Careful, Joe

Just like I thought. You ran away like a frightened bird. Go look to some lumber pricing in which you think you were winning though. Like anyone GAF
Did I owe you a response love? Just point me to the right thread.
Biden just wishes he could be a fraction of the leader DeSantis is.

DeSantis is what you Trumpsters swore you didn't want. A pure politician. Says what he thinks his target audience wants to hear. Zero principle. As fake as they come.
When Desantis speaks I understand clearly what he's saying. No punches are pulled.
Unlike creepy Joe who mumbles and stumbles to read his teleprompter.
Makes up some damn grandpa lie as an aid slips him a note to wipe the pureed lunch off his face.
DeSantis is what you Trumpsters swore you didn't want. A pure politician. Says what he thinks his target audience wants to hear. Zero principle. As fake as they come.

Even went to one of those high-faluten Ivy league schools. Best governor money can buy.
When Desantis speaks I understand clearly what he's saying. No punches are pulled.
Unlike creepy Joe who mumbles and stumbles to read his teleprompter.
Makes up some damn grandpa lie as an aid slips him a note to wipe the pureed lunch off his face.

Biden just wishes he could be a fraction of the leader DeSantis is.

LOLOLOL. That’s rich. He’s a party stooge like the rest of them. It’s ok, he’ll get too popular and cross Trump and they will take care of each other.
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HaHa…. Looks like the leftist filth are already ramping up the hate for DeSantis.
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