Its getting out there now, a lot of fake and untrue things. But with Harris, this is what I’ve been told went down.
First, let me say you need to understand Havelock. It’s a military base with people all over the world there. Like Jacksonville, Fayetteville here in N.C., it’s a rough and tough place. Simply put you don’t talk, you just get it on.
Apparently after school Harris and some boys were rolling dice, still on school campus. At some point a car rolled up and some kid came and got in his face and accused him of stealing a chain. Harris told him twice that he didn’t do, and to get the bleep out of his face before he knocked his a$$ out. Well the boy continued one more time, and Ant knocked his a$$ out. At that point the boys father came running, and Harris thought he was being attacked and was going to knock his a$$ out as well. The dad ran, and the other boys grabbed Harris. The father got his son. Harris wasn’t charged, but was suspended three weeks, right in the middle of exams. So he’s doing extra work to ensure he gets back to where he can qualify and is also taking the ACT this Saturday. Let me say he’s not a bad kid, but this is sort of life in these military towns. Tough people.