinitely more optimistic about Dooley's tenure, which was never this exciting or positive or "believing in his own system," than what CBJ currently displays.

Your hypocrisy's showing, bud.
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Don't blame cyclops for butches lack of an Sec recruiting mindset..

Lack of SEC recruiting? When's the last time you seen a class like this so early?? And your worried about dt's??? It's a shame we have fans like you that are never happy. Go back to CDD, he did such a fabulous job of recruiting talent. And throwing stats out like head 2 head upsets? He has never coached at major program and has still yet to coach a game at one. So quite whining about not having any DT's in this class. He'll build it and they will come.
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Nah.. Bruce never said we were smart enough to know he can't get the job done his first year(when getting the job done means breaking .500 in the sec). I was a fan until this stupid remark. I don't recall pearl saying anything like that, it looks as though we have a generic Rich Rod. He thinks he can win with offense, and have no defense in the sec? But infact he doesn't even believe in his own Nhhuo.. Recruits are gonna start decommitting by the S.Carolina game. I hope I'm wrong, but probably not..

If anyone has anything to say about these statements, post his head to head & upset record!

Nothing like an optimistic Vol Fan!!
Basically the message I got was that Butch said our fans are realistic enough to know that it's gonna take some time. Saban certainly didn't go undefeated his first year. I do think we are gonna win one or two games that right now they are calling losses for us. Maybe more. I've seen programs do a 180 with a new head coach. I've seen nothing to say it can't be done here. Who knows what can happen if we get some good quarterback play. That's my concern right now.
Our Vols will play harder and more like a team from days of old is what I expect to see this year. Will that translate into more wins than most expect? I don't know how many we'll win, but I'm sure I'm going to be pumped about the coming years after seeing discipline and team effort that Butch demands. As far as comparing Butch to Bruce, Bruce brought excitement and always pumped the Tennessee brand everywhere he went. Sounds familiar to me.
Just telling it how I see it.. I was "full butch", but it seems like he has some doubt in his own plan.. How many Dt's does he have committed in a Dt league? And all Bs aside, we have a good D-line & O-line THIS YEAR & he has no hope of having a good season? Hard to have faith at this point!

Hard spot to be in. What is better, set expectations in first year he can't hit them or be more calculated and try to temper expectations and overachieve?

If he started over promising everyone would compare him to Kiffin and the Florida comments.

No win situation. Win baby win will fix all. Pains go away, pride comes back, doubters will become supporters.
So much blind and useless hatred from you towards Pearl. Less depressing than Cyclop's logic, but depressing, nonetheless.

Not blind, he is not a like able guy, to put it very mildly.

He tried to crap on my university, eff him.
Maybe it's just me, but Butch Jones reminds me a lot of Bruce Pearl. When Pearl took over the basketball team, the excitement level and confidence level of the basketball squad was at pretty much an all-time low. We had been through coaching changes, losing seasons, and a complete lack of confidence the years prior. Then Pearl came in and right away gave us a shot in the arm and reenergized our program. He gave us swagger that we had been missing and confidence and excitement followed soon after. More importantly, he resurrected our fan base and made UT a National Contender.

Now Butch has come in during a similar situation. An all-time football low. The swagger and confidence is coming back. I honestly haven't seen this much excitement locally and nationally surrounding UT in a long time. Coach Jones, like Bruce Pearl, seems to genuinely love our community and traditions. So far, he reminds me of the job that Pearl did with our lifeless basketball team.

Let's just hope he can be as successful (for the record, I think he will) on the field.

And uses better judgement when inviting guests to his BBQ's

Yeah, inviting recruits to a BBQ is totally the worst possible violation of ncaa rules. Death penalty material---IMO.

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