CA, Dependent On Solar Power, Has Rolling Blackouts In Heat Wave. Hint: The Sun Sets At Night.

Although there is some bad with the mass exodus to my state, Californians moving here means my property value is up 33% in 3 years.

Sounds like a plan. Buy a property in CA for $750K you can get for $250K in another place. Inflated housing and COL kill the MC.
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Large scale solar is a waste of money. Solar should be directed towards individual homeowners and businesses.

It will be really interesting to see how Texas handles this on the other side... Windmills and solar farms are not going to cut it, esp. when you have more and more people and industry moving in.
How genius would it have been to buy a bunch of surplus USSR nuclear carriers and subs to park off the west coast and sell power to California
It will be really interesting to see how Texas handles this on the other side... Windmills and solar farms are not going to cut it, esp. when you have more and more people and industry moving in.
Eh for the home owners it’s already been solved. In the burbs you can do what we did which is a generator transfer panel for critical circuits. In rural areas you put in automatic switch over generators. F solar I’ll never put it in.
LA Times report warns about 'environmental danger' in solar transition

California has excess solar panel waste and limited means of disposal, The Times reported

The Los Angeles Times published a report Thursday detailing the "environmental danger" of expired solar panels on the environment.

"California has been a pioneer in pushing for rooftop solar power, building up the largest solar market in the U.S.," the article began. "More than 20 years and 1.3 million rooftops later, the bill is coming due."

The Times' Rachel Kisela reported that many solar panels that were purchased beginning in 2006, when the California government "showered subsidies on homeowners" to inspire a transition away from fossil fuels, are now reaching the end of their lifespan.

LA Times report warns about 'environmental danger' in solar transition
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Amazon Powered Down All Its Solar Panels Because They Kept Catching On Fire: REPORT

Amazon powered off all solar panels from its warehouse roofs’ in 2021 after its installations malfunctioned, leading to multiple fires and electrical explosions across its North American warehouses for over a year, according to CNBC.

Solar panels caused “critical fire or arc flash events” in at least six of its 47 North American warehouses with solar installations, between April 2020 and June 2021, according to internal documents acquired by CNBC. The fires caused Amazon to temporarily diable all its solar installations as the company wanted to ensure its systems were designed, operated and maintained correctly before they could be brought back online. (RELATED: Amazon Acquisition Will Expand Its Robot Artificial Intelligence Presence In Your Home)

Amazon Powered Down All Its Solar Panels Because They Kept Catching On Fire: REPORT

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