Carl Pickens

Carl Pickens has always been my second favorite Vol of all time. He almost made me cry when I met him when I was 11, couldn't have been ruder. Still, always rooted for him and loved his play and hate that he may have done this. I could deal with him being a jerk, I can't deal with him being a wife beater or one who mistreats a woman at all. This is disgusting.
Ted Williams did the same thing to me when I was about 10. What a rude jerk. I met Ben Hogan when I was 16, and he was much nicer than Williams. He was at least decent, not friendly, but decent.
I was told by one well known pro golfer that Joe DiMaggio was the biggest prick of any celebrity that he ever met at Pro-Ams.
Not saying that he did or didn't do what he is accused of, however DV is one of those types of crimes where the male is automatically presumed guilty upon an accusation. I've seen many of these cases completely made up by females.
I don't either. Smart thing to do is get up, get out, and don't look back if you're remotely mad enough to hit or grab something.

The problem is that the victim usually continues to go back, the don't look back part is the best advice.
Not saying that he did or didn't do what he is accused of, however DV is one of those types of crimes where the male is automatically presumed guilty upon an accusation. I've seen many of these cases completely made up by females.
Women lie????
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my mom would always tell me stories of how good pickens was on the field. i was to young to watch him or remember.
The iPad had it coming let's be clear, but I don't condone abuse.

68 is a good age to start seeing forms of dementia unless this is a pattern.
Could not happen to a better prick. I seen him refuse to sign a autograph to a kid on a plane in Knoxville while he was with the Bengals and met him while he was at Tn and he always came across as an azz.

That's a petty reason for disliking the guy. You need to walk in other people's shoes to understand why famous people do things like this. I can tell you what I've seen happen. Famous person graciously signs an autograph for a kid or one adult. BOOM! S/he is mobbed by hosts of others wanting the same, have pictures taken, and to chat. Famous person says, "Really, I'm here to relax." Or, "I'm having some family time, please." Nobody listens, and some start getting downright rude because s/he is trying to not be mobbed." You experience that often enough, you can and often do go Alex Baldwin on someone asking for an autograph.

Famous people are human too and need down time. So your basis for disliking Pickens is very petty and one-sided. Screw him for laying hands on his woman, damn him for it and hope the law is a sledgehammer on him. But learn to understand that the public doesn't own famous people just because they're fans.

There's a reason so many try to hide behind ridiculous looking shades, head coverings, and sneaking out back doors. I'm not better than you and probably worse, but I've had the fortune of being in close proximity of some famous folks. A few who even chatted with me because unlike others, I wasn't hounding them for anything.

Martin Sheen - Breakfasted with him, well actually at a table next to his at a Denny's out on Oracle Road in Tucson, AZ. Offered to sign my napkin as I hadn't uttered one word about that as we talked about desert environments. I declined (stupid of me I admit). Rachel Welch - Ask for direction to the library at Calif. State Univ.-Northridge. Burt Reynolds - Told me and a few others at the school they filmed at for Cannonball Run 2 to make sure the leftover food didn't go to waste (school cafeteria took over on that). Jane Goodall - sat next to me awaiting her time on the podium for a lecture in Tucson, AZ. Ara Parseghian, two hour chat when he was doing a commercial shoot for the Ford Crown Victoria at the Calif. State Univ.-Northridge football field. The heat was doing something to the equipment so he spent a lot of time just sitting in the shade. I and girlfriend stopped to watch and he insisted we be allowed through the barrier and sit with him. Turns out he saw my deaf girlfriend using sign language with me. He at one time had a player at Norte Dame with a hearing disability, he said. So we talked and talked and talked. Never asked for an autograph. He just wanted to kill some time and had an interest in people with a hearing disability. But I bet if all those times I met famous people I had hounded them for an autograph, others would have mobbed them. And some would have declined to sign anything. So screw Pickens for hitting his woman. Don't be petty about him saying no to signing an autograph, you have no idea why. I don't either but I've seen one simple request result in the famous and even semi-famous people being mobbed. Meals going uneaten. Their kids being shoved aside. And in one case, making it necessary for the guy, his family, and friends to flee a TGIF restaurant where they had gone to celebrate his 8 yr old son's birthday. It all began with a kid asking for an autograph, getting it, squealing in excitement and blurting out who had given it to him.

Finally, in these days with so many people looking for fast and easy money, if you're a man, stay clear of kids. You can find yourself in an encounter designed to get you accused of some form of child abuse. Taken to court and milked out of lots of money, labeled a sex offender and more. You and I haven't lived in famous people's shoes, tnvols72, but I've seen a lot happen to some of them. Screw Carl for hitting his woman. Keep it right but not petty.
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Woodsmanvol, being raised in an area of Nashville where I was constantly surrounded by entertainers I suppose that I was somehow trained not to get starstruck but I completely understand that the public in general perceives people who earn a living off of public celebrity as owing something back to that public. Celebrities are aware of this and they constantly choose to be gracious or not when dealing with the public. I don't care how tired or busy someone is if you act without grace then people will notice and remember.
Woodsmanvol, being raised in an area of Nashville where I was constantly surrounded by entertainers I suppose that I was somehow trained not to get starstruck but I completely understand that the public in general perceives people who earn a living off of public celebrity as owing something back to that public. Celebrities are aware of this and they constantly choose to be gracious or not when dealing with the public. I don't care how tired or busy someone is if you act without grace then people will notice and remember.

I hear you loud and clear, fellow Vol fan. I HAVE TO agree with you in general. Do read my post again about what I have been eyewitness to. The intent is to at least have an understanding about what celebrities face. It's no fun seeing your kids shoved aside, practically in danger of being trampled, or vanish behind a crowd. These day you blink and a kid disappears, the body being found later somewhere. Trying to eat a meal, sleep, or give your kid a birthday experience and having it destroyed. I guarantee you if Carl had signed for the kid, he'd be facing others hovering over him.

I didn't see the whole event but I know some foreign woman on a flight was recognized by some folks and was getting mobbed. The flight crew moved her up to first class and stationed some burly guy to prevent people from barging through the drapes to access her. Might have been a sky marshal or a volunteer, I don't know. She was supposed to be some hotshot dancer, I believe. Sometimes saying "NO" and having people think you're a prick is the only way out.

I don't know if this is the case with Carl, and if not, I'd be the first to say he should be ***** slapped. But for those who are so quick to judge him on this, they should be aware of what famous people constantly face. What has happened to him before when he said "YES"? How often? Just asking you to try to see more than just your own side of the issue. Maybe someone should have asked him why he wouldn't humor a kid. Might have learned something. But if he went mouthing off big time about it, forget the ***** slapping. Get a vibram soled boot and slap him with that.
That's a petty reason for disliking the guy. You need to walk in other people's shoes to understand why famous people do things like this. I can tell you what I've seen happen. Famous person graciously signs an autograph for a kid or one adult. BOOM! S/he is mobbed by hosts of others wanting the same, have pictures taken, and to chat. Famous person says, "Really, I'm here to relax." Or, "I'm having some family time, please." Nobody listens, and some start getting downright rude because s/he is trying to not be mobbed." You experience that often enough, you can and often do go Alex Baldwin on someone asking for an autograph.

Famous people are human too and need down time. So your basis for disliking Pickens is very petty and one-sided. Screw him for laying hands on his woman, damn him for it and hope the law is a sledgehammer on him. But learn to understand that the public doesn't own famous people just because they're fans.

There's a reason so many try to hide behind ridiculous looking shades, head coverings, and sneaking out back doors. I'm not better than you and probably worse, but I've had the fortune of being in close proximity of some famous folks. A few who even chatted with me because unlike others, I wasn't hounding them for anything.

Martin Sheen - Breakfasted with him, well actually at a table next to his at a Denny's out on Oracle Road in Tucson, AZ. Offered to sign my napkin as I hadn't uttered one word about that as we talked about desert environments. I declined (stupid of me I admit). Rachel Welch - Ask for direction to the library at Calif. State Univ.-Northridge. Burt Reynolds - Told me and a few others at the school they filmed at for Cannonball Run 2 to make sure the leftover food didn't go to waste (school cafeteria took over on that). Jane Goodall - sat next to me awaiting her time on the podium for a lecture in Tucson, AZ. Ara Parseghian, two hour chat when he was doing a commercial shoot for the Ford Crown Victoria at the Calif. State Univ.-Northridge football field. The heat was doing something to the equipment so he spent a lot of time just sitting in the shade. I and girlfriend stopped to watch and he insisted we be allowed through the barrier and sit with him. Turns out he saw my deaf girlfriend using sign language with me. He at one time had a player at Norte Dame with a hearing disability, he said. So we talked and talked and talked. Never asked for an autograph. He just wanted to kill some time and had an interest in people with a hearing disability. But I bet if all those times I met famous people I had hounded them for an autograph, others would have mobbed them. And some would have declined to sign anything. So screw Pickens for hitting his woman. Don't be petty about him saying no to signing an autograph, you have no idea why. I don't either but I've seen one simple request result in the famous and even semi-famous people being mobbed. Meals going uneaten. Their kids being shoved aside. And in one case, making it necessary for the guy, his family, and friends to flee a TGIF restaurant where they had gone to celebrate his 8 yr old son's birthday. It all began with a kid asking for an autograph, getting it, squealing in excitement and blurting out who had given it to him.

Finally, in these days with so many people looking for fast and easy money, if you're a man, stay clear of kids. You can find yourself in an encounter designed to get you accused of some form of child abuse. Taken to court and milked out of lots of money, labeled a sex offender and more. You and I haven't lived in famous people's shoes, tnvols72, but I've seen a lot happen to some of them. Screw Carl for hitting his woman. Keep it right but not petty.
Nobody said that all celebs were jerks. In my case with Ted Williams, I was a 10 year old kid, standing in the tunnel underneath Griffith Stadium in Washington D.C. after the Red Sox played the old Washington Senators. It was just outside the Red Sox locker room, and there were a grand total of about 7-8 people there, and no other fans anywhere in sight.
There was no such thing then as people selling autographs for money , that I had heard of. It was just 2 or 3 adults and 4 or 5 little kids. Williams said that he didn't have time to sign autographs, and that the team bus would leave him. Not all the team had even come out of the locker room at that time. He would not take 1 minute to sign a half dozen autographs after a game. He was also the only player on either team who refused. Maybe Pickens was like Ted Williams.
That's a petty reason for disliking the guy. You need to walk in other people's shoes to understand why famous people do things like this. I can tell you what I've seen happen. Famous person graciously signs an autograph for a kid or one adult. BOOM! S/he is mobbed by hosts of others wanting the same, have pictures taken, and to chat. Famous person says, "Really, I'm here to relax." Or, "I'm having some family time, please." Nobody listens, and some start getting downright rude because s/he is trying to not be mobbed." You experience that often enough, you can and often do go Alex Baldwin on someone asking for an autograph.

Famous people are human too and need down time. So your basis for disliking Pickens is very petty and one-sided. Screw him for laying hands on his woman, damn him for it and hope the law is a sledgehammer on him. But learn to understand that the public doesn't own famous people just because they're fans.

There's a reason so many try to hide behind ridiculous looking shades, head coverings, and sneaking out back doors. I'm not better than you and probably worse, but I've had the fortune of being in close proximity of some famous folks. A few who even chatted with me because unlike others, I wasn't hounding them for anything.

Martin Sheen - Breakfasted with him, well actually at a table next to his at a Denny's out on Oracle Road in Tucson, AZ. Offered to sign my napkin as I hadn't uttered one word about that as we talked about desert environments. I declined (stupid of me I admit). Rachel Welch - Ask for direction to the library at Calif. State Univ.-Northridge. Burt Reynolds - Told me and a few others at the school they filmed at for Cannonball Run 2 to make sure the leftover food didn't go to waste (school cafeteria took over on that). Jane Goodall - sat next to me awaiting her time on the podium for a lecture in Tucson, AZ. Ara Parseghian, two hour chat when he was doing a commercial shoot for the Ford Crown Victoria at the Calif. State Univ.-Northridge football field. The heat was doing something to the equipment so he spent a lot of time just sitting in the shade. I and girlfriend stopped to watch and he insisted we be allowed through the barrier and sit with him. Turns out he saw my deaf girlfriend using sign language with me. He at one time had a player at Norte Dame with a hearing disability, he said. So we talked and talked and talked. Never asked for an autograph. He just wanted to kill some time and had an interest in people with a hearing disability. But I bet if all those times I met famous people I had hounded them for an autograph, others would have mobbed them. And some would have declined to sign anything. So screw Pickens for hitting his woman. Don't be petty about him saying no to signing an autograph, you have no idea why. I don't either but I've seen one simple request result in the famous and even semi-famous people being mobbed. Meals going uneaten. Their kids being shoved aside. And in one case, making it necessary for the guy, his family, and friends to flee a TGIF restaurant where they had gone to celebrate his 8 yr old son's birthday. It all began with a kid asking for an autograph, getting it, squealing in excitement and blurting out who had given it to him.

Finally, in these days with so many people looking for fast and easy money, if you're a man, stay clear of kids. You can find yourself in an encounter designed to get you accused of some form of child abuse. Taken to court and milked out of lots of money, labeled a sex offender and more. You and I haven't lived in famous people's shoes, tnvols72, but I've seen a lot happen to some of them. Screw Carl for hitting his woman. Keep it right but not petty.

Did you ever hear Ricardo Montalban say "RICH Corinthian leather"?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I have no patience for men who abuse their wives.

What about wives who abuse husbands??? I live in fear.

My wife can throw a yankee candle like a fast pitch softball player, and threatened to throw her cat at me one time, but i looked at her and said, "Who throws a cat?!"

and she laughed it off...

Dodged that clawed bullet!

But seriouly, Abuse in relationships is somthing that some men learn from their fathers and sometimes it's just a man who doesnt feel as powerful as he wants to feel so he takes his frustration out on his wife.

Mr. and Mrs. Pickens could probably use some marriage therapy. Even healthy relationships can gain from it.
I was at UT same time as Pickens and knew his girlfriend, at the time, through my wife. She took a beating at his hands on several occasions till she got smart and left his @$$. This is nothing new for Pickens.
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I was at UT same time as Pickens and knew his girlfriend, at the time, through my wife. She took a beating at his hands on several occasions till she got smart and left his @$$. This is nothing new for Pickens.
The girlfriend from Greeneville, or another one?
Woodsmanvol, being raised in an area of Nashville where I was constantly surrounded by entertainers I suppose that I was somehow trained not to get starstruck but I completely understand that the public in general perceives people who earn a living off of public celebrity as owing something back to that public. Celebrities are aware of this and they constantly choose to be gracious or not when dealing with the public. I don't care how tired or busy someone is if you act without grace then people will notice and remember.
The reason that Richard Petty, Arnold Palmer, Gary Player, and Phil Mickelson are so popular is that they are gentlemen, and always nice to fans. Then you have Tiger Woods, and for some reason people like him.
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That's a petty reason for disliking the guy. You need to walk in other people's shoes to understand why famous people do things like this. I can tell you what I've seen happen. Famous person graciously signs an autograph for a kid or one adult. BOOM! S/he is mobbed by hosts of others wanting the same, have pictures taken, and to chat. Famous person says, "Really, I'm here to relax." Or, "I'm having some family time, please." Nobody listens, and some start getting downright rude because s/he is trying to not be mobbed." You experience that often enough, you can and often do go Alex Baldwin on someone asking for an autograph.

Famous people are human too and need down time. So your basis for disliking Pickens is very petty and one-sided. Screw him for laying hands on his woman, damn him for it and hope the law is a sledgehammer on him. But learn to understand that the public doesn't own famous people just because they're fans.

There's a reason so many try to hide behind ridiculous looking shades, head coverings, and sneaking out back doors. I'm not better than you and probably worse, but I've had the fortune of being in close proximity of some famous folks. A few who even chatted with me because unlike others, I wasn't hounding them for anything.

Martin Sheen - Breakfasted with him, well actually at a table next to his at a Denny's out on Oracle Road in Tucson, AZ. Offered to sign my napkin as I hadn't uttered one word about that as we talked about desert environments. I declined (stupid of me I admit). Rachel Welch - Ask for direction to the library at Calif. State Univ.-Northridge. Burt Reynolds - Told me and a few others at the school they filmed at for Cannonball Run 2 to make sure the leftover food didn't go to waste (school cafeteria took over on that). Jane Goodall - sat next to me awaiting her time on the podium for a lecture in Tucson, AZ. Ara Parseghian, two hour chat when he was doing a commercial shoot for the Ford Crown Victoria at the Calif. State Univ.-Northridge football field. The heat was doing something to the equipment so he spent a lot of time just sitting in the shade. I and girlfriend stopped to watch and he insisted we be allowed through the barrier and sit with him. Turns out he saw my deaf girlfriend using sign language with me. He at one time had a player at Norte Dame with a hearing disability, he said. So we talked and talked and talked. Never asked for an autograph. He just wanted to kill some time and had an interest in people with a hearing disability. But I bet if all those times I met famous people I had hounded them for an autograph, others would have mobbed them. And some would have declined to sign anything. So screw Pickens for hitting his woman. Don't be petty about him saying no to signing an autograph, you have no idea why. I don't either but I've seen one simple request result in the famous and even semi-famous people being mobbed. Meals going uneaten. Their kids being shoved aside. And in one case, making it necessary for the guy, his family, and friends to flee a TGIF restaurant where they had gone to celebrate his 8 yr old son's birthday. It all began with a kid asking for an autograph, getting it, squealing in excitement and blurting out who had given it to him.

Finally, in these days with so many people looking for fast and easy money, if you're a man, stay clear of kids. You can find yourself in an encounter designed to get you accused of some form of child abuse. Taken to court and milked out of lots of money, labeled a sex offender and more. You and I haven't lived in famous people's shoes, tnvols72, but I've seen a lot happen to some of them. Screw Carl for hitting his woman. Keep it right but not petty.

thanks for the lecture on famous people, but I know somebody that played with him and I will not say who because everybody on this board knows the player and he is a good friend. But the stories I was told and what I seen. I have no respect for him. If you like him then that is fine and good. But don't try to lecture me with all this celebrity BS because I don't like him.
not trying to argue with you but if you like him and respect him then fine but I know why I don't like him.
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The reason that Richard Petty, Arnold Palmer, Gary Player, and Phil Mickelson are so popular is that they are gentlemen, and always nice to fans. Then you have Tiger Woods, and for some reason people like him.
Well said. I never have understood all of the love for Tiger. I respect his game because he is a phenomenal player, but have zero respect for him personally. Never did, even before the fiasco. I remember when Payne Stewart died (another great gentlemen) and they were honoring him the morning of a tournament by playing the bagpipes and all of the players were there except for Tiger, who was on the range hitting balls. Throw in the constant cursing on camera, slamming clubs, etc. and the fiasco and that pretty much sums him up as an person.
Well said. I never have understood all of the love for Tiger. I respect his game because he is a phenomenal player, but have zero respect for him personally. Never did, even before the fiasco. I remember when Payne Stewart died (another great gentlemen) and they were honoring him the morning of a tournament by playing the bagpipes and all of the players were there except for Tiger, who was on the range hitting balls. Throw in the constant cursing on camera, slamming clubs, etc. and the fiasco and that pretty much sums him up as an person.
I wasn't even considering the womanizing part when I said that I didn't know why people liked him. He is undoubtedly the most selfish, arrogant, unaccommodating person in sports. It's all about Tiger.

A pro told me that when Tiger went out to eat with others, he would just get up and leave the others sitting there when he finished. In his mind, when he was done, the meal was over.
I wasn't even considering the womanizing part when I said that I didn't know why people liked him. He is undoubtedly the most selfish, arrogant, unaccommodating person in sports. It's all about Tiger.

A pro told me that when Tiger went out to eat with others, he would just get up and leave the others sitting there when he finished. In his mind, when he was done, the meal was over.

I've heard Michael Jordan is the absolute biggest dick in the world...Even other famous people think Jordan is an arrogant prick

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