Can the Republican Party recover?

That’s another example of him moving forward and absolving himself.

Saying nothing stirs up the media. It’s a good, measured response and even it gets framed as something it wasn’t by the media. The Associated Press headline is that he is “disputing Trump” and “Barr says no widespread fraud” while conveniently leaving off “to date”.
Saying nothing stirs up the media. It’s a good, measured response and even it gets framed as something it wasn’t by the media. The Associated Press headline is that he is “disputing Trump” and “Barr says no widespread fraud” while conveniently leaving off “to date”.

Do you think there was widespread fraud sufficient to result in Biden’s victory?
I don’t but the Rs don’t need to let the actual fraud simply fade away by ignoring it. They don’t have the MSM willing to keep stories alive that put the Ds in a bad light.

Fair enough.

On a different note I expect Fox News will be “MSM” soon but I don’t see them holding back criticism on the Dems.
They got to where they are by catering to the conservatives, if they 180 degree the boat once Trump leaves office they will lose 90% of their viewers.

I’m watching with great interest how Fox will deal with OAN, Newsmaxx and trump news, should that manifest.
I'm not the one that supported the proven racist pedophile in the last election or is brainwashed enough to believe anything the DNC tells me.

Proven racist pedophile? Are you talking about the man so openly racist that he is supported by the Klu Klux Klan? The man who partied with Epstein, the man who is being sued for raping a thirteen year old girl? The man who talked about dating his own young teenage daughter? Isn't that the man you supported?
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And yet you had more people in history rushing to vote for those two parties.

Sure, some state had more votes then people registered to vote too.

I full well know that the two party system isn't going anywhere. You posed the question could the party recover and I just stated my opinion on why both party's should die while fully admitting they wouldn't.

I fall into the same as everyone here, I still vote as its my duty to do so. I just don't vote all for one party. I just vote for the people I hope will do the best for the USA.
Proven racist pedophile? Are you talking about the man so openly racist that he is supported by the Klu Klux Klan?

So was Hillary in 2016.

The man who partied with Epstein, the man who is being sued for raping a thirteen year old girl?

No, the one that testified against Epstein. You know? Donald Trump? Don't ignore the fact he gave a deposition against Epstein while Bill Clinton was still riding on the Lolita Express.

The man who talked about dating his own young teenage daughter?

Good grief, context is important.

Isn't that the man you supported?

Over Joe Biden with a tack record of openly racist statements and has been caught on camera doing questionable things with young girls?

So was Hillary in 2016.

No, the one that testified against Epstein. You know? Donald Trump? Don't ignore the fact he gave a deposition against Epstein while Bill Clinton was still riding on the Lolita Express.

Good grief, context is important.

Over Joe Biden with a tack record of openly racist statements and has been caught on camera doing questionable things with young girls?


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So was Hillary in 2016.

No, the one that testified against Epstein. You know? Donald Trump? Don't ignore the fact he gave a deposition against Epstein while Bill Clinton was still riding on the Lolita Express.

Good grief, context is important.

Over Joe Biden with a tack record of openly racist statements and has been caught on camera doing questionable things with young girls?


Are you (1)drunk (2)on drugs (3)crazy?
Although conservative, I haven’t voted Republican in a presidential election in over 12 years. I’ve been dissatisfied with the direction of the party and based on this last election, I could see things going down pretty fast. Looking back, the idea that a guy like Trump could even be seriously considered, much less win, was beyond reason for me.

While I believed Trump would shake up the party, I didn’t know if it would for better or worse. Four years later and the swamp isn’t drained. Trump galvanized a particular base, and quite frankly, those people scare me as much as the most radical liberal. After his tenure, I see a country more divided, more misinformed, and more hostile towards one another. Trump was polarizing and brought out the worst on both sides.

I would love to see the Republican Party redefine itself and evaluate its platform.

What are the main areas and issues that you see needing a rethink for the GOP to avoid its demise?

Did you really think the swamp was going to just roll over and quit once Trump got elected? You do realize the swamp is both Republicans & Democrats, don’t you? Imagine you’re a State or Justice Dept EE of 15-20 yrs, are you committed enough to do right to risk your career for an outsider that may be gone in 4, definitely 8 yrs? These are all challenges Trump faced besides to constant harassment from Congress.

How anyone who claims to be remotely interested in the future of the Republican Party could vote for Obama 2X and Clinton once tells me they’re really not concerned at all.
I'm a Vol fan, that goes with the territory.

Calling kissing his granddaughter at his son's funeral "questionable behavior with young girls" is crazy, esp when the candidate you support talked about dating is own daughter and partied with the most notorious pedophile in the entire world, and was accused of rape at one of those parties by a thirteen year old girl.
Calling kissing his granddaughter at his son's funeral "questionable behavior with young girls" is crazy, esp when the candidate you support talked about dating is own daughter and partied with the most notorious pedophile in the entire world, and was accused of rape at one of those parties by a thirteen year old girl.

You mean this fabricated story that even the notoriously biased Politifact says is false?

PolitiFact - Fact-checking the claim that Trump has been 'exposed for raping a 13-year-old'

Is Donald Trump Facing a Court Case for Allegedly Raping a Teen in 1994?

And there's plenty of other situations where Biden has been shown to be acting highly inappropriately with children.

Furthermore, you can thank the media for being biased as **** and burying the Biden sexual assault allegations against Tara Reid. Believe all women... I mean, unless it's against my chosen candidate and then maybe we'll listen to her... well, no we won't... we'll just bury the story...

And if you really want to go down this Epstein road, and I don't think you do, when was the last time he and Trump were seen together? Furthermore, how many times did Trump fly on the Lolita Express with Secret Service agents?

Oh, wait, that wasn't Trump...
You mean this fabricated story that even the notoriously biased Politifact says is false?

PolitiFact - Fact-checking the claim that Trump has been 'exposed for raping a 13-year-old'

Is Donald Trump Facing a Court Case for Allegedly Raping a Teen in 1994?

And there's plenty of other situations where Biden has been shown to be acting highly inappropriately with children.

Furthermore, you can thank the media for being biased as **** and burying the Biden sexual assault allegations against Tara Reid. Believe all women... I mean, unless it's against my chosen candidate and then maybe we'll listen to her... well, no we won't... we'll just bury the story...

And if you really want to go down this Epstein road, and I don't think you do, when was the last time he and Trump were seen together? Furthermore, how many times did Trump fly on the Lolita Express with Secret Service agents?

Oh, wait, that wasn't Trump...

Yep, (3)crazy
You mean this fabricated story that even the notoriously biased Politifact says is false?

PolitiFact - Fact-checking the claim that Trump has been 'exposed for raping a 13-year-old'

Is Donald Trump Facing a Court Case for Allegedly Raping a Teen in 1994?

And there's plenty of other situations where Biden has been shown to be acting highly inappropriately with children.

Furthermore, you can thank the media for being biased as **** and burying the Biden sexual assault allegations against Tara Reid. Believe all women... I mean, unless it's against my chosen candidate and then maybe we'll listen to her... well, no we won't... we'll just bury the story...

And if you really want to go down this Epstein road, and I don't think you do, when was the last time he and Trump were seen together? Furthermore, how many times did Trump fly on the Lolita Express with Secret Service agents?

Oh, wait, that wasn't Trump...
Absolutely. The media treated Biden with kid gloves. Whether it was debate and interview questions or just ignoring stories altogether. The fact that his own running mate said she believed his accuser and wasn’t even pressed in it? Really? As an American you should be ****ing scared as hell that a guy could sit in his basement for a year and get elected president the way it just happened.

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