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Believers have no shortage of crazy reasons why they don't want to accept carbon dating
--they are always tying themselves up in knots.
Anybody who questions established science
but aggressively asserts his belief in a nonexistent psychological crutch named "god" cannot be taken seriously.
The bible is stories for children. Noah's Ark--seriously? People believe not because there is a scintilla of evidence--there isn't--but because they want to. Whatever floats your boat--Noah!
You are so smart. You can take a single post that i believe in God and spin that to mean i am spitting in the face of everyone that works inagriculuture, industry, technology and robotics. Ill be sure to apologize to my engineer wife today. Seems you could use your brilliance on anothet manner than constantly insulting those that dont believe as you do, but i guess when you believe as you do, thats all you got. A constant struggle to attempt to humiliate anyone you doesnt accept you as the smartest person on the room. You attempts to insult anyone here into believing as you do will do nowhere, so yoi should probably just let it go.
He is brilliant isnt he? You best agree before he starts insulting your meaningless occupation as well.
Evidence for a Flood | Science | Smithsonian
A flood encompassing the Meditteranean basin would indeed be viewed as a flood of the known world to the inhabitants.
I'll point out that the paragraph...
..."in fact, the biblical story is similar to a much older Mesopotamian flood"...
and the constant use of other such examples by critics of faith as attempts to debunk the biblical flood story as "just another one" must be considered an invalid argument since the writer of the biblical story maintains that all mankind (of their known world) did decend from the survivors, Noah's family. So then, Gilgamesh and the Mesopotamians are decendants who would very well have a tribal memory of THE SAME EVENT. So, at least a catastrophic regional flood covering the known world of the Sumerian Fertile Crescent and the Meditterranean Basin is attributed independantly by two distinct cultures.
What is this garbage? You did the same thing to the guy who brought up his philosophy knowledge. Condescendingly mocking him with glib praise, just like the great Christian that you are. If you're not even good at that, I can't see how you are any better at your real work. Is this why you hate people who actually know what they're talking about?
These are not real compliments and you know they are not.Why do people get so defensive at the brilliance attempt so display is complimented? I dont get it.
Yeah, I never called you stupid for being a Christian. Go ahead and look for it.In reality, their is no need to attmept to conversate with people that mock Christians for their beliefs and call them stupid when they respond to the various Princeton reviews and youtube videos.
I mocked you, not your line of work. In fact, I said you are probably bad at your line of work. Do you really not understand simple sentences? I guess it takes a genius to comprehend basic English now-a-days. Good thing I'm one of those, according to you.Then mock my line of work because i dont believe Ivy league education is some sort of qualifier to demeaning people that dont believe as they demand.
These are not real compliments and you know they are not.
Yeah, I never called you stupid for being a Christian. Go ahead and look for it.
I mocked you, not your line of work. In fact, I said you are probably bad at your line of work. Do you really not understand simple sentences? I guess it takes a genius to comprehend basic English now-a-days. Good thing I'm one of those, according to you.
How, look at how smart you are. Unfortunately, my employer disagrees with you in my performance at work. I thank the Lord for the ability to that job well. Seems the Marine Corps would disagree as well and i am thankful that Jesus gave me the ability to lead Marines as a Senior Enlisted Advisor in a mere 18 years.
But yeah, i guess my english comprehension isnt that of a Princeton grad, so its really really hard for peons like be to follow all that really hard science and philosophy theories. So try to compliment them on their brilliance, but they keep getting mad at me. And in the words of the other commoner on ol brother where art thou, that dont make no sense.
Maybe ill do some research. Ill speak with my wife, who is a brilliantly educated engineer, ill ask her why she believes the same ol dumb stuff as a commoner, not even smart enough to be good at fighting in combat, believes. Ill get bad to ya.
Oh man, you've convinced me. How could I ever think a person who leads Marines as a Senior Enlisted Advisor with 18 years of experience could possibly be wrong. Sorry dude. You're the better person.
Now that you've said it multiple times, I guess it must be true. I'm sorry that I thought your sincere compliments were ****ty troll jobs by an incomplete person striving for meaning.
Again, I can't really stress this enough, but I'm very sorry. Of course you are good enough at fighting in combat. Don't listen to me, what the hell do I know. Please get bad to me soon with what your brilliantly educated engineer wife said.
This is the only part of your post that I can 100% agree with.If you think this thread is a respectful exchange of ideas, you are crazy.
Christain: i believe in God
Atheist: there is no God, the Bible us children stories look at this study.
Atheist: what are you stupid, why would you spit in the face of scientist that dedicated their lives to make yours better, you idiot, i graduated from an ivy league school.
I accepted the theory that a letter factory exploded and over the course of millions of years the letters fell into place to form what we now know to be Websters dictionary, a long time ago.
There is a great book called I dont have enough faith to be an atheist. You should read it if you havent really good study. One concept he talks about is the fact that you would consider it common sense that this worthless paragraph on the internet had an author. Yet we are supposed to believe something as marvelous and well written as the earth and all that is one it was an accident with no author.
Wow, you are really smart.
So insecure that you cant take a compliment on how smart you are?
No, just complimenting you on your brilliance.
Is it not Christ like to compliment someone on their brilliance?
I dont understand whats so bad about complimenting someone on their brilliance. Since when is that a bad thing?
You took me as not being genuine, all i said was you are really smart.
You atheist types are a hard bunch to reason. So quick to show everyone your brilliance and ivy league degree and show how stupid everyone else is, yet become defensive when someone compliments the brilliance displayed. Its really confusing.
Do you like donuts? The size of Noahs ark was described in the bible. I live in Alabama because i was stationed here in the military. Does it make you feel smarter to make fun of peon occupations like being a police officer, which is obviously beneath you? What was your last marathon time?
He is brilliant isnt he? You best agree before he starts insulting your meaningless occupation as well.
Wow, you are really smart. Loom at you, able to break down my whole life on a couple internet post, impressive. Why do people get so defensive at the brilliance attempt so display is complimented? I dont get it.
In reality, their is no need to attmept to conversate with people that mock Christians for their beliefs and call them stupid when they respond to the various Princeton reviews and youtube videos. Then mock my line of work because i dont believe Ivy league education is some sort of qualifier to demeaning people that dont believe as they demand.
How, look at how smart you are. Unfortunately, my employer disagrees with you in my performance at work. I thank the Lord for the ability to that job well. Seems the Marine Corps would disagree as well and i am thankful that Jesus gave me the ability to lead Marines as a Senior Enlisted Advisor in a mere 18 years. But yeah, i guess my english comprehension isnt that of a Princeton grad, so its really really hard for peons like be to follow all that really hard science and philosophy theories. So try to compliment them on their brilliance, but they keep getting mad at me. And in the words of the other commoner on ol brother where art thou, that dont make no sense.
Maybe ill do some research. Ill speak with my wife, who is a brilliantly educated engineer, ill ask her why she believes the same ol dumb stuff as a commoner, not even smart enough to be good at fighting in combat, believes. Ill get bad to ya.
Then folks like you jump in midstream and have my entire life figured out, with added personal insults about my job performance.
People like them, and you if you want to portray yourselfthat way, are nothing new. "Smart" people have been trying to disprove the bible for centuries. So any attempt to do so now is not unique, weather it be Stephan Hawkins or a random internet poster. Make all the judgements about me all you want, doesnt change one single facet of my life. If you want to have a legitimate conversation about something, i can do that as well.
But to think ranting about your beliefs and how stupid you think Christians are and they are going to bow to that because someone says they are Princeton educated is crazy, its not unique.
I don't care that you're in the military. You keep bringing it up to supplement your positions when it does not add any value or merit to them, and that's why I mock it. I'm not in the military myself.And why wouldi listen to you concerning my military career? I am well aware of my career in the Marine Corps, i dont need it validated by some random person on the internet. Not sure what you are getting at there. BTW, where did you serve?
You jump in insulting we way late, when my references were made to the other two atheists on here, you can look up their post, not to hard to find since you are certainly obsessed with mine.This is the only part of your post that I can 100% agree with.
I never made the claim that there is no God or that the Bible is a collection of children stories. I used satire to explain that an ethical or moral basis is not dependent on religion after someone argued that only Christians could have a truly objective moral base. If you even care, the only claim I will make is that we cannot prove or disprove God, religion, or any other belief system that is inherently unprovable.
So you don't care that many thousands of people dedicated their lives for a cause that directly improved your life. Do you not wish the best life for your son? You are casually dismissing centuries of scientific work that has driven our civilization from muddy villages to what we are today. Religion never did that, and we would probably still be building cathedrals today if it remained in the driver's seat. Here's two examples of what you said:
Also, I didn't graduate from an ivy league school. One person said that they are studying under a philosopher who happens to focus on ethical philosophy. Your posts on intelligence and ivy league education come off as obsession:
10 whole posts of garbage. I would ask why, but I don't care at this point.
Calling you out for not understanding science is not the same as "having your entire life figured out". Obviously I do not know you as a person. I threw in the work insults because you are attempting to use them as some kind of supplementary evidence for your position. It's disingenuous at best and an abuse of your perceived authority at worst. Hell, you even do it again at the end of the very post that I'm quoting.
Yeah, I never asked you to bow to my ideas or anyone else's. You're discussing science without fully understanding it. There are other posters who blindly take your comments as truths, so you are effectively spreading misinformation for no real reason. Adding noise to the systemic misunderstanding of science for no purpose other than your own satisfaction is seriously irresponsible.
I don't care that you're in the military. You keep bringing it up to supplement your positions when it does not add any value or merit to them, and that's why I mock it. I'm not in the military myself.
You jump in insulting we way late, when my references were made to the other two atheists on here, you can look up their post, not to hard to find since you are certainly obsessed with mine.
Where did i say i didnt care about scientists? For Christ sakes, my wife is an engineer. What most have discussed on here can be inconjunction with the existance of God. For instance, adaptation / evolution (whichever you wish to call it), does not disprove the existance of God. We still had to have a creator.
The best way for me to better my sons life is through teaching the Bible and to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, not to be thankful to Stephen Hawkins for convincing people that we are all here due to an explosion or for steve jobs for inventing the iphone.
Anyone who speaks of science does so without a full understanding. Science continually changes. What we see now is people that will develop science as a religion, seeking only to prove what they believe to be true instead of what their study tells them is true.
Long story short, dont come in at the end of a conversation where someone has insulted me several times and insult me yourself, with no context of what has been said before and expect your argument to be perceived well.
I am certainly not very smart in comparison to many on this board, but i know what i do well. Just as you mention the scientist that i should be thankful for for dedicating their life to some, most respectable humam being do the same in other aspects and they shouldnt be mocked or insulted because they chose not to believe that we are just here by accident.
I invite you to join me next December in raising money for the wonderful scientist at St. Jude as we hit the road for 26.2.
Why the hell is this garbage in the Pub and not the damn Politics forum where every stupid religious argument gets thrown?
I'm going to apologize in advance for not trying too hard on this post.
1. I read the whole thread and understand the full context of everything you said
2. I am indeed wasting too much time on you, but you're smug to think I'm obsessed with you
3. You quoted an idea from a youtube video that says life ending up as it is would be impossible
3a. The person who made this video is a known hack
3b. You are making an uninformed opinion on his video by not understanding quantum mechanics or astronomy
3c. Tangentially, you refer to the big bang theory as an explosion
4. Your wife being an engineer is not mutually exclusive with you misunderstanding science and spreading misinformation, with this thread as evidence
5. I didn't ask you to be thankful to anyone, only to try to fully understand it and not spread misinformation
6. Yes, ideas in science can change, but to claim it so generally as if everything is just up for grabs shows your lack of knowledge about it
7. As before, full context on all of your comments because I actually care about trying when I commit to things
8. Do you need Christ's comfort to quell your fear of the mechanics of our existence? Everything being an "accident" isn't a bad thing, and you can hardly call it an accident. You can very much say that it is on purpose since it followed a very precise set of well defined rules, but probably not by intelligent design. If we are so petty and terrible, I can only imagine the truth that awaits us as we draw our last breath.
I'm sorry for contributing to this **** show and ruining your forum. I'll just withdraw.
Assumptions are made to date dinosaurs. You won't like it but those used by evolutionists are ultimately based on circular reasoning.
There are no chemical dating methods that precisely date something 10's of millions of years old.
Assumptions are made regarding the conditions impacting decay over long periods.
Uniformitarian assumptions are preferred but often rejected... because they date fossils to time periods that do not fit the evolutionary time line.
Added to that, any chemical dating depends on assumptions about the presence of mother/daughter elements when the organic material was first covered. IIRC, samples are sent in with an expected date range based on their position in the geologic column.
Again working off memory, I believe the boundaries for the geologic column are influenced by what fossils are found in a particular place. The problem with this is that fossils appear together in unexpected ways and orders.
Most dating is based on where fossils appear in the geologic table. If you read a textbook you would think that the geologic table is the order of the earth under our feet anywhere in the world. That is not true. There are only a handful of places in the world where all of the layers exist in the "correct" order. In none those are those layers the right thickness. Sometimes the column is side ways or upside down.
Dating is not "precise" and depends heavily on assumptions... that ultimately lead back to assuming your conclusion to interpret the data.
Interesting way to frame your argument at the very beginning. Instead of saying geologists, who would be a more appropriate, if less convenient source, we are introduced to a vague group of "evolutionists"(which, if sjt is essentially meaning the scientists who accept and embrace the general current understanding of evolution- that would be ~97% of all relevant field scientists in America), to already create a sense of doubt regarding whether these heathens can operate outside of their own materialistic biases. Let's examine the claims of circular reasoning by geologists*.
This is akin to saying there is no telescope on earth that is going to show you some Martian cleavage. Obviously in dealing with expanses of time this great, we aren't going to know the exact year a particular triceratops kicked the bucket. Asking for that type of unreasonable evidence when we have other dating methods that can place these type of things within a few million years, which is pretty damn good in the grand scheme of things, is a non-starter. It's like saying there isn't enough evidence of evolution because we don't have every single fossil of every single transitive species throughout history. I often find those with that mindset never apply that level of skepticism to anything else in their lives.
I am beginning to see this entire speech hinges on the idea that scientists are making assumptions like Bubba makes assumptions about whether Peggy Sue is going to accept his advances as opposed to educated assumptions backed up by evidence and data gathered scientifically.
Please source this claim. Reputable sources. It is my understanding that contamination does in fact occur, but the big data by and large suggests the occasional discrepancies are outliers.
Bubba keeps on assuming. I worried as much.
I wonder why a piece of evidence would be assumed to belong to a certain time period when all other evidence collected from its strata suggests they also.. wait for it, came from the same time period. Baseless assumptions, though.
Please source. Again.. reputable sources.
Now imagine regular Joes like me and you understand that not everywhere in the world, right under our feet will be perfectly straight, level layers of sediment and rock going back eons. Imagine just for a moment that geologists, the people who have devoted their lives to this type of study, not only understand this but apply that knowledge when determining the age of a fossil. Science is great at applying these types of factors.
Sigh.. yep. Just a bunch of Bubbas and their assumptions.
You're wasting your time. When someone is trotting out long debunked Ken Ham/Ray Comfort arguments, then I doubt there's much you can do.
I understand my efforts are probably wasted on him. Not much chance of convincing him of anything. My response is generally for the readers who may not know all the facts and are potentially learning in the thread. I find it hard to let a post like that go unchallenged for their sake.