Bye-bye F-35?

LOL, a software update?...

Pentagon Considering Retiring 100 F-35s Before They Ever Fly

Of the 1,763 F-35s intended to enter service with the US Air Force, 108 are in need of a software upgrade from Block 2B platform to the combat-ready Block 3F. This configuration change would be time-consuming and expensive, with 150 modifications needed in every aircraft to bring them up to standards.
It would appear that part of the debate centers around the fact that no other foe has a fighter that can match our older technology in the F22. Is this accurate?
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"older" is a very relative term. most nations are still trying to catch up to the F-16s

What exactly is the problem? Have you seen the BCA discussing the COAs between the two scenarios? They are discussing whether or not to upgrade the software or use these (15 I believe) aircraft as trainers and aggressors, not retire them. Until I see the cost broken out and the cost alternatives to this, I honestly don't see how you can lose your **** over it.

I say this as someone who has thought that the F35 program should have been scrapped before it was even a thought.
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Did Syria Just Strike An Israeli F-35 Jet

A mere few hours after the missile incident with Syria, Israeli media reported that the Israeli Air Force’s F-35 stealth multirole fighter went unserviceable as a result of an alleged bird collision during a training flight. According to the Times of Israel:

Two storks hit an F-35 fighter jet during a training flight on Tuesday, requiring the plane to undergo maintenance work, the army said.

The birds hit the F-35, called the “Adir” in Hebrew, just before it was due to return to the Nevatim air base in the central Negev desert.

However, Israeli sources were not able to show a photo of the F-35 warplane after the “bird collision”. Furthermore, it is not clear if the F-35 can become operational again "in the next few days" - as the Israeli Army's statement claims - because its stealth coating was likely damaged.
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I know this isn’t probably applicable, but I saw a drone flying over the beach this morning. It was definitely military. There has been a lot of military aircraft over the past week and a half. Mostly Marine stuff, Huey’s, Cobras, Seahawks, and CH—46’s. Also a lot of transport aircraft that look like C-17’s . I guess just a lot exercises off the coast.
I know this isn’t probably applicable, but I saw a drone flying over the beach this morning. It was definitely military. There has been a lot of military aircraft over the past week and a half. Mostly Marine stuff, Huey’s, Cobras, Seahawks, and CH—46’s. Also a lot of transport aircraft that look like C-17’s . I guess just a lot exercises off the coast.

Which coast?
Not sure, we use to have Joint ORE’s with other branches around Eglin. We operated out of Duke Field. I remember copter frames of all kinds and Spec Ops birds at Hurburt.
All those birds scream Carolina to me lol
Not sure, we use to have Joint ORE’s with other branches around Eglin. We operated out of Duke Field. I remember copter frames of all kinds and Spec Ops birds at Hurburt.
You were based at Duke or did the ORE hops outta Duke?
Ah ok. Last I remember on Duke were the reserve AC-130 and MC-130 squadrons flew out of there before it shut down. Everybody fiys out of Hurlburt now.

Aw man, nah it was back during the 90’s. After that we always went to Savannah to pull our ORE and ORI’s.

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