Women have the most advantages out of any demographics and here's some examples
- Almost winning custody hearings
- Win most of the time in divorce
- Can accuse a man of rape, sexual harrassment, or abuse with no ramifications when lying
- Get away with abuse of men ( 40% of domestic violence are women abusing men, but the cops will always believe the woman )
- Get a job or advancement easier than men
- Can get social services or help much easier than men
I don't feel bad for this lady because she thought she was privileged enough to mess with a 300 lb athlete and have nothing happen. If you play and act like a boy, you'll get hit by a boy. I personally don't believe in hitting women, but if someone is pisses off a 300 lb athlete then they're just asking for a reaction.
Brantley committed way too much force when he caved her face in. If he did anything but take it, he'd be booked anyhow.
Lesson of the Day: If you don't want to have your face caved in, then don't mess with someone who can do it.
The only reason women get this kind of pull in society is because there are less women then there are men. Which means they have sexual pull in socieites. This includes letting them off the hook for a lot of personal responsibility.
Women have the most advantages out of any demographics and here's some examples
- Almost winning custody hearings
- Win most of the time in divorce
- Can accuse a man of rape, sexual harrassment, or abuse with no ramifications when lying
- Get away with abuse of men ( 40% of domestic violence are women abusing men, but the cops will always believe the woman )
- Get a job or advancement easier than men
- Can get social services or help much easier than men
I don't feel bad for this lady because she thought she was privileged enough to mess with a 300 lb athlete and have nothing happen. If you play and act like a boy, you'll get hit by a boy. I personally don't believe in hitting women, but if someone is pisses off a 300 lb athlete then they're just asking for a reaction.
Brantley committed way too much force when he caved her face in. If he did anything but take it, he'd be booked anyhow.
Lesson of the Day: If you don't want to have your face caved in, then don't mess with someone who can do it.
The only reason women get this kind of pull in society is because there are less women then there are men. Which means they have sexual pull in socieites. This includes letting them off the hook for a lot of personal responsibility.
I respect your position, but the bolded parts of your post are wrong.
Women do not get career advancement easier than men. Not sure where you got that notion from.
Business Insider - Women Are Less Likely To Get Promoted
Harvard Business Review - Why Men Still Get More Promotions Than Women
Think Progress - Women With the Same Qualifications As Men Get Passed Over
If Brantley walks away, the entire episode is over. Brantley doesn't get charged for doing absolutely nothing at a bar in GAINESVILLE of all places, and we're not talking about how stupid the girl was to engage him physically.
And as someone else mentioned, as of the 2010 census, women outnumber men slightly in the US. Worldwide men outnumber women by about 66 million as of last year.
American society places a premium on protecting women and children, even if it means protecting women and children from themselves, and their irrational and sometimes violent behavior.
Women have the most advantages out of any demographics and here's some examples
- Almost winning custody hearings
- Win most of the time in divorce
- Can accuse a man of rape, sexual harrassment, or abuse with no ramifications when lying
- Get away with abuse of men ( 40% of domestic violence are women abusing men, but the cops will always believe the woman )
- Get a job or advancement easier than men
- Can get social services or help much easier than men
I don't feel bad for this lady because she thought she was privileged enough to mess with a 300 lb athlete and have nothing happen. If you play and act like a boy, you'll get hit by a boy. I personally don't believe in hitting women, but if someone is pisses off a 300 lb athlete then they're just asking for a reaction.
Brantley committed way too much force when he caved her face in. If he did anything but take it, he'd be booked anyhow.
Lesson of the Day: If you don't want to have your face caved in, then don't mess with someone who can do it.
The only reason women get this kind of pull in society is because there are less women then there are men. Which means they have sexual pull in socieites. This includes letting them off the hook for a lot of personal responsibility.
All you ignorant Billy Badasses in here saying blah blah you never hit a woman, he caved her face in, she was knocked unconscious, blah blah blah before the real story is even out is EXACTLY the reason women get away with this sh!t.
I'm usually fine with a belligerent, provocative b!tch getting humbled, but this isn't one of those cases. Merely pushing someone does not warrant a KO, especially if you're half their size and they're the one who instigated it. Dude should have used better judgement and more restraint, or simply not been a dick to begin with if that in fact was the case.
I'm usually fine with a belligerent, provocative b!tch getting humbled, but this isn't one of those cases. Merely pushing someone does not warrant a KO, especially if you're half their size and they're the one who instigated it. Dude should have used better judgement and more restraint, or simply not been a dick to begin with if that in fact was the case.
Bartender said she wasn't KOed or even punched.
So a Billy Badass is someone who doesn't punch a woman? Who knew?
(I'm going out on a limb and guess that this balless punk has probably struck a couple of women in his time)
You just proved my point which was that guys like you don't take the time to figure out what happened when you hear a girl say she was hit. Guess what man, girls lie. Shocking right.
If you take the time to read the articles posted previously you'd see this was a drunk girl acting a fool then trying for a money grab after the fact. She wasn't hit and sure as heck wasn't knocked out.
But screw it let's just string up any guy accused of striking a woman. Full-on Salem in this b!tch
First, the woman has reportedly twice sought a settlement in the case.
Brantley's attorney, turned down those offers at Brantley's insistence over the last two days.
"I was approached by lawyers representing the alleged victim, both yesterday and today," Brantley's attorney, Huntley Johnson, said Tuesday evening. " They indicated to me they were meeting with the State Attorney's Office tomorrow and that they want to settle the case today. I called Mr. Brantley and communicated what they said to me. He told me that under no circumstances were we to offer them money or give them any money. He said no."
Second, the owner of the bar in question, Fat Daddy's, has also spoken out. Yahoo! Sports' Jason Cole reports that the bar owner said the woman involved "repeatedly" hit Brantley in the chest and arms, while a security guard present also said she punched him in the mouth.
This is sounding like a woman scorned turning into a gold digger by offering sex, getting scorned again and pounding on the guy. She hit him on the chest multiple times and in the mouth.
He should have left.
He says he "pushes" her off which at a minimum breaks a tooth. As was posted above, the force used sounds like retaliation. I disagree. If I'm on a jury, he walks. And, I'd ask the judge if she could be charged with battery and forced to pay his lawyer fees and court costs.
Women, big or small, think they have a license to get in your face and beat the s*** out of a man and he can't even raise his arms to protect himself. So when Brantley did what he did, as witnessed by the bar owner and security guard, I have no problem with it.
However, if it comes out that instead of pushing her off he took a swing, he loses.