California bill to purge Christians from police

Septic is just a troll, what he really believes is anyone’s guess.
I know, he is kind of like a play thing to be batted about here in boredom, I just wish he was as verboise as Luther or at least mentally ill interesting like LG/FakeTyler
This the pretty much common agreement on it from normal people
It really isn’t that hard when you put it in that context. If the article is accurate, which I haven’t verified but do acknowledge that as a condition, then the scope of the Bill is too broad and it should die as currently written.
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No, that's reading what the proposed law says. You're interpreting this your own way to be outraged.

I’m interpreting it the way it will be interpreted. That’s why I said it’s ill conceived and poorly written.

It would be better if the bill spelled out what groups police could not belong to. Make it clear.
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No. If a police officer says that gays should be put to death they shouldn't be police officers.
Except that's not what the bill says:

The bill defines hate speech as “as advocating or supporting the denial of constitutional rights of, the genocide of, or violence towards, any group of persons based upon race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.”

Under the twisted view of California Dems, an officer who says I don't think abortions should be legal or that gays should marry could fall under the highlighted portion.
We aren't talking about okaying true racist or preaching violence against gays speech. That is already the case and a no-brainer.
I know, he is kind of like a play thing to be batted about here in boredom, I just wish he was as verboise as Luther or at least mentally ill interesting like LG/FakeTyler

LOL, the troll accusations are trotted out by those that desperately need a fall back from rational discourse.

That you think you "bat" anyone around like a toy is as comical as your butthurt over your ilk not getting to be openly scummy.
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LOL, the troll accusations are trotted out by those that desperately need a fall back from rational discourse.

That you think you "bat" anyone around like a toy is as comical as your butthurt over your ilk not getting to be openly scummy.
Only a moron thinks that being against abortion or gay marriage because of religious values is scummy...but then again when you are a moral drifter with no actual values and no one respects your opinion, i guess it does cause you to be a little....septic about life
Per the proposed legislation the state of CA would care.

No, that's not what it says. You're reading your own bias into it again and assuming you know how it will be interpreted. I'm going based on what the text in the OP actually says. And again, there's always the option to keep your opinion to yourself. Which is what should be done anyway, at least in public.
Only a moron thinks that being against abortion or gay marriage because of religious values is scummy...but then again when you are a moral drifter with no actual values and no one respects your opinion, i guess it does cause you to be a little....septic about life

Only a moron looking to be outraged would conflate hate speech as defined in the bill with religious and/or "conservative" persecution.

You seem to be falling all over yourself to tie the two together, you do you.

Some self awareness and perspective would serve you well. LOL, who am I kidding?
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No, that's not what it says. You're reading your own bias into it again and assuming you know how it will be interpreted. I'm going based on what the text in the OP actually says. And again, there's always the option to keep your opinion to yourself. Which is what should be done anyway, at least in public.

You think this bill wouldn’t be interpreted the way I am interpreting it? Wouldn’t be abused to weed out “undesirables”? They just need to make it a clean and simple bill that spells out what groups they can’t belong to or associate with.
No. If a police officer says that gays should be put to death they shouldn't be police officers.
It's one thing to believe something, it's another to act on it. Freedom of religion is freedom of belief. That would be a horrible thing to believe, just like white supremacy is a horrible thing to believe, but people have a Constitutional right to those beliefs, to even express those beliefs, like it or not. Problems only arise when they act on their beliefs to usurp the Constitutional rights of others. People tend to forget freedom of speech includes speech you don't like. If you don't want to associate with those people, you can walk away. You have that freedom. But the Constitution applies to all citizens, not just the ones you agree with.
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Yeah - I’m not seeing the religious connection here. I’m also not seeing anything here saying cops can’t believe what they want. The issue is when they verbalize or act upon hate speech.

What exactly is the issue with that?
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It's one thing to believe something, it's another to act on it. Freedom of religion is freedom of belief. That would be a horrible thing to believe, just like white supremacy is a horrible thing to believe, but people have a Constitutional right to those beliefs, to even express those beliefs, like it or not. Problems only arise when they act on their beliefs to usurp the Constitutional rights of others. People tend to forget freedom of speech includes speech you don't like. If you don't want to associate with those people, you can walk away. You have that freedom. But the Constitution applies to all citizens, not just the ones you agree with.

What a guy believes is immaterial as long as they understand the constitution trumps their beliefs. The constitution is supposed to protect unpopular thought.
Yeah - I’m not seeing the religious connection here. I’m also not seeing anything here saying cops can’t believe what they want. The issue is when they verbalize or act upon hate speech.

What exactly is the issue with that?

When they act in opposition to constitutional rights fine but even cops have the right to free speech.

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