Butch Jones is doing a phenomenal job, BUT...



Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2010
This shows just how pathetic and lazy Dooley as his staff was. Don't get me wrong, Butch deserves an incredible amount of credit for what he's been able to do on the recruiting trail so far, but just think for a moment...

Fulmer recruited like a god just about every year except for the 06 and 08 class. Kiffin came in here with a short amount of time and gave us a top 10 class, Butch is killing it so far, but Dooley was just pathetic.

Now, Butch was a great recruiter at Cincy and had the best recruiting classes in school history so I know he could get the job regardless, but look at our facilities people. We have the best facilities in the country and a giant stadium. The school should be able to recruit itself, so why is it Dooley did such a horrible job? Anyone should have been able to walk in here and pull off good classes year in and year out. It really blows my mind just how bad he was at his job considering how people did before and now after him.

Note that I do not think that there is many, if any coaches at all that can come into this situation and recruit like Butch has done thus far, but I still get angry just thinking about the past 3 years and how they were just completely wasted. Really wish we could have went back in time and hired Butch straight from Central Michigan. :banghead2:
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some people set in bars crying over jilted lovers instead of moving on. it's time my friend. it's time.

I know dude and I have, but this just struck me after our latest recruit committed and looking back at the previous recruiting classes before Dooley. I just want there to be some explanation as to why things were as bad as they were.
This shows just how pathetic and lazy Dooley as his staff was. Don't get me wrong, Butch deserves an incredible amount of credit for what he's been able to do on the recruiting trail so far, but just think for a moment...

Fulmer recruited like a god just about every year except for the 06 and 08 class. Kiffin came in here with a short amount of time and gave us a top 10 class, Butch is killing it so far, but Dooley was just pathetic.

Now, Butch was a great recruiter at Cincy and had the best recruiting classes in school history so I know he could get the job regardless, but look at our facilities people. We have the best facilities in the country and a giant stadium. The school should be able to recruit itself, so why is it Dooley did such a horrible job? Anyone should have been able to walk in here and pull off good classes year in and year out. It really blows my mind just how bad he was at his job considering how people did before and now after him.

Note that I do not think that there is many, if any coaches at all that can come into this situation and recruit like Butch has done thus far, but I still get angry just thinking about the past 3 years and how they were just completely wasted. Really wish we could have went back in time and hired Butch straight from Central Michigan. :banghead2:

You act like the rest of the SEC is chopped liver. Get real. Yea, UT has great selling points--but all of the top programs in the SEC have excellent facilities and stadiums. And you missed the most obvious point: Recruits pay attention to winning--who's doing it, who's not. 5-star prospects tend NOT to go to programs that have suxed for several years--fact. That makes a difference when we are recruiting guys being recruited by other top programs. Coaches do make a difference--I can't explain Fulmer's success for 10 years--and I hope Butch has got the same magic. One other thing: We've not really had an outstanding QB for years. Mobility is HUGE in QBs nowadays--and we've had statues who can't run a lick. PROBLEM.
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You act like the rest of the SEC is chopped liver. Get real. Yea, UT has great selling points--but all of the top programs in the SEC have excellent facilities and stadiums. And you missed the most obvious point: Recruits pay attention to winning--who's doing it, who's not. 5-star prospects tend NOT to go to programs that have suxed for several years--fact. That makes a difference when we are recruiting guys being recruited by other top programs. Coaches do make a difference--I can't explain Fulmer's success for 10 years--and I hope Butch has got the same magic. One other thing: We've not really had an outstanding QB for years. Mobility is HUGE in QBs nowadays--and we've had statues who can't run a lick. PROBLEM.
Well, that's why we are really close to having the #2 class so far, right? That's why the coaches before and the coach after is thriving when it comes to recruiting, right?
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Just waiting for those who said Dooley's a good recruiter and that we were negavols for calling him incompetent.
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Didn't Dooley have two top 15 classes in a row? Not great but not bad. Jones is killing it! GBO!!!

Sshhh. Don't use numbers or logic. Compared its not close, no. but it wasn't like dooley was the worst recruiter in the world either.
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Jones had a lot of people calling him crazy when he said he was going to hire the best coaching staff in the country. A few months into it, it's not looking so crazy right now. I know there is still a lot to prove especially on the field. I think the man is going to get it done and get this thing turned around quicker than some think.
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this shows just how pathetic and lazy dooley as his staff was. Don't get me wrong, butch deserves an incredible amount of credit for what he's been able to do on the recruiting trail so far, but just think for a moment...

Fulmer recruited like a god just about every year except for the 06 and 08 class. Kiffin came in here with a short amount of time and gave us a top 10 class, butch is killing it so far, but dooley was just pathetic.

Now, butch was a great recruiter at cincy and had the best recruiting classes in school history so i know he could get the job regardless, but look at our facilities people. We have the best facilities in the country and a giant stadium. The school should be able to recruit itself, so why is it dooley did such a horrible job? Anyone should have been able to walk in here and pull off good classes year in and year out. It really blows my mind just how bad he was at his job considering how people did before and now after him.

Note that i do not think that there is many, if any coaches at all that can come into this situation and recruit like butch has done thus far, but i still get angry just thinking about the past 3 years and how they were just completely wasted. Really wish we could have went back in time and hired butch straight from central michigan. :banghead2:

hippie bus.jpg
Well, that's why we are really close to having the #2 class so far, right? That's why the coaches before and the coach after is thriving when it comes to recruiting, right?

I'm guessing you didn't get his point huh?
I'm guessing you didn't get his point huh?

There was no valid point in his post. Hell, look at Ole Miss's class last year and their class so far this year...same will be said for us after this year and probably next year too.
This shows just how pathetic and lazy Dooley as his staff was. Don't get me wrong, Butch deserves an incredible amount of credit for what he's been able to do on the recruiting trail so far, but just think for a moment...

Fulmer recruited like a god just about every year except for the 06 and 08 class. Kiffin came in here with a short amount of time and gave us a top 10 class, Butch is killing it so far, but Dooley was just pathetic.

Now, Butch was a great recruiter at Cincy and had the best recruiting classes in school history so I know he could get the job regardless, but look at our facilities people. We have the best facilities in the country and a giant stadium. The school should be able to recruit itself, so why is it Dooley did such a horrible job? Anyone should have been able to walk in here and pull off good classes year in and year out. It really blows my mind just how bad he was at his job considering how people did before and now after him.

Note that I do not think that there is many, if any coaches at all that can come into this situation and recruit like Butch has done thus far, but I still get angry just thinking about the past 3 years and how they were just completely wasted. Really wish we could have went back in time and hired Butch straight from Central Michigan. :banghead2:
Oh yeah, that Kiffin class was so awesome.........Bryce Brown, Nuke, Janzen, etc.
What's worse are the tn fans made excuses for dools and said tn was n is a hard place to recruit that we don't have great football in tn blah blah.... which I always argued was BS... n it looks like I was right...

Bottom line if u have good coaches that connect with recruits n get them on campus for a visit we have as good a chance as anyone in the country at landing them...

Go vols
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What's worse are the tn fans made excuses for dools and said tn was n is a hard place to recruit that we don't have great football in tn blah blah.... which I always argued was BS... n it looks like I was right...

Bottom line if u have good coaches that connect with recruits n get them on campus for a visit we have as good a chance as anyone in the country at landing them...

Go vols

I was calling for him to get canned for a very long time. I am pretty sure I was close to getting banned on this site. "Why do you keep piling on, let the man do his job". Well, having an actual coach now seems to have been the better move.
I'm convinced I could recruit better than Dooley did.

I know it hurts, but we've broken up with Dooley and moved on to Butch. And Butch loves us in a way Dooley never could.
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