Wrong, Earl: The gangster has never been at all popular with Dems. A laughable falsehood. If the Dems liked him, he'd be a Dem. You'd never hear it from him now, but he would have chosen to be a Dem, if he'd had the choice. He didn't. He spent his life in New York City--as Dem as it gets. His policy views--not that he has many cogent policy views--are more aligned with Dems than the GOP, except for immigration. You think he REALLY gives a damn about MAGA rubes or abortion ? He'd like nothing better than to be admired by the New York Times and the rest of the mainstream media, and Hollywood, etc. But they all hate him. New Yorkers laughed at him for years--I lived there---and knew him as the self-important bull$hitter than he's always been. He simply turned his attention to clowning conservatives and rural Americans because they are MUCH easier to con. Fact.