California bill to purge Christians from police

Report: American Awareness of Christian Persecution Jumps

Americans’ awareness of global hostility toward Christians made a leap forward in 2021, according to a survey released this week.

Most significantly, the poll revealed that 57 percent of U.S. Catholics believe the persecution of Christians around the world is “very severe,” up from just 41 percent a year ago, a jump of 16 percent.

Moreover, nearly 50 percent of U.S. Catholics recognize that half or more of religiously based attacks around the world are directed at Christians, and 67 percent say they are “very concerned” about the issue.
Report: American Awareness of Christian Persecution Jumps

Americans’ awareness of global hostility toward Christians made a leap forward in 2021, according to a survey released this week.

Most significantly, the poll revealed that 57 percent of U.S. Catholics believe the persecution of Christians around the world is “very severe,” up from just 41 percent a year ago, a jump of 16 percent.

Moreover, nearly 50 percent of U.S. Catholics recognize that half or more of religiously based attacks around the world are directed at Christians, and 67 percent say they are “very concerned” about the issue.
How can anyone be taken seriously if they practice a religion where the priests are allowed to rape young boys?
What are your thoughts on Islam?
I'll admit I'm not as knowledgeable about Islam as some of our resident YouTube researchers here, but to me its teachings are almost as dangerous as Christianity.
I'll admit I'm not as knowledgeable about Islam as some of our resident YouTube researchers here, but to me its teachings are almost as dangerous as Christianity.

It's more dangerous. I won't say that Christianity hasn't been used to do bad things, it's caused a ton of damage. But the Bible doesn't actually say to do that stuff, it condemns it. The problem is sociopaths who twist it to their advantage and use their charisma gain a bunch of followers that believe in them, giving the sociopath power over them. They now believe his interpretation of the Bible and rules. They then go along with their sin despite the Bible saying it's wrong.

As for Islam, the Quran actually tells them to fo awful things. Thankfully many choose not to do those things but it talks about their prophet and his 11 wives. He married a 6 year old and took her virginity (raped her) at 9 when he was over 50. He adopted a boy and when the boy became an adult he got married. The prophet later fell in love with her and decided he wanted her, so the stepson let him have her. It did not sit well with the followers so instead of the prophet following the rules, he had a revelation from "Allah" that adoption should be abolished. With adoption abolished, his step don was no longer his son. All is well for Muhammad an his 11 wives.

Then there was the whole killing every city they went to if they refused to accept Allah as the their one true God. If they refused, they were slaughtered. The prophet was kind enough to keep the women alive though so they could be slave wives for his followers. It was the right thing to do without a man to protect them, ya know...

I won't go into all of the violence and degradation of women, homosexuals, Christians, Jews. The Quran is an awful book and the prophet in it is truly evil. Muhammad is the complete opposite of Jesus Christ in every way.
I'll admit I'm not as knowledgeable about Islam as some of our resident YouTube researchers here, but to me its teachings are almost as dangerous as Christianity.














Interesting. For a guy who has admittingly ventured into multiple traditionally female job roles and is so well versed in gay sub culture you sure seem pretty homophobic. I just assumed that someone who name drops as much gay sub culture information as you do is most likely a homosexual. Luckily, you came on here to declare your heterosexuality and repeatedly say you weren't gay. You even went as far as saying "I dont have a problem with gay folks". Thats when I knew you were truly not gay. When you can say "I dont have a problem with <enter protected class here>" it really hits home and resonates with everyone that you truly aren't the stereotype everyone thought you were. I bet you even have some gay friends.

That being said, you shouldn't keep getting hung up on this. A lot of people care about what I think of them, and for good reason, because I care about them. You aren't one of them. You don't have to keep looking for my affirmation. What you need to do is to look at your "Live Love Laugh" sign hanging over your sh!tter and really let those words take root in your heart and assuage the hate and shame from your soul.

I already told you I didn't view your insinuating me as homosexual as a slight, yet you keep trying to work that angle. The question is why?

One can only surmise that your persistence is a cover for your own deep insecurities. Truthfully, I didn't think you were going to get this torqued over me asking you to quit hitting in me. Generally those are that are secure in their masculinity don't worry about what others think, especially on an anonymous internet forum.

Not you though.

You keep trying to shoehorn this weird 'gay' gambit, which is fine. It's just puzzeling that you seem to not be able to get over it, does your 'girlfriend' know about your sensitivity?
I already told you I didn't view your insinuating me as homosexual as a slight, yet you keep trying to work that angle. The question is why?

One can only surmise that your persistence is a cover for your own deep insecurities. Truthfully, I didn't think you were going to get this torqued over me asking you to quit hitting in me. Generally those are that are secure in their masculinity don't worry about what others think, especially on an anonymous internet forum.

Not you though.

You keep trying to shoehorn this weird 'gay' gambit, which is fine. It's just puzzeling that you seem to not be able to get over it, does your 'girlfriend' know about your sensitivity?
Wow. You are still getting spun up about this. Amazing! I accidently hit some sort of deep rooted issue with you. LOL.

I will say this, your back peddling and deflection have reach an all time high in this thread, and no one had to come in and swat you down like an insignificant fly as normal to instigate it. Keep it up, its good entertainment!
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Wow. You are still getting spun up about this. Amazing! I accidently hit some sort of deep rooted issue with you. LOL.

I will say this, your back peddling and deflection have reach an all time high in this thread, and no one had to come in and swat you down like an insignificant fly as normal to instigate it. Keep it up, its good entertainment!

LOL, you need new material.

Just out of curiosity, was it accusing you of using Grindr that made you lose your sh*t?
LOL, you need new material.

Just out of curiosity, was it accusing you of using Grindr that made you lose your sh*t?
Dang. Still desperately seeking my affirmation. Sorry Ronald, its not going to happen. Sooner or later you have to move on. I apologize for unknowingly emotionally devastating you.

That being said this will be the what, 20th time in 12 months I've allowed you to walk away with what shred of dignity you have left? I'd suggest you take it. Don't make this like the time you couldn't figure out why your pharma sales rep job numbers were so low compared to your female counterparts and you continually embarrassed yourself by thinking out loud...(this is the part where Septic goes "how does he know?!")
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Dang. Still desperately seeking my affirmation. Sorry Ronald, its not going to happen. Sooner or later you have to move on. I apologize for unknowingly emotionally devastating you.

That being said this will be the what, 20th time in 12 months I've allowed you to walk away with what shred of dignity you have left? I'd suggest you take it. Don't make this like the time you couldn't figure out why your pharma sales rep job numbers were so low compared to your female counterparts and you continually embarrassed yourself by thinking out loud...(this is the part where Septic goes "how does he know?!")

So... it was the Grindr comment that set you off?
So... it was the Grindr comment that set you off?
Still falling back on being the Encyclopedia Brown of gay culture and attempting to twist and deflect your homophobia while you rage out on Volnation. That' a unique approach and seems to be something definitely in your wheelhouse. I'm interested in seeing what direction you go with on this. Please continue.
Still falling back on being the Encyclopedia Brown of gay culture and attempting to twist and deflect your homophobia while you rage out on Volnation. That' a unique approach and seems to be something definitely in your wheelhouse. I'm interested in seeing what direction you go with on this. Please continue.

Who tf is this Ron you keep referencing? Oh wait, is Ron a male RN that banged your girlfriend? Mother?

The puzzle pieces are coming together. Your projection isn't fooling anyone.
Who tf is this Ron you keep referencing? Oh wait, is Ron a male RN that banged your girlfriend? Mother?

The puzzle pieces are coming together. Your projection isn't fooling anyone.
Oh. Insightful you are not.
(free grammar/spelling lesson for you today)

Ron = Ronald McDonald.
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