Butch Jones is doing a phenomenal job, BUT...

I'm convinced I could recruit better than Dooley did.

I know it hurts, but we've broken up with Dooley and moved on to Butch. And Butch loves us in a way Dooley never could.

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Dooley couldn't coach and he pretty much quit recruiting sometime during the '12 season.

That said, his recruiting was MUCH more effective than what Fulmer did over his last 5 or 6 years. CPF was no "god". He got highly rated classes often full of thugs or wash outs that never made great contributions on the field. His 07 class is a perfect example.

Dooley tried and he failed. Not sure why folks like the OP can't just let that go. The guy was fired and publicly humiliated... what did you want? A public flogging?
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I know dude and I have, but this just struck me after our latest recruit committed and looking back at the previous recruiting classes before Dooley. I just want there to be some explanation as to why things were as bad as they were.

LOL. I DEMAND an explanation.

Here's an explanation: Dooley didn't live up to our expectations and we parted ways. Happens all the time in business.
What's worse are the tn fans made excuses for dools and said tn was n is a hard place to recruit that we don't have great football in tn blah blah.... which I always argued was BS... n it looks like I was right...

Bottom line if u have good coaches that connect with recruits n get them on campus for a visit we have as good a chance as anyone in the country at landing them...

Go vols
Jesus man, at least dooley knows how to spell the word AND.
I know dude and I have, but this just struck me after our latest recruit committed and looking back at the previous recruiting classes before Dooley. I just want there to be some explanation as to why things were as bad as they were.

You don't need an explaination. A bad coach was replaced by a good coach. Stop being miserable in the past.
Dooley did not endear himself to the high school coaches in TN or other states. One of the first things Butch did was fix that problem. I'll bet it was even discussed during his interview. Like everything Dooley did wrong. To Dooley getting this job was a mix of fear and happiness. Butch grabbed onto the job with confidense. He viewed it as the opportunity of a lifetime, a place he wants to retire from when it's time to hang it up. I even remember some of his comments the year we played them about how awesome UT was. One year later, he got his chance.
This shows just how pathetic and lazy Dooley as his staff was. Don't get me wrong, Butch deserves an incredible amount of credit for what he's been able to do on the recruiting trail so far, but just think for a moment...

Fulmer recruited like a god just about every year except for the 06 and 08 class. Kiffin came in here with a short amount of time and gave us a top 10 class, Butch is killing it so far, but Dooley was just pathetic.

Now, Butch was a great recruiter at Cincy and had the best recruiting classes in school history so I know he could get the job regardless, but look at our facilities people. We have the best facilities in the country and a giant stadium. The school should be able to recruit itself, so why is it Dooley did such a horrible job? Anyone should have been able to walk in here and pull off good classes year in and year out. It really blows my mind just how bad he was at his job considering how people did before and now after him.

Note that I do not think that there is many, if any coaches at all that can come into this situation and recruit like Butch has done thus far, but I still get angry just thinking about the past 3 years and how they were just completely wasted. Really wish we could have went back in time and hired Butch straight from Central Michigan. :banghead2:

The previous year is done - hon.
We now live in another one.
Move on, move on, moooovve oooon.
Leave what was, just leave it alone.
What's past is past, what's past is past.
Dreams, even nightmares don't last.
Stop your whining, groaning, and grumbling.
Embrace the promise of what is coming.
Because the previous year is done - hon.
We now live in another one. :salute:
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If you were a high school football player and Nick Saban walks into your house flashing his championship rings and giving you his resume. Then the next day Derek Dooley walks in and says that he coached at La Tech and his dad is Vince Dooley, which school would you pick? Same could be said about Spurrier, Miles and so on. Jones has a proven record at previous stops, Dooley was a turd in the punch bowl.
I know dude and I have, but this just struck me after our latest recruit committed and looking back at the previous recruiting classes before Dooley. I just want there to be some explanation as to why things were as bad as they were.

It all started when Fulmer lost touch with the program and with reality in general in his relentless pursuit to shut Bama down forever. He reached a point where he hated Bama more than he loved UT. When you hate something or someone as much as he hated Bama, you get to a point where you care more about that which you hate than you do that which you love. The man didn't do his job after a certain point, and in 2008, it all came crashing down on him like a ton of bricks.

The coaching search that resulted in the Kiffin hire was rushed, and surprise, surprise, we got a one and done coach out of the deal. After he tip toed out of Knoxville less than a year later, guess what, we get to search for a new head coach, AGAIN. And once again, we have a rushed process that resulted in hiring someone who had no clue what they were doing.

I just think of how different things would be today if Fulmer would have just left Bama alone. He was already beating them year after year after year. Plus, Bama was going to hang themselves with the NCAA. They didn't need his help. I guess he thought he could speed things along. Who knows. But, better days are ahead. Count on it.
This shows just how pathetic and lazy Dooley as his staff was. Don't get me wrong, Butch deserves an incredible amount of credit for what he's been able to do on the recruiting trail so far, but just think for a moment...

Fulmer recruited like a god just about every year except for the 06 and 08 class. Kiffin came in here with a short amount of time and gave us a top 10 class, Butch is killing it so far, but Dooley was just pathetic.

kiffins class fell to about 25 when you factor in how many were kicked out, washed out, arrested out or otherwise didn't work out.
If you were a high school football player and Nick Saban walks into your house flashing his championship rings and giving you his resume. Then the next day Derek Dooley walks in and says that he coached at La Tech and his dad is Vince Dooley, which school would you pick? Same could be said about Spurrier, Miles and so on. Jones has a proven record at previous stops, Dooley was a turd in the punch bowl.

At this point in time Bama will get whom ever they want. But they can only sign about 25 guys so there are plenty left to choose from. Vols are not battling Bama for recruits they're trying to beat the Auburns, and Georgia's of the world. Beat Bama on the field and that dynamic changes. Fulmer did for a decade, so it can be done.
It all started when Fulmer lost touch with the program and with reality in general in his relentless pursuit to shut Bama down forever. He reached a point where he hated Bama more than he loved UT. When you hate something or someone as much as he hated Bama, you get to a point where you care more about that which you hate than you do that which you love. The man didn't do his job after a certain point, and in 2008, it all came crashing down on him like a ton of bricks.

The coaching search that resulted in the Kiffin hire was rushed, and surprise, surprise, we got a one and done coach out of the deal. After he tip toed out of Knoxville less than a year later, guess what, we get to search for a new head coach, AGAIN. And once again, we have a rushed process that resulted in hiring someone who had no clue what they were doing.

I just think of how different things would be today if Fulmer would have just left Bama alone. He was already beating them year after year after year. Plus, Bama was going to hang themselves with the NCAA. They didn't need his help. I guess he thought he could speed things along. Who knows. But, better days are ahead. Count on it.

Agree but real problem was Mr. Hamilton. If he just puts up with CPF another season and Phil gets past Neyland in all time wins, he goes to the house a happy guy and helps with the transition to a new coaching staff and we're winning 10 games a year again by 2010. Not trying to rewrite history but the TN AD has killed football let's hope CBJ can resurrect it.
Agree but real problem was Mr. Hamilton. If he just puts up with CPF another season and Phil gets past Neyland in all time wins, he goes to the house a happy guy and helps with the transition to a new coaching staff and we're winning 10 games a year again by 2010. Not trying to rewrite history but the TN AD has killed football let's hope CBJ can resurrect it.

I hate bama more than Phil.:banghead2:

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