First, I have no desire to take up arms. I’m not in support of it either, so let’s get that out of the way.
I do vote against incumbents most of the time. I think no one should serve more than 2 to 3 terms tops at any level of government. Much of the time I vote against people after 1 term (usually that’s all it takes for me to decide they are typical politicians).
To ignore that we are close to violent uprisings would be to ignore everything in recorded history. When enough people feel genuinely disenfranchised, they revolt. The numbers of people that feel that way are staggering, and it’s on both sides of the political spectrum. Unfortunately, we’ve gotten to a point where getting to a middle ground is nearly impossible. I don’t know how that gets fixed at this point. The US and its allies have some serious soul searching to do. And I don’t doubt that Russia and China are funding propaganda on both sides to keep driving the tension.