Caitlin Clark

Ultimately, why do they care what casuals think about CC? A flood of casuals entering their sport is great for them financially, and they've complained about a lack of fan support for years.

Do they want more people to watch the WNBA just because? If you want to generate more fan engagement, you need something that moves the needle.

Absolutely nobody should.
Either way, the root of it is still petty jealousy.

They got chartered flights for the wrong reasons? Why should Clark get any resentment at all for that? There is something wrong with people that respond this way.

Of course, give CC your best effort and talk **** to her on the floor, but this is just so petty and I think hating on the successes of the younger generation is a loser's way.
I don’t think they necessarily resent her; she seems to get along well with her peers. Maybe not Taurasi, who gets on my nerves, but she’s like that toward everyone (not that that justifies it).

They probably resent some of the overly simplistic coverage and the number of people acting like Clark is the first good WBB player, and like I said I can understand that. I don’t think those comments are going to make people stop watching
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I don’t think they necessarily resent her; she seems to get along well with her peers. Maybe not Taurasi, who gets on my nerves, but she’s like that toward everyone (not that that justifies it).

They probably resent some of the overly simplistic coverage and the number of people acting like Clark is the first good WBB player, and like I said I can understand that. I don’t think those comments are going to make people stop watching

If Taurasi hates her, probably a good thing in my book. Taurasi was a great player but a very poor sport. I would take Candice Parker over her in the class meter every day.

I will say that she single-handled beat Tennessee on numerous times though and was a pain for us on the court. What often sucks about sports is that the biggest aholes (like Saban in Football) tend to always win. Rarely do you get the fill good story that you see in the movies.
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Either way, the root of it is still petty jealousy.

They got chartered flights for the wrong reasons? Why should Clark get any resentment at all for that? There is something wrong with people that respond this way.

Of course, give CC your best effort and talk **** to her on the floor, but this is just so petty and I think hating on the successes of the younger generation is a loser's way.
IMO, it just comes back to how women are raised to treat each other in a competition. They make things personal, they make things vicious and there is no real respect for each other as an individual. when they are on the court, in the job, whatever it is, and they are going against another woman its not enough to beat her at that activity, they have to include personal attacks and beat her on an individual level. and again IMO, its not just talking, it really is personal for them they want to tear the other woman down outside of that activity too. at least while in that competition, things may change outside of that years down the road, but I just think they make it personal. losing to that woman means she is the better woman, not player.

so when one gets press, they are hearing that woman is a better woman than me. not that she is a better player. they do this outside of press, but just like you can't compliment a woman around your woman, doesn't matter how non-sexual it is, what your relationship is, a compliment to someone else is an insult against her, because she isn't included.

sure they band together when its women vs the world, or women vs men; but they will spend far more energy tearing themselves apart when its woman vs woman.

not sure if its literally how their brains work or if they are just raised that way, I am sure men are at fault somehow, but its a different attitude.
I rarely bag on the WNBA, and I'm hesitant to do it because it's one of the lamest trends right now, but there is so much envy surrounding CC. Imagine Zion at Duke tearing it up and several NBA players saying, "It's not going to be this easy when you get to the league, bro." Why are there so many WNBA players like this? Of course, it's harder to play against professionals. They act like they are saying something so insightful.

Caitlin Clark is a big reason they have chartered flights now! They should be buying her dinner.
Women being petty towards other women in a professional setting ? First I’ve ever heard of this sort of thing .
IMO, it just comes back to how women are raised to treat each other in a competition. They make things personal, they make things vicious and there is no real respect for each other as an individual. when they are on the court, in the job, whatever it is, and they are going against another woman its not enough to beat her at that activity, they have to include personal attacks and beat her on an individual level. and again IMO, its not just talking, it really is personal for them they want to tear the other woman down outside of that activity too. at least while in that competition, things may change outside of that years down the road, but I just think they make it personal. losing to that woman means she is the better woman, not player.

so when one gets press, they are hearing that woman is a better woman than me. not that she is a better player. they do this outside of press, but just like you can't compliment a woman around your woman, doesn't matter how non-sexual it is, what your relationship is, a compliment to someone else is an insult against her, because she isn't included.

sure they band together when its women vs the world, or women vs men; but they will spend far more energy tearing themselves apart when its woman vs woman.

not sure if its literally how their brains work or if they are just raised that way, I am sure men are at fault somehow, but its a different attitude.
Your post is a little awkward, but I will that neurologist Dr Leonard Sax covers some of this in his book "Why Gender Matters." Among other things, he covers biological reasons why men are more accepting of hierarchies and/or the outcomes of contests of dominance. It's an interesting read.
CC needs to just go out there, play her best, enjoy every minute of her once in a lifetime experience, and screw what people think of her. Larry Bird, Pete Maravich, Yao Ming, Bill Walton, Danny Ainge, and Steve Kerr etc. had to put up with what amounted to jealousy and resentment by both colleagues and opponents in their time. Nothing new. Just go out CC, do your job, and enjoy it to the hilt, even when you have bad days.
Taurasi’s attitude toward Clark is the same thing Shaq does to basically every current big man, these posts about how it’s a “woman thing” are weird

Yeah, not really down with that even if there is some truth to it. Plenty of men are haters.

Shaq is a member of the media, tho. He talks publicly for hours every week and every once in a while he shades a guy. As much as there is to make fun of Lebron's public posturing and egomania, he would never do something like this. He would be the Taurasi in this situation and he acts like a politician with the young guys, trying to win their love. KD also would never do this. There is an unwritten rule in the NBA that you don't really talk about any other player, unless it's to praise them.
CC needs to just go out there, play her best, enjoy every minute of her once in a lifetime experience, and screw what people think of her. Larry Bird, Pete Maravich, Yao Ming, Bill Walton, Danny Ainge, and Steve Kerr etc. had to put up with what amounted to jealousy and resentment by both colleagues and opponents in their time. Nothing new. Just go out CC, do your job, and enjoy it to the hilt, even when you have bad days.

I’m curious as to how these particular 6 guys made a list ?
Holy hell, guys. No Stockton?

How has Kevin Love not come up? That dude had the best white American run since John Stockton. He had a couple huge stat seasons as the guy, and then was the 3rd best player on a 4x conference champ, 1x nba champ
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Holy hell, guys. No Stockton?

How has Kevin Love not come up? That dude had the best white American run since John Stockton. He had a couple huge stat seasons as the guy, and then was the 3rd best player on a 4x conference champ, 1x nba champ
I was gonna go Ostertagg before Stockton.
Holy hell, guys. No Stockton?

How has Kevin Love not come up? That dude had the best white American run since John Stockton. He had a couple huge stat seasons as the guy, and then was the 3rd best player on a 4x conference champ, 1x nba champ

I had Tom Gugliotta and Jack Sikma ahead of Stockton and Love.
Some projecting Reed Shepard as the # 1 this coming draft so... and of course that oaf from Purdue

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