A slip of the typing finger? Okay. When I was a journalist, we had to use the terms "abortion rights advocates" and "abortion rights opponents" to truly characterize the debate. Which is fair, b/c who's not "pro life"?
But tell me, how is it legislating morality to NOT legislate regarding abortions? How is it legislating morality to allow the individual to decide whether or not they should proceed with the pregnancy and birth? This debate seems to keep coming down to whether or not the embryo/fetus is a human being with the same rights as everyone else, and then, do their rights supercede the rights of the mother? The point is, neither I nor the government nor anyone else other than the mother (and arguably the father) should determine whether or not to abort a pregnancy. That is what I believe.
On hate crimes, I feel the same way about those as I do about other severe crimes - that not all crimes should be punished the same way, that motives play a part in that decision, and I think it's for the greater good to protect our individual liberties and identities (race, religion, nationality, gender, sexual orientation...) by threat of the most severe punishment possible for attempting to destroy those identities.