Butch Jones is doing a phenomenal job, BUT...

Dooley didn't go the early commit route as much for some reason. I believe he wanted to make sure they were 100%. Different styles. But he still got solid classes on signing day which is all that matters, and with all the negativity around him and the program.

Also think about the difference in situations. I think he realized he was gone once Hart wouldn't squash the Gruden rumors in public. Imo he may have decided that the best route would be to not push hard on recruits. IMO him going into homes trying to sell himself and staff knowing he was gone wasn't going to be the best route ethically. Which I agree with if that's the case.

I think CBJ is doing a solid job, but to many factors +/- can occur from now until NSD. Not getting ahead of ourselves is the most important thing imo. We can't afford for this fan base to flame out on another coach before he has had a real chance.

Comparing the 2 situations as equal is not the route to go imo. Dooley had to finish building the best facility in the country and taking out fires throughout the AD. While CBJ is selling the bldg finished and moved into. An AD that doesn't need him to help out. CBJ has gotten the opportunity to be a HC, and only HC, from day 1. Which is good and hopefully he can get the job done successfully.

Now this is my opinion as an outsider looking in and basing it on info I've come across.

At this point in time Bama will get whom ever they want. But they can only sign about 25 guys so there are plenty left to choose from. Vols are not battling Bama for recruits they're trying to beat the Auburns, and Georgia's of the world. Beat Bama on the field and that dynamic changes. Fulmer did for a decade, so it can be done.

The Vols are battling bama for recruits. They lose most of The time but they are going after The same kids. Mcullers picked UT over bama.
Bama gets who they want most of The time but not all these kids want to go there and sit The bench. Some of these kids want to play right away and that's why you see kids pick ole miss, miss st, UT, and The other bottom sec teams over Bama, lsu, uf. All sec teams recruit against each other.
Eh. Being around 15 for tennessee is bad imo. We have facilities, fans, resources, money, tradition, etc. We can and should do better than that every year

I agree especially now. I am happy Jones is leading the way! We are Tennessee!!!
This shows just how pathetic and lazy Dooley as his staff was. Don't get me wrong, Butch deserves an incredible amount of credit for what he's been able to do on the recruiting trail so far, but just think for a moment...

Fulmer recruited like a god just about every year except for the 06 and 08 class. Kiffin came in here with a short amount of time and gave us a top 10 class, Butch is killing it so far, but Dooley was just pathetic.

Now, Butch was a great recruiter at Cincy and had the best recruiting classes in school history so I know he could get the job regardless, but look at our facilities people. We have the best facilities in the country and a giant stadium. The school should be able to recruit itself, so why is it Dooley did such a horrible job? Anyone should have been able to walk in here and pull off good classes year in and year out. It really blows my mind just how bad he was at his job considering how people did before and now after him.

Note that I do not think that there is many, if any coaches at all that can come into this situation and recruit like Butch has done thus far, but I still get angry just thinking about the past 3 years and how they were just completely wasted. Really wish we could have went back in time and hired Butch straight from Central Michigan. :banghead2:
What you seem to forget is that players and recruits alike will look at Dooley's body of work as a coach...and quickly realize he NEVER did squat as a HC. So, in view of that, what would recruits have to hang their hat on? What would make them think they could win a championship under Dooley?

That's right....nothing. Conversely, what could a CBJ recruit hang their hat on? He's been a success as a HC, and won Championships (conference, anyway), and thus it's not hard to surmise what he could do at a major program like UT. Plus, they can see the success CBJ's predecessor (Brian Kelly) had after leaving UC.

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