Careful, Joe

So as there’s been no proof of wide scale voter fraud as the GOP claims, there should be no need to pass new voting laws. They literally made up a problem so they could grab more power for themselves. That’s the GOP lie.
If there's no proof of wide scale police hunting people of color there should be no need to burn stuff down and defund police...... But here we are.

So we should just accept the status quo when it fits a chosen agenda? Or should we always strive to improve.... Which is it?
If there's no proof of wide scale police hunting people of color there should be no need to burn stuff down and defund police...... But here we are.

So we should just accept the status quo when it fits a chosen agenda? Or should we always strive to improve.... Which is it?

Well let’s see, we have bodycam footage (when the cops don’t “accidentally” turn them off), cell phone videos, dash cam videos of police being abusive to people of all races including minorities. Statistics that show minorities are targeted at a far higher proportional rate than whites by police. We have figures that show minorities are incarcerated at much higher proportional rates than whites. So these problems are identifiable and quantifiable. They aren’t just made up out of thin air. But most in the GOP see that as business as usual and aren’t in any hurry to hold police accountable or even admit that changes in training or hiring criteria need to occur much less bring any legislative action to address the problem. And your argument that police are bad at their jobs just as much with white people as minorities, isn’t very persuasive.

We’ve not seen a shred of credible evidence that there was widespread voter fraud brought before a court so it would have merit. Even Trumps own attorney general called the claims ********. People even attempted to stop congressional certification of the election by assaulting the capital because they believed Trumps ******** lies. But GOP led state legislators rushed to pass voting laws within months of the election to “improve” elections that they haven’t even shown need improving.
Well let’s see, we have bodycam footage (when the cops don’t “accidentally” turn them off), cell phone videos, dash cam videos of police being abusive to people of all races including minorities. Statistics that show minorities are targeted at a far higher proportional rate than whites by police. We have figures that show minorities are incarcerated at much higher proportional rates than whites. So these problems are identifiable and quantifiable. They aren’t just made up out of thin air. But most in the GOP see that as business as usual and aren’t in any hurry to hold police accountable or even admit that changes in training or hiring criteria need to occur much less bring any legislative action to address the problem. And your argument that police are bad at their jobs just as much with white people as minorities, isn’t very persuasive.

We’ve not seen a shred of credible evidence that there was widespread voter fraud brought before a court so it would have merit. Even Trumps own attorney general called the claims ********. People even attempted to stop congressional certification of the election by assaulting the capital because they believed Trumps ******** lies. But GOP led state legislators rushed to pass voting laws within months of the election to “improve” elections that they haven’t even shown need improving.
The statistics when broken down by race and violent crime rates do not support the narrative that police are hunting POC. Should we not accept the status quo but instead try to improve..... Yes.

The statics also do not support widespread voting issues but we know it happens as there are specific isolated events. Should we not accept the status quo but continue to improve..... Yes.

Do I believe there is a widespread issue with militarization of police forces? Yes. I also believe that election and other processes need to be protected as well to prevent future illegal activity in regards to voting. Because of we know anything if government is that if they believe they can get away with something they'll absolutely do it, and there will be nothing we can do about it. Freedoms and integrity lost almost never return to us when government is involved, that's an undeniable fact.
He's not making it illegal to wear a mask. Wear one if you'd like.

A mask mandate, however, is truly restrictive.
He took away the power of local govt to make decisions. How is that not restrictive?
I don't see anything in there giving him that power for masks. It will be in court soon enough though

The legislation also allows the Governor of Florida to invalidate a local emergency order if it unnecessarily restricts individual rights or liberties.

That's pretty broad and I agree that it will end up in court but the legislature gave him the power to do it.

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