Carl Pickens

Nobody said that all celebs were jerks. In my case with Ted Williams, I was a 10 year old kid, standing in the tunnel underneath Griffith Stadium in Washington D.C. after the Red Sox played the old Washington Senators. It was just outside the Red Sox locker room, and there were a grand total of about 7-8 people there, and no other fans anywhere in sight.
There was no such thing then as people selling autographs for money , that I had heard of. It was just 2 or 3 adults and 4 or 5 little kids. Williams said that he didn't have time to sign autographs, and that the team bus would leave him. Not all the team had even come out of the locker room at that time. He would not take 1 minute to sign a half dozen autographs after a game. He was also the only player on either team who refused. Maybe Pickens was like Ted Williams.

I didn't say all celebs are jerks either. If you actually read my post with even a marginal open mind, what i said was this: Instead of judging the guy on one incident, try to see it from more than just your view. I then gave examples why and what I had experienced. not only that, I said if none of this applied to Carl, he should be ***** slapped. But when you read selectively, you won't see any resemblance to an evenhanded statement no matter what.

Now as for the poster who tells what he heard about Carl, it has a name. It's called hearsay. meaning you don't know anything, you just heard someone make a claim.

As can be seen this has expanded to Tiger Woods and other people. No surprise, VN is well known for spewing negatives at the slightest opporunity. Defending Tiger, Woodsmanvol? Nope, I consider him a jackass for throwing away a perfect good marriage/family. Am glad his ex- got some 700 million in the settlement. He deserved being hung out to dry. BUT my point was regarding why some famous people say "NO." They can have valid reasons. And some are jerks and 12 steps beyond jerkdom. So I hope it is now clear to you and anyone who who insists on coming at me for daring to view the incident from more than a single biased point of view.
I didn't say all celebs are jerks either. If you actually read my post with even a marginal open mind, what i said was this: Instead of judging the guy on one incident, try to see it from more than just your view. I then gave examples why and what I had experienced. not only that, I said if none of this applied to Carl, he should be ***** slapped. But when you read selectively, you won't see any resemblance to an evenhanded statement no matter what.

Now as for the poster who tells what he heard about Carl, it has a name. It's called hearsay. meaning you don't know anything, you just heard someone make a claim.

As can be seen this has expanded to Tiger Woods and other people. No surprise, VN is well known for spewing negatives at the slightest opporunity. Defending Tiger, Woodsmanvol? Nope, I consider him a jackass for throwing away a perfect good marriage/family. Am glad his ex- got some 700 million in the settlement. He deserved being hung out to dry. BUT my point was regarding why some famous people say "NO." They can have valid reasons. And some are jerks and 12 steps beyond jerkdom. So I hope it is now clear to you and anyone who who insists on coming at me for daring to view the incident from more than a single biased point of view.
I didn't "come at you." All I said was that maybe Pickens was like Ted Williams, and my experience with him was face to face, not hearsay.
I wasn't even considering the womanizing part when I said that I didn't know why people liked him. He is undoubtedly the most selfish, arrogant, unaccommodating person in sports. It's all about Tiger.

A pro told me that when Tiger went out to eat with others, he would just get up and leave the others sitting there when he finished. In his mind, when he was done, the meal was over.

A pro publicly stated when they are on tour, they go out to eat. Tiger doesn't because autograph seekers make it impossible.
The same pro said he used to (emphasis on used to) feel sorry that "the guy can't even eat out." So that's a public statement
versus hearsay. That was stated shortly after his stupid adventures outside his marriage occurred. tried to locate it on GOOGLE
but like certain police misbehavior videos, some things mysteriously disappear. I'm certain some of you recall the statement even if
you don't recall which pro said it. But at least he and so far, Carl haven't
Aaron Hernandezed a fan/friend.

Grad saw your post after the one I'm responding to here. You and I agree on a lot despite our disagreement, which isn't really a disagreement as it is in not seeing what the other is saying. But hey! This is VN so we're keeping forum history alive and well. :hi:
As can be seen this has expanded to Tiger Woods and other people. No surprise, VN is well known for spewing negatives at the slightest opporunity.
I'm not sure I follow your line of logic, but okay :loco:

It seems as though you believe that you are the only one entitled to share an opinion and if you don't agree with it, then others somehow have a problem.

Besides, Tiger has WAY more negatives than positives when it comes to character and dealing with the public. I realize you said you weren't defending Tiger, but you used him as an example so you might as well have been. :good!:

And finally, just because something is "hearsay" doesn't mean it isn't true.
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I'm not sure I follow your line of logic, but okay :loco:

It seems as though you believe that you are the only one entitled to share an opinion and if you don't agree with it, then others somehow have a problem.

Besides, Tiger has WAY more negatives than positives when it comes to character and dealing with the public. I realize you said you weren't defending Tiger, but you used him as an example so you might as well have been. :good!:

And finally, just because something is "hearsay" doesn't mean it isn't true.

That happens when you read selectively. It impairs your thought process. And son, hearsay doesn't mean something is right either. Plus you miss the point. A public statement vs. hearsay, the public one tends carry more weight. Then again, both could be lies.:hi:
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A pro publicly stated when they are on tour, they go out to eat. Tiger doesn't because autograph seekers make it impossible.
The same pro said he used to (emphasis on used to) feel sorry that "the guy can't even eat out." So that's a public statement
versus hearsay. That was stated shortly after his stupid adventures outside his marriage occurred. tried to locate it on GOOGLE
but like certain police misbehavior videos, some things mysteriously disappear. I'm certain some of you recall the statement even if
you don't recall which pro said it. But at least he and so far, Carl haven't
Aaron Hernandezed a fan/friend.

Grad saw your post after the one I'm responding to here. You and I agree on a lot despite our disagreement, which isn't really a disagreement as it is in not seeing what the other is saying. But hey! This is VN so we're keeping forum history alive and well. :hi:
My bigger point is that we should not put these athletes or any celebrities on a pedestal and worship them. They are just people who can do one thing better than most everyone else. They are flawed just like the rest of us. Some are flawed worse than others.

Just like in the real world, there are people who would give you the shirt off their back, and there are people who wouldn't give you the time of day. Fame has a way of bringing out the best and the worst in some people.
That happens when you read selectively. It impairs your thought process. :hi:
Weren't you the one that said tnvols72 was responding to "hearsay", thus selectively reading?

I wasn't selectively reading, just reacting to your slander and insulting comments about VN nation spewing negativity. You seem to lash out at posters when you don't necessarily agree with them.

I never said hearsay could be incorrect, but it could also be truthful so you shouldn't dismiss just because it is "hearsay".
My bigger point is that we should not put these athletes or any celebrities on a pedestal and worship them. They are just people who can do one thing better than most everyone else. They are flawed just like the rest of us. Some are flawed worse than others.

Just like in the real world, there are people who would give you the shirt off their back, and there are people who wouldn't give you the time of day. Fame has a way of bringing out the best and the worst in some people.

Hold on, Grad. I think you know my posts well enough to know I agree with that pedestal thing. That's not even an issue between us. I'm talking about seeing more than one side of a matter. It seems you're talking about condemning rude and ungracious behavior. Surely you know me via my posts enough to realize I agree with you on that. We're passing each other in the night, two trains on different tracks, yet headed for the same destination. Me through the tunnel of the mountain, you around the girth of the mountain.
Weren't you the one that said tnvols72 was responding to "hearsay", thus selectively reading?

I wasn't selectively reading, just reacting to your slander and insulting comments about VN nation spewing negativity. You seem to lash out at posters when you don't necessarily agree with them.

I never said hearsay could be incorrect, but it could also be truthful so you shouldn't dismiss just because it is "hearsay".

Listen kid, it's very obvious in your posts you're just digging for excuses to argue for arguing sake and nothing else. You're a straw man. Grad, even tnvol and I have exhibited an ability to conduct a civil conversation even when disagreeing. You on the other hand just dig, dig, and dig for an argument. Talk to me again after you have grown up a bit. I can understand blurting stuff at times, I do it myself sometimes. But unlike you, I don't make it my life's mission. Grow up.
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Hold on, Grad. I think you know my posts well enough to know I agree with that pedestal thing. That's not even an issue between us. I'm talking about seeing more than one side of a matter. It seems you're talking about condemning rude and ungracious behavior. Surely you know me via my posts enough to realize I agree with you on that. We're passing each other in the night, two trains on different tracks, yet headed for the same destination. Me through the tunnel of the mountain, you around the girth of the mountain.
To be perfectly honest, I reply without really paying attention to who the poster is. I should, but I really didn't know where you stand on various issues. However, the pedestal thing was just a general statement, not meant for anyone in particular.
I will try to pay more attention to who says what from now on, but I wasn't necessarily disagreeing with your post. I was just adding my two cents to the whole sordid mess here.
Listen kid, it's very obvious in your posts you're just digging for excuses to argue for arguing sake and nothing else. You're a straw man. Grad, even tnvol and I have exhibited an ability to conduct a civil conversation even when disagreeing. You on the other hand just dig, dig, and dig for an argument. Talk to me again after you have grown up a bit. I can understand blurting stuff at times, I do it myself sometimes. But unlike you, I don't make it my life's mission. Grow up.

Actually, that is not correct. I feel that way about you which is why I called it out. 72GRAD and I were discussing Tiger and you inserted yourself and took a swipe at us by saying said VN likes to spew negativity. That is what I was reacting to. It is certainly not my mission, but I have witnessed you do it a couple of times so I was calling it to your attention. I apologize if that offends you, but I hate it when posters take shots at people for no reason (or in this case all of VN).

UPDATE: I was confusing you with someone else when I said a couple of times. Sorry about that.
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To be perfectly honest, I reply without really paying attention to who the poster is. I should, but I really didn't know where you stand on various issues. However, the pedestal thing was just a general statement, not meant for anyone in particular.
I will try to pay more attention to who says what from now on, but I wasn't necessarily disagreeing with your post. I was just adding my two cents to the whole sordid mess here.

I do a lot of that not really paying attention too except for a certain limited posters. Anyway, no big deal. We'll likely butt heads again down the road sooner or later. But when all is said and done, we're still Vols fans. We box, maybe beat the h3ll out of each other and still shake hands after the final round. Keep it real, Grad.
Actually, that is not correct. I feel that way about you which is why I called it out. 72GRAD and I were discussing Tiger and you inserted yourself and took a swipe at us by saying said VN likes to spew negativity. That is what I was reacting to. It is certainly not my mission, but I have witnessed you do it a couple of times so I was calling it to your attention. I apologize if that offends you, but I hate it when posters take shots at people for no reason (or in this case all of VN).

UPDATE: I was confusing you with someone else when I said a couple of times. Sorry about that.

Tell you what, kid. I'll let you have your feelings and this thread. Adios.
Tell you what, kid. I'll let you have your feelings and this thread. Adios.

Talk about childish. All I did was call you out on the comment you made and you are not man enough to either "A" defend what you said or "B" admit that was over the top.

It's funny you are calling me out for doing exactly what you are doing. But hey, adios to you as well.

And, does it make you feel better by calling others "kid" and "son". I believe you are the one who needs to grow up.
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BS. that kid will always remember that. it's one thing if it's an adult. you're a straight-up d*** for denying a kid, whose idol might be you, a simple autograph and smile.
I am 64, but I never forgot what an a'hole Ted Williams was to me when I was a 10 year old kid, who talked his Dad into going to D.C. on summer vacation to watch Ted and the Red Sox play. My father even told Ted that we had traveled almost 500 miles to see him play. Still, he said that he didn't have time to sign an autograph. However, I am still a Red Sox fan after all these years, in spite of Ted.

At my age I have long outlived the desire for anybody's autograph.
I am 64, but I never forgot what an a'hole Ted Williams was to me when I was a 10 year old kid, who talked his Dad into going to D.C. on summer vacation to watch Ted and the Red Sox play. My father even told Ted that we had traveled almost 500 miles to see him play. Still, he said that he didn't have time to sign an autograph. However, I am still a Red Sox fan after all these years, in spite of Ted.

At my age I have long outlived the desire for anybody's autograph.
When my kids were small (4 and 7), I got access to a closed UT practice. Afterwards, the kids really wanted Erik Ainge's and Arian Foster's autograph. Erik was awesome, he talked to the kids for 5 minutes, signed their jerseys and posed for a picture. I was really impressed as I know all he wanted to do was go take a shower and eat. Arian, on the other hand, begrudgingly signed their jersey without muttering a word. That really turned us off on Arian that day and made us huge Erik fans.

I know celebrities have to be sick and tired of autograph seekers, but kindness goes a long way in keeping a fan. I remember being at the Players Championship at Pinehurst in the early 90s and witnessing Raymond Floyd being a complete jerk to a young fan who asked for an autograph. The kid left in tears and I'm sure dislikes Raymond to this day.
To be perfectly honest, I reply without really paying attention to who the poster is. I should, but I really didn't know where you stand on various issues. However, the pedestal thing was just a general statement, not meant for anyone in particular.
I will try to pay more attention to who says what from now on, but I wasn't necessarily disagreeing with your post. I was just adding my two cents to the whole sordid mess here

Actually, that is not correct. I feel that way about you which is why I called it out. 72GRAD and I were discussing Tiger and you inserted yourself and took a swipe at us by saying said VN likes to spew negativity. That is what I was reacting to. It is certainly not my mission, but I have witnessed you do it a couple of times so I was calling it to your attention. I apologize if that offends you, but I hate it when posters take shots at people for no reason (or in this case all of VN).

UPDATE: I was confusing you with someone else when I said a couple of times. Sorry about that

I do a lot of that not really paying attention too except for a certain limited posters. Anyway, no big deal. We'll likely butt heads again down the road sooner or later. But when all is said and done, we're still Vols fans. We box, maybe beat the h3ll out of each other and still shake hands after the final round. Keep it real, Grad.

Tell you what, kid. I'll let you have your feelings and this thread. Adios.

Talk about childish. All I did was call you out on the comment you made and you are not man enough to either "A" defend what you said or "B" admit that was over the top.

It's funny you are calling me out for doing exactly what you are doing. But hey, adios to you as well.

And, does it make you feel better by calling others "kid" and "son". I believe you are the one who needs to grow up

All of this *****ing makes me want to go beat my wife...
anybody else?
When my kids were small (4 and 7), I got access to a closed UT practice. Afterwards, the kids really wanted Erik Ainge's and Arian Foster's autograph. Erik was awesome, he talked to the kids for 5 minutes, signed their jerseys and posed for a picture. I was really impressed as I know all he wanted to do was go take a shower and eat. Arian, on the other hand, begrudgingly signed their jersey without muttering a word. That really turned us off on Arian that day and made us huge Erik fans.

I know celebrities have to be sick and tired of autograph seekers, but kindness goes a long way in keeping a fan. I remember being at the Players Championship at Pinehurst in the early 90s and witnessing Raymond Floyd being a complete jerk to a young fan who asked for an autograph. The kid left in tears and I'm sure dislikes Raymond to this day.
Among pro golfers, I have personally seen Sam Snead , Curtis Strange, Lanny Wadkins, Lee Trevino, David Graham, and Hubert Green be complete jerks to fans either asking for autographs, or trying to talk to them after a round, or even after practice.
Easy there partner, violence is never the answer to your problems :)

Does it make you feel better by calling me "partner"?

just kidding.........


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That happens when you read selectively. It impairs your thought process. And son, hearsay doesn't mean something is right either. Plus you miss the point. A public statement vs. hearsay, the public one tends carry more weight. Then again, both could be lies.:hi:

jps gots him a new poppa.
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