1. I don't know this guy but do know based on what I've read so far, I don't like him.
2. Rather than beating up on him in posts here, I suggest especially certain snots here take heed. Periodically, some posters post insulting comments about Memphis, and even players from Memphis. The moment a player is so much as rumored to have done something, we have people who go after them with such venom and even bigotry, it's shocking. Especially when they're African-American. Doing this gives people like this D'Vinner guy credence even if he is just a butt hurt, parasitic attention whore.
3. This guy's behavior is proof of what I and people far smarter than I can be have stated in the past. Negative stuff you post here can and will be used to turn recruits away from the UT. If a slimeball like D/Vinner can exploit this, just think what some respected coach or recruiter like Saban, Meyer, or anyone else can do with the evidence here to justify their wild claims.
So perhaps instead to beating up on this guy, take a hard look at how your posts give him a certificate of authenticity.