Butch Jones' First Vol Walk

Butch got very emotional on that VOL WALK, (no sunglasses like Dooley or Kiffin) and it hit me that he loves our school/team like Fulmer and Majors do. I really pray for this coach, because this fan base is so passionate with love, but also can be brutal when things don't go the right way. We are not playing an easy schedule this year and I hope there is some patience.. I think he is on the right track obviously with the recruits. The team cares about their coach and want to play well for him.
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yes, he really looked emotional, and like he was touched by it all. I love the way he embraces the old players. The video of Johnny Majors on the Jumbotron was awesome.. (and Chuck Webb)

I would love to hear his honest reaction of how it felt to take part in that for the first time. My juices would've been pumping!
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It was far out

Said there was more orange than he expected

Wished that people wouldn't ask him to sign their chests, especially the men

Needed more cowbell
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"In all honesty it was a bit underwhelming. I had built it up to be a great experience but looking back on it, I think I was wrong. This fan base wasn't quite what I expected it to be, I'm gonna have to rethink this 'best place in the country' business I've been preaching. It's back to the drawing board for my family and I. Just an all around disappointing day around my house."

- Scout
"In all honesty it was a bit underwhelming. I had built it up to be a great experience but looking back on it, I think I was wrong. This fan base wasn't quite what I expected it to be, I'm gonna have to rethink this 'best place in the country' business I've been preaching. It's back to the drawing board for my family and I. Just an all around disappointing day around my house."

- Scout

Died inside
I wish we could see Butch Jones in a "Jake from state farm" commercial. However, when his wife asks who it is, the commercial changes to a phone sex hotline commercial. That would be good publicity.
“Our fans are outstanding,” he said. “That Vol Walk was incredible.” Coach Jones


more from article......

Somehow, though, Jones’ words don’t ring hollow. He seems in tune with Tennessee’s history and traditions.

As is his style, Jones didn’t miss an opportunity to use his postgame press conference as a recruiting pitch. Elaborating on the experience of his first Vol Walk, he said:

“That’s a difference-maker. If you’re a student-athlete, where else would you want to play football but the University of Tennessee — to represent this great state and the opportunity to play in front of the best fan base in the country.

“We’re going to get it right. It’s going to take some work, but this is truly a special place.”
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cool vid. im happy to have been there for Jones first Vol walk. unrelated, but during warmups, watching how he interacts with the players, its easy to see why the they love him.
It's scary when you think about how much this man wants to be here and succeed. To this point he has done everything right. How can you not get behind him and what he's doing for the program? The wins will come but he's building a separated and defunct fan base back up as well as teaching these kids life lessons and a will to win.

Also having looked at the General's coaching habits and things he impressed on his teams, we saw basically a true reflection this past Saturday and a hint of things to come. No penalties, no taunting fouls, no targeting,no stupid personal fouls, a QB who went 11 for 13 , QBR of 98.0, no picks and 3 td's who also didn't do anything to hurt his team. The general also had a shut out in his first game coached at UT. This man believes in the fundamentals and is instilling it in our warriors who wear the orange.

Am I being a little too giddy in the similarities I see with coach jones to a legend in The Gen? Yes, but this man is building a foundation at a school he wants to be at and it seems he truly loves. For that, I am behind him 110% and I have deep faith he will bring us back to the top of the pyramid of CFB. GBO!!!!!!!!!

Sorry so long.
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