Butch on Jim Rome:Only One Tennessee

Uh, let me get this right. The guy invites our coach onto HIS show to talk about and plug Tennessee football on a national forum. Doesn't put him on the spot in any way. Is as nice as he can be to CBJ...and volnation trashes him on our forum for no reason what so ever. See if JR invites us back on his show. You guys are your own worst enemy.
I find Rome really funny - it's just a shame that I have to listen live with tons of ads instead of downloading a podcast for free... Great interview.
Uh, let me get this right. The guy invites our coach onto HIS show to talk about and plug Tennessee football on a national forum. Doesn't put him on the spot in any way. Is as nice as he can be to CBJ...and volnation trashes him on our forum for no reason what so ever. See if JR invites us back on his show. You guys are your own worst enemy.

Turns out our fans can tell a jackass even when he isn't acting like one at the time. Go figure.
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Yeah, Rome's an arrogant elitist IMO. Heard he's very hard to deal with, out of control ego. Plus, I still can't forget what a jack arse he was to Jim Everett in that interview way back when. Wish Everett had gone ahead and pummeled him after knocking him out of his chair.

Anywho, he does have a big national audience so I'm glad Butch when on with him and did his thing.

"I've already said it twice"

"We'll.......I bet you won't say it again."


Jim Rome is a tool, but he is good on the radio. As for his TV shows I'll just say this: If you have Roger Lodge, host of Blind Date, on to act as a sports authority, you're doing it wrong.
Jim Rome I used to listen to him, but he got old and about that time he said Kiffin left TN, because USC was a better job. I say false not because I am a TN fan, but TN is actually ahead of USC in wins all time and percentage, in addition he left because he could not handle the SEC and had been at USC...it was not because it is a better job.

USC has a better win percentage

List of NCAA football teams by wins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and a much better recruiting base.
Uh, let me get this right. The guy invites our coach onto HIS show to talk about and plug Tennessee football on a national forum. Doesn't put him on the spot in any way. Is as nice as he can be to CBJ...and volnation trashes him on our forum for no reason what so ever. See if JR invites us back on his show. You guys are your own worst enemy.

You're putting a lot of power in our hands...so this lil ole message board is affecting programming now?...awesome...BRING BACK SOUTHLAND TNT!...If you disobey I get KB to call you a tool!
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I must have missed the part where he said Breeches, y'all, dynamic, schematic, and stature.

P.S. you know I'm giving you a hard time, I hope you do

Oh yeh no worries. I hope he can coach as well as he recruits. The public speaking aspect is more than played out imo.
To be honest, he's pretty much mimicking everything Dooley said from the start. Hopefully the difference is BJ can make it happen.
:unsure:Jones talks about how lucky he is to be here. Dooley acted like we were lucky to have him.
:unsure:Jones talks about how lucky he is to be here. Dooley acted like we were lucky to have him.

I will say I like Jones' personality TONs better than DD's. I won't open a can of worms giving my :twocents: about that last line. Hopefully we've paid our dues and BJ's gonna lay some waste to our future competition. That said, talk is cheap and at this point, we have nothing else to go on other than purely outstanding recruiting effort. People all in love with Jones already would be wise to slow their roll a bit. Having success against our schedule is going to require a lot of luck mixed with a lot of skill.
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CBJ is everywhere these days! I love it. Butch is going to do great things here for sure.
I just want to listen to the interview but it keeps trying to make me sign up for an account. Why?
I will say I like Jones' personality TONs better than DD's. I won't open a can of worms giving my :twocents: about that last line. Hopefully we've paid our dues and BJ's gonna lay some waste to our future competition. That said, talk is cheap and at this point, we have nothing else to go on other than purely outstanding recruiting effort. People all in love with Jones already would be wise to slow their roll a bit. Having success against our schedule is going to require a lot of luck mixed with a lot of skill.
I'm personally gonna enjoy all the positive energy around the program right now. I'll worry about on field results when the season gets here.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
To be honest, he's pretty much mimicking everything Dooley said from the start. Hopefully the difference is BJ can make it happen.

No He is not.....Dooley when you listen carefully was making excuse from day 1....or at least setting up more to come...

Listen to CBJ there is no excuses because he knows he can turn this around.....Dooley had no clue....CBJ gets it...

Add to fact that this was a tough interview of which CBJ handled Jim Rome really well.....Good interview against a tool.....
:unsure:Jones talks about how lucky he is to be here. Dooley acted like we were lucky to have him.

That's how Dooley ended up coming across to everyone in the end. However in the beginning during the honeymoon phase, he didn't act that way and no one was under that impression of him. He talked about being humbled at being Tennessee's head coach. He talked about the great tradition here and the facilities and the expectations blah blah blah. I'm not saying that CBJ isn't the right guy, I'm just saying that if you go back and listen to the things Dooley said in his first 6 months on the job and then compare them to the things CBJ has been saying in his first 6 months, they're a lot more similar than people here want to admit. The bottom line is that at this point we just don't know! Like I've said before, I'm tired of all the talk and the "touchy feely" comments that gives everybody the warm fuzzies. Show me on the field!!
USC has a better win percentage

List of NCAA football teams by wins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and a much better recruiting base.

But most importantly, Song Girls:

I'll stick with the Big Orange though!!!

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