Can Jones Stabilize UT Football?

For Tennessee to be a double digit win team again some other SEC teams have to fall off. In particular we need SC and Georgia to trend down. The Vols glory days were built on recruits from the carolinas and Georgia. Coaching changes there would speed up the process. But to make that happen we need to beat them while Vols are a "bad" team. Kind of gets to be a chicken and egg thing. So I hope Butch gets that for Vols to rise Dawgs and Cocks got to fall.
For Tennessee to be a double digit win team again some other SEC teams have to fall off. In particular we need SC and Georgia to trend down. The Vols glory days were built on recruits from the carolinas and Georgia. Coaching changes there would speed up the process. But to make that happen we need to beat them while Vols are a "bad" team. Kind of gets to be a chicken and egg thing. So I hope Butch gets that for Vols to rise Dawgs and Cocks got to fall.

You couldn't be more wrong.
Dooley got one year too many.

Dooley got 3 years too many. It was Kiffin that got 1 year too many.

We should have let Zombie Fulmer pull the rickshaw until a suitable head coach manifested. We would have won a few more games in the interim and spent a lot less money.

Once my time machine is complete, I will go back and take care of this. Sorry it is taking so long. Anybody know where I can get my hands on some dilithium crystals?
For Tennessee to be a double digit win team again some other SEC teams have to fall off. In particular we need SC and Georgia to trend down. The Vols glory days were built on recruits from the carolinas and Georgia. Coaching changes there would speed up the process. But to make that happen we need to beat them while Vols are a "bad" team. Kind of gets to be a chicken and egg thing. So I hope Butch gets that for Vols to rise Dawgs and Cocks got to fall.
That would be an indirect consequence. Somebody has to suck! As we get better, most other teams in our conference get worse as a result.
Dooley got 3 years too many. It was Kiffin that got 1 year too many.

We should have let Zombie Fulmer pull the rickshaw until a suitable head coach manifested. We would have won a few more games in the interim and spent a lot less money.

Once my time machine is complete, I will go back and take care of this. Sorry it is taking so long. Anybody know where I can get my hands on some dilithium crystals?

No but could prob hook you up with some cheese krystals. :)
He's got to do more than stabilize the program.

He's got to compete for Championships.

Butch knows this.
Majors only had one losing season after 1980, and it was sandwiched around a 10 win season and an 11 win season. Though there were some ups and downs, it was clear from the beginning which direction the program was headed. His predecessor, Bill Battle, had a very good record overall, but it was also very clear the way the program was headed then too, downward. The difference was in recruiting. Battle went after the best players in the country but didn't land them. When he had the best players (left over from Dickey), he won.

What Jones is doing in recruiting now makes it inevitable that he will win and win big. The only thing that could prevent it is some off the field obstacles, but I really don't see that happening either.

Clear from the beginning? Good grief. The 80s kinda sucked - a decade is way too long to turn around a program. 7-4 is logically equivalent to a losing season for a "great football program". If the first 10 years of the CBJ era looks anything like the first 10 years of the CJM era, the only people happy will be our rivals.
He gets 3 years and show results, if not dont let the door hit you in the azz on the way out.
And Johnny's record at Pitt: 45-45-1.

Puts me in mind of an Alabama boy being the force behind another Tennessee head coach through the 90's. Name that coach?

And when Coach Majors took over at Pitt, they were so bad that they actually played games where even when a player ran out of bounds the game clock would continue to run so as to not run the score up anymore.

He coached them into a NC team, without getting into trouble with the NCAA I might add, and left a loaded team at Pitt for Sherill :salute:

If Sherill was the force behind Majors that brought him success, what was Ken Donahue to the Bear? A Tennessee boy behind the Bear? :eek:lol:
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