Butch Jones on CBSSports

Agree, but we have to play the cards we're dealt at the moment. I think we will overall be better than last year simply because of the coaching, the motivation, and the drive the coaches have put in these players. Running the table certainly isn't realistic this year but noticeable improvement will be welcomed. I think we beat at least one of those teams in the top 10 that we play. Given the talent we do have, I think these coaches will make the most of it. GBO!!!

I agree. I think, with the schedule and loss of offensive fire power, if we win 6 games and get to a bowl this year then it has been a successful year 1 for cbj and the vols. however, it is possible to win more than 6. I hope the vol faithful understand our critical situation and know that just getting to a bowl this year is huge! If so, the future is looking very bright. But, we need some stability right now and I am very confident this is the staff we've been looking for. So exited for the season! Looking forward to turning some heads. Go VOLS!!!!!
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I agree. I think, with the schedule and loss of offensive fire power, if we win 6 games and get to a bowl this year then it has been a successful year 1 for cbj and the vols. however, it is possible to win more than 6. I hope the vol faithful understand our critical situation and know that just getting to a bowl this year is huge! If so, the future is looking very bright. But, we need some stability right now and I am very confident this is the staff we've been looking for. So exited for the season! Looking forward to turning some heads. Go VOLS!!!!!

Yeah I would proably agree with this sentiment more closely than any other....IF we can win 6 games...A major accomplishment...BUT...it would not blow me away if we won more than six...BUT....it would not blow me away if we struggled and didnt win 6....yeah that's right....I'm sitting squarely on this fence because this is the first time in a few years I just dont know what to expect....BUT...I do agree...CBJ was the right man for the job...
What I don't get from all these NegaVols and their doom & gloom predictions...their "quit before we start" outlook...is that we have as much overall talent on this team as we have had most years during the 90's and 2001-2005.

Just because Worley, Peterman, Croom, North, Harris, Howard and company haven't had a chance to make their mark, it doesn't mean they won't. Since we don't know, why are some of these psuedo-fans selling the team short before they ever get their chance? WTF, over?
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What I don't get from all these NegaVols and their doom & gloom predictions...their "quit before we start" outlook...is that we have as much overall talent on this team as we have had most years during the 90's and 2001-2005.

Just because Worley, Peterman, Croom, North, Harris, Howard and company haven't had a chance to make their mark, it doesn't mean they won't. Since we don't know, why are some of these psuedo-fans selling the team short before they ever get their chance? WTF, over?

So true and more than likely they will be coached up 100x better!
Another thing that gets me is that Bo Wallace get's a lot of accolades, as one of the crop of good SEC QB's this year. If I recall correctly, he is from TN and we didn't even bother recruiting him. If he were on our team, he'd likely be riding the pine.

I had never even heard of Johnny Football/Manziel before the midway point of last season. So, with that in view, why are so many in our own fanbase so quick to cannibalize their own? I'll tell you why. They got Dooleyitis! They still have Dool-Aid coursing through their veins, and mentally conditioned to expect loss, and not even entertain the thought of success or victory.

Seems like Dooley's Rommel, D Day invasion, Bamboo, and Red Dog speeches have hit home with these losers. And Coach Jones was referring to all the NegaVols when he said (multiple times), "Losing is a Disease."

So, when we face Oregon, UF, UGA, Bamer, USCjr, Auburn, we should do as this guy suggests....


...abandon your posts! Run for your lives!
What I don't get from all these NegaVols and their doom & gloom predictions...their "quit before we start" outlook...is that we have as much overall talent on this team as we have had most years during the 90's and 2001-2005.

Just because Worley, Peterman, Croom, North, Harris, Howard and company haven't had a chance to make their mark, it doesn't mean they won't. Since we don't know, why are some of these psuedo-fans selling the team short before they ever get their chance? WTF, over?

You are absolutely out of your mind if you think this team has the talent level of our late 90s teams. You must be very young and have limited memory of them. I guess I'm not a true fan VFL for thinking otherwise. Not only were they better across the board, those teams never had to rely upon loads inexperienced and untested guys to play a major role for them.

Just curious, what exactly would you propose that people use a message board for during the long 8-month offseason if not to speculate as to how good or bad the team will be? Just thousands of "We gon whip dey a$$" threads and "14-0" threads?

VFL, True Fan, V,B
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Here's what I took away : We are going to likely lose a lot of games since we aren't as talented as VolNation thinks.
You are absolutely out of your mind if you think this team has the talent level of our late 90s teams. You must be very young and have limited memory of them. I guess I'm not a true fan VFL for thinking otherwise. Not only were they better across the board, those teams never had to rely upon loads inexperienced and untested guys to play a major role for them.

Just curious, what exactly would you propose that people use a message board for during the long 8-month offseason if not to speculate as to how good or bad the team will be? Just thousands of "We gon whip dey a$$" threads and "14-0" threads?

VFL, True Fan, V,B

In fact, there's a good case to be made that we under performed with a lot of that talent. We were absolutely stacked during those years. Valid observation is that talent isn't known until it is, so yes, we might look back and say that this team was much more talented than we gave them credit for.

I also have the feeling that we will look back and say how did a team last year with Tyler Bray, our WR corps, and our O-line not make a freakin bowl. Sure. Dooley was not the right guy. But, no matter how much talent you have, transition to new schemes is going to hurt us. I still think we go bowling, and maybe are a 7-5 team with an upset, but our talent is nowhere near what we had in the 90's early 2000's.

Thank god that Butch can recruit. GBO.
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You are absolutely out of your mind if you think this team has the talent level of our late 90s teams. You must be very young and have limited memory of them. I guess I'm not a true fan VFL for thinking otherwise. Not only were they better across the board, those teams never had to rely upon loads inexperienced and untested guys to play a major role for them.

Just curious, what exactly would you propose that people use a message board for during the long 8-month offseason if not to speculate as to how good or bad the team will be? Just thousands of "We gon whip dey a$$" threads and "14-0" threads?

VFL, True Fan, V,B
Really? You want to try again, Chief? I've been following UT recruiting since the Heath Shuler days. We've had to rely on freshmen or unproven players plenty of times through the years.
What do you think Peyton Manning was...or Brandon Stewart (whom he competed with, before transferring to TAM)?

What do you think Jamal Lewis was, when he first played? You, sir, are the one out of your mind, if you think we were loaded from top to bottom all those years. We were not. If we were, we would've beaten Florida at least once during Peyton's 4yrs.

In fact, Peyton never had the size of WR's we have. He never had a 6'4" receiver to throw to. We have 3...and another, who is 6'3" (Blanc). You're going to say "but they're not that good"....really? They were all rated as 4* players coming out of HS.

You are just another "Chicken Little" claiming the sky is falling. You are infected with "Dooleyitis." A condition that affects the brain after 3 long years of drinking Dool-Aid. It erases all cognitive ability to grasp the meaning of success and victory. People who are infected with Dooleyitis are commonly referred to as "NegaVols."


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Really? You want to try again, Chief? I've been following UT recruiting since the Heath Shuler days. We've had to rely on freshmen or unproven players plenty of times through the years.
What do you think Peyton Manning was...or Brandon Stewart (whom he competed with, before transferring to TAM)?

3rd and 4th string before injuries forced them into action. We had a lot of talent and depth back in those days right after you started watching, Bubba.

What do you think Jamal Lewis was, when he first played? You, sir, are the one out of your mind, if you think we were loaded from top to bottom all those years. We were not. If we were, we would've beaten Florida at least once during Peyton's 4yrs.

Jamal was an exception to the rule. I almost called him out specifically as one of the few. I'm sure there are a couple others but those teams were stacked top to bottom. No amount of denial can change that. We never beat Florida because Spurrier coached circles around Fulmer every time they matched up. We had equal or more talent than Florida plenty of times in the 90s. Not so much today.

In fact, Peyton never had the size of WR's we have. He never had a 6'4" receiver to throw to. We have 3...and another, who is 6'3" (Blanc). You're going to say "but they're not that good"....really? They were all rated as 4* players coming out of HS.

Thanks for telling me what I'm going to say, but as usual you're wrong. I don't know if they are good because they have caught like 30 passes combined. I know they have been dropping a lot of passes in practice, but beyond that I don't know how well they will do at the college level. I agree they should be studs at some point in the future, just don't know if that is this year or not.

You are just another "Chicken Little" claiming the sky is falling. You are infected with "Dooleyitis." A condition that affects the brain after 3 long years of drinking Dool-Aid. It erases all cognitive ability to grasp the meaning of success and victory. People who are infected with Dooleyitis are commonly referred to as "NegaVols."

People who refer to others as "NegaVols" are commonly referred to as "dolts" or "idiots" or "mental midgets", take your pick. I'm not sure how I can be a negavol when I'm actually very optimistic about the future for the Vols. For this year, I see an awesome OL with total inexperience and question marks at WR and TE. I see a great DT, MLB, and Safeties mixed in with a bunch of unknowns and average talents. Sorry that it hurts you so much that not everyone thinks that 2013 is "our year".
3rd and 4th string before injuries forced them into action. We had a lot of talent and depth back in those days right after you started watching, Bubba.

Jamal was an exception to the rule. I almost called him out specifically as one of the few. I'm sure there are a couple others but those teams were stacked top to bottom. No amount of denial can change that. We never beat Florida because Spurrier coached circles around Fulmer every time they matched up. We had equal or more talent than Florida plenty of times in the 90s. Not so much today.

Thanks for telling me what I'm going to say, but as usual you're wrong. I don't know if they are good because they have caught like 30 passes combined. I know they have been dropping a lot of passes in practice, but beyond that I don't know how well they will do at the college level. I agree they should be studs at some point in the future, just don't know if that is this year or not.

People who refer to others as "NegaVols" are commonly referred to as "dolts" or "idiots" or "mental midgets", take your pick. I'm not sure how I can be a negavol when I'm actually very optimistic about the future for the Vols. For this year, I see an awesome OL with total inexperience and question marks at WR and TE. I see a great DT, MLB, and Safeties mixed in with a bunch of unknowns and average talents. Sorry that it hurts you so much that not everyone thinks that 2013 is "our year".
Nice backpedal, you got, there. Injuries, exception to the rule....yada, yada, yada. We have always had to rely on some freshmen or unproven's at different positions, through the years.

If you did a little study of this team's roster, you'd find that about 95% of the starters were rated a 4* player or better. That is WAAAAAYYYY too much talent for a team to justify the doom and gloom you NegaVols are looking for. The only team we play that has more talent overall is Bama. When you view the recruiting rankings over the past 4-5yrs, we have typically been within a few spots of Florida and Georgia...sometimes coming out ahead. So, it's not like we've been routinely outgunned on the recruiting trail.

We have actually out-recruited South Carolina almost on a yearly basis, but that won't stop the NegaVol in you from giving up on the team before we ever play that game.

We have 4 QB's who could start and win for us...and they have 2 games to get into some kind of rhythm. We have the best OL we've had in several years. The biggest WR's we've had in UT history. That's no small matter...pun intended. We have 2 SEC caliber RB's, whether you want to acknowledge it, or not.

We have the biggest DT in the country, and a 4* DT (Couch) playing right next to him. Corey Miller and J. Smith were highly rated coming out of HS, and are finally back at their natural position. They are primed for a breakout season. I personally think we will have one of the best LB corps in the SEC...especially when Maggit gets healthy. I always thought Brewer would make a heck of a LB. He's built like one and hits like a ton of bricks.

At DB, we have possibly the best safety tandem in the SEC. Coleman is a baller at CB and I watched Sutton make play after play (against some of those big WR's) in that open practice. 2 pass breakups in the endzone...back to back. He's going to be special.

So, with all of that in mind...why in the hell are folks like you writing this team off and claiming we lack the talent to compete. The facts are just not there. It doesn't have to be "our" year to have a great one.

There is a TON of talent on this team. You NegaVols just refuse to see it, because of your defeated mentality...a result of drinking the Dool-Aid the past 3 yrs.
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Another nugget that get's overlooked by the Failure-Focused, defeat-minded NEGAvols, is this:

Seven Vols On Coaches Preseason All-SEC List - UTSPORTS.COM - University of Tennessee Athletics

7 players on the coaches ALL-SEC list.
Yeah....there goes your "lack of talent argument." :drive2: Seems like SEC coaches would choose to disagree.

Consider this also...how many of you would have laughed, back in January, if I said we would be ranked No.1 in recruiting at this stage of the year? I can hear all the excuses now...no talent in the state of TN...haven't won enough to even be in the conversation. Yada, yada, yada. :rolleyes:

So, the point is...if Coach Jones can hit the ball out of the park on the recruiting trail, this early....why aren't you Failure-focused fans willing to give him a chance on the field, before writing him and the team off?
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Nice backpedal, you got, there. Injuries, exception to the rule....yada, yada, yada. We have always had to rely on some freshmen or unproven's at different positions, through the years.

If you did a little study of this team's roster, you'd find that about 95% of the starters were rated a 4* player or better. That is WAAAAAYYYY too much talent for a team to justify the doom and gloom you NegaVols are looking for. The only team we play that has more talent overall is Bama. When you view the recruiting rankings over the past 4-5yrs, we have typically been within a few spots of Florida and Georgia...sometimes coming out ahead. So, it's not like we've been routinely outgunned on the recruiting trail.

We have actually out-recruited South Carolina almost on a yearly basis, but that won't stop the NegaVol in you from giving up on the team before we ever play that game.

We have 4 QB's who could start and win for us...and they have 2 games to get into some kind of rhythm. We have the best OL we've had in several years. The biggest WR's we've had in UT history. That's no small matter...pun intended. We have 2 SEC caliber RB's, whether you want to acknowledge it, or not.

We have the biggest DT in the country, and a 4* DT (Couch) playing right next to him. Corey Miller and J. Smith were highly rated coming out of HS, and are finally back at their natural position. They are primed for a breakout season. I personally think we will have one of the best LB corps in the SEC...especially when Maggit gets healthy. I always thought Brewer would make a heck of a LB. He's built like one and hits like a ton of bricks.

At DB, we have possibly the best safety tandem in the SEC. Coleman is a baller at CB and I watched Sutton make play after play (against some of those big WR's) in that open practice. 2 pass breakups in the endzone...back to back. He's going to be special.

So, with all of that in mind...why in the hell are folks like you writing this team off and claiming we lack the talent to compete. The facts are just not there. It doesn't have to be "our" year to have a great one.

There is a TON of talent on this team. You NegaVols just refuse to see it, because of your defeated mentality...a result of drinking the Dool-Aid the past 3 yrs.

If you take out all the paragraphs where you start name-calling and use stupid terms like Dool-Aid and NegaVol, you are actually making some reasonable points. I disagree with some of them, particularly the prospects of Smith, Walls and Miller. Those guys have had 3 years on the field to evaluate and I just don't see them living up to the 4-star hype. I also don't get how you can't even acknowledge the QB position could be a huge problem this year.

Downs, Sapp, Worley (guessing he's named starter), Randolph, Sutton, Brewer were all 3-star or less. So, I did a little study and that is a lot more than 5% of the starters. It's actually closer to 30% even leaving out possible starters like Blanc and Hood.
Brewer was very highly rated coming out of high school but he chose baseball. Daniel Hood was as well but had off the field issues and Worley was the Gatorade National Player of the Year.
Brewer was very highly rated coming out of high school but he chose baseball. Daniel Hood was as well but had off the field issues and Worley was the Gatorade National Player of the Year.

Brewer was a 3-star committed to FSU in '06. Hood was a 3-star and Worley was, too. VolNuts was referring to their star rankings.
In fact, Peyton never had the size of WR's we have. He never had a 6'4" receiver to throw to. We have 3...and another, who is 6'3" (Blanc). You're going to say "but they're not that good"....really? They were all rated as 4* players coming out of HS.

Marcus Nash - 6'4""
David Martin - 6'4"
Jermaine Copeland - 6'2"
Joey Kent - 6'1"

I like us to have tall receivers too, but it's not the end all be all.
If you take out all the paragraphs where you start name-calling and use stupid terms like Dool-Aid and NegaVol, you are actually making some reasonable points. I disagree with some of them, particularly the prospects of Smith, Walls and Miller. Those guys have had 3 years on the field to evaluate and I just don't see them living up to the 4-star hype. I also don't get how you can't even acknowledge the QB position could be a huge problem this year.

Downs, Sapp, Worley (guessing he's named starter), Randolph, Sutton, Brewer were all 3-star or less. So, I did a little study and that is a lot more than 5% of the starters. It's actually closer to 30% even leaving out possible starters like Blanc and Hood.
Smith has done a good job as a DE, and Miller was thrown into the DT mix because we were short-handed and under-sized in 2011...then last year both were thrust out of position, in an entirely new defensive alignment.

Both are true 4-3 DE's and they should thrive this year. Jordan Williams, Cory Vareen and Lewis should provide great depth at that position, as well. Carr, we don't know if he'll be a DT or DE, but in either case, we got talent across the entire DL. I didn't mention Walls as I don't know about him. But I fully expect Miller and Smith to have breakout years...much like Ayers did a few years ago, if not better.

As for the QB position...again, it's not a lack of talent. We aren't talking about Rick Clausen or Stephens. Worley didn't win Gatorade Player of the Year, as a HS Senior, by a roll of the dice. And in his limited playing opportunities, he had a pretty good completion percentage (65%).

Justin Worley Stats, News, Videos, Pictures, Bio - Tennessee Volunteers - ESPN

Peterman was ranked as a 4*, as was Dobbs. And as you may know, both Dobbs and Ferguson participated in the ESPN Elite 11 last year. None of our QB's have had their opportunities yet. Folks like you were talking down our chances of competing in the SEC, with Peyton Manning gone, and Tee Martin being untested. He too had relatively smallish WR's (compared to what we have now and the past few years) to throw to.

So, if you are going to use question marks at the QB spot as a barometer of Wins and Losses, you are historically mistaken. A question mark does not = failure. It simply means we don't yet have a clear picture. I expect one of them will step up.

Munchie Legaux was on our radar as a QB at one point, but he fell out of the picture. He started last season for Butch Jones team and even though he had an abysmal completion percentage (under 45%), CBJ still found a way to win all but 2 games last year. He was replaced by Kay during the Syracuse game, I believe, and they looked better.

But this illustrates that CBJ can still find a way to win, even when his QB struggles...even against bigger programs, like Virginia Tech and Pitt. And they had the Louisville game in hand until the last few minutes of the game...(lost in OT).

So, am I making lofty predictions? No. I'm taking the reasonable approach...called "Wait and See." Risky...I know, but it works.
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If you take out all the paragraphs where you start name-calling and use stupid terms like Dool-Aid and NegaVol, you are actually making some reasonable points. I disagree with some of them, particularly the prospects of Smith, Walls and Miller. Those guys have had 3 years on the field to evaluate and I just don't see them living up to the 4-star hype. I also don't get how you can't even acknowledge the QB position could be a huge problem this year.

Downs, Sapp, Worley (guessing he's named starter), Randolph, Sutton, Brewer were all 3-star or less. So, I did a little study and that is a lot more than 5% of the starters. It's actually closer to 30% even leaving out possible starters like Blanc and Hood.
I respect every VOL fan, but it gets old seeing Vol fans tear down the players thru setting the ceiling low, being the opposite of positive (negavol). I guess negative Vol fans are still trapped in a loosing era. Hopefully the team will bring them out starting very soon
Marcus Nash - 6'4""
David Martin - 6'4"
Jermaine Copeland - 6'2"
Joey Kent - 6'1"

I like us to have tall receivers too, but it's not the end all be all.
Marcus Nash was not 6'4". He was 6'2".

Tennessee receiver Marcus Nash is a nice player that late in the first round. The Broncos replenished some depth with Mississippi State safety Eric Brown, Tennessee center Trey Teague and Virginia Tech running back Ken Oxendine. Rd. (Pk.)Name Pos. Ht. Wt. College 1 (30) Marcus Nash WR 6-2 191 Tennessee 2 (61) Eric Brown S 6-0 208 Mississippi St. 3 (91) Brian Griese QB 6-2 214 Michigan 4 (122) Curtis Alexander RB 5-11 205 Alabama 5 (153) Chris Howard RB 5-9 221 Michigan 7 (200) Trey Teague OC 6-4 299 Tennessee 7 (201)

Articles about Marcus Nash - Sun Sentinel

You must be referencing a different Marcus Nash:
Marcus Nash's Football Recruiting Profile

David Martin never really showed up much during his career at UT, and if I remember correctly, he didn't even get any playing time until after Tee was a QB...so, I'm not sure why you are trying to throw him up as a counter argument.

During his career he caught 46 passes for 543 yards and five touchdowns in 39 games.

Does it make you feel better to think we have no talent on this team? We have plenty of 4* talent on this roster. We just haven't had 4* coaches the past several years
There is one thing about it, this talent we have this year was never coached up! We have a coach now that's is miles ahead of the past staff and you can bet your a$$ these guys will play miles ahead of what they played in the past! Will they win every game this year? Who knows season don't start till next sat. But it would not surprise me to see 8 wins out of this team and that's very possible! I will tell you this this staff and this team will go into EVERY GAME with the mindset of winning!!
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What I don't get from all these NegaVols and their doom & gloom predictions...their "quit before we start" outlook...is that we have as much overall talent on this team as we have had most years during the 90's and 2001-2005.

Just because Worley, Peterman, Croom, North, Harris, Howard and company haven't had a chance to make their mark, it doesn't mean they won't. Since we don't know, why are some of these psuedo-fans selling the team short before they ever get their chance? WTF, over?
My expectations are that I will see a good team this year.

By that I mean:
1. a team that is discipline and makes very few mistakes.
2. a team that plays with great effort and gives their all for 4 full quarters.
3. a team that exemplifies leadership. That represents UT football and behaves in a way that we can all be proud of.

If I see that, i will not be disappointed. GBO

One more thing. Just in my humble opinion it is falicy to compare known past perfomance of other teams to an unknown future. Let it play out man.

"I've said it and I'm gonna keep saying it."
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