Candace Parker gets into scuffle...(merged)

Posted by gainesvol82 -- "Candace was obviously being targeted by Detroit. Being the best female player in the world she will have to get used to it and understand that people will try to goad her into fighting so that she won't beat them on the court. However, last night was a statement that she won't be pushed around and I'm proud of her for it."

Yes, I'm proud of Candace too. Being goaded and having someone deliberately slam you in the mouth and then being run over is different than being goaded. Candace was attacked and had the right to fight back. I also believe Candace sent a message last night, it remains to be seen how the other players in the WNBA receive it.

I support Candace in what she did even if it costs her some $$ and playing time. Based on how she played the 3 years at Tennessee I believe Candace would not have started a fight but she didn't run from it either. GOOD FOR HER!!
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how many womens basketball teams operate in the black?

All of them need the football program to stay alive.

NCAA women's basketball would be in existence without contributions from men's athletics. It might not be televised(which it barely is now) but it would still operate. The WNBA is a different story. Profit is of very little concern to most fans of male sports. Why are you guys so hung up on the profit that women's athletics bring? Profit does not validate a sport's legitimacy.
We can agree to agree on this one. I cannot imagine based on any true accounting that there is any women's basketball team, pro or college, that makes money.

How many pro baseball teams make a profit?
Are you telling me that there is really a professional league of women's basketball?
Standing up for herself? Maybe. Defending herself? Are you crazy? It was over, Candace ran her down, you can hardly call that defending yourself.

KB5252 You better check the tape again, Candace was the one who was attacked and run over and yes she was defending herself and I'm proud of her. Hopefully after last night the players will leave her alone. I bet Parker can defend herself if need be, it is said she did throw a punch at the woman who ran over her.
How many pro baseball teams make a profit?
none of them. The holding company that owns the team completely separates the remainder of the revenues into separate operations. Baseball teams only show ticket sales and TV revenues as income sources. That's a long way from the truth.

The big difference being that those trying to support womens hoops and show some profitability there throw in every red penny that can be accounted for as income from the actual games. The leave no stone unturned and include some kitchen sinks. They still can't operate in the black.

Baseball franchise owners intentionally manipulate their numbers down because is helps in collective bargaining and negotiations with players.
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Are you telling me that there is really a professional league of women's basketball?

Yup, it's the WNBA. It has all the very best former women college players. It is still in it's infancy but I think it will do well at least I hope it does. The men like to go watch the attractive and well built women run around in their uniforms. Hey! whatever it takes to make it work.
Yup, it's the WNBA. It has all the very best former women college players. It is still in it's infancy but I think it will do well at least I hope it does. The men like to go watch the attractive and well built women run around in their uniforms. Hey! whatever it takes to make it work.

WTF? I just couldn't pass that one up.
I wish I could be a fly on the wall of Coach Summitt's house, I'd like to know what she has to say about the scuffle, if anyything.
Yup, it's the WNBA. It has all the very best former women college players. It is still in it's infancy but I think it will do well at least I hope it does. The men like to go watch the attractive and well built women run around in their uniforms. Hey! whatever it takes to make it work.

Which is why we don't watch. We'll flip over to beach volleyball instead.
Would this be one of the "hard-bodied women" you were referring to??


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If you think the league had anything to do with this then you have absolutely 0.00 cred.
easy now. These team have a very good chance of being in the finals according to the news I saw last night.

I'm not above a little conspiracy theory.
easy now. These team have a very good chance of being in the finals according to the news I saw last night.

I'm not above a little conspiracy theory.

It was way too random, not to mention why would the league put one of their marquee players at risk like that? You did see the player wheeled off didn't you? I just don't buy it.
I bet any amount of money the WNBA in public is frowning but behing closed doors they're giggling like school girls.

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