CBJ says Couch has been ruled ineligible..



Aug 24, 2007
until the investigation is complete per the local Fox news in Knoxville. We already knew this sort of, but guess now it is official.
My trust is in CBJ! This is the right move ... If Couch did it he should be immediately kicked off the team. On the other hand, if he is innocent Couch should fight it to the end and I am confident CBJ will stand with him. Time will tell!
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maybe this will make lawgator happy

Not happy. It's unfortunate he evidently made this mistake. And it's not UT's fault. I do think its better to just acknowledge and move on than to dance around it. Kudos to CBJ for meeting that head on.
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Not happy. It's unfortunate he evidently made this mistake. And it's not UT's fault. I do think its better to just acknowledge and move on than to dance around it. Kudos to CBJ for meeting that head on.

Oh but earlier like a moron you were claiming UT lied, right? You spoke in ignorance, again, RIGHT?
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Not happy. It's unfortunate he evidently made this mistake. And it's not UT's fault. I do think its better to just acknowledge and move on than to dance around it. Kudos to CBJ for meeting that head on.
are you sure your not a closet Tennessee fan?
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Not happy. It's unfortunate he evidently made this mistake. And it's not UT's fault. I do think its better to just acknowledge and move on than to dance around it. Kudos to CBJ for meeting that head on.

Maybe he saw it as looking out for one of his players instead of covering something up. He probably just didnt want to throw Mo under the bus until he had to
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Question: Will the agent(s) see any kind of legal punishment if the allegations are true?

I'm more concerned, if true, with what could happen to UT especially considering we are currently on probation. Can someone give some good insight?
I'm more concerned, if true, with what could happen to UT especially considering we are currently on probation. Can someone give some good insight?

I am definitely concerned about that too.

However, I believe the root of the problem is that agents can get away with this kind of stuff. I don't think it's fair that they can make money by ruining kids' careers. There needs to be jail time to stop them from doing things like that.

Just my opinion, and hopefully, there is jail time for this offense. I don't know...it's why I asked the question.
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Not happy. It's unfortunate he evidently made this mistake. And it's not UT's fault. I do think its better to just acknowledge and move on than to dance around it. Kudos to CBJ for meeting that head on.

The problem with your initial reaction is that you don't know what and when people heard about the report. Couch was actually out yesterday for heat exhaustion. I always find it funny that outside people think they know what is going on inside the program. The excuses that Muschamp made when giving back a game to Morrison were quite comical, but that is his decision and I don't know all of the details.
I'm more concerned, if true, with what could happen to UT especially considering we are currently on probation. Can someone give some good insight?

Didn't Yahoo report that the money is in no way tied to the school? These schools aren't their damn babysitters.
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I am definitely concerned about that too.

However, I believe the root of the problem is that agents can get away with this kind of stuff. I don't think it's fair that they can make money by ruining kids' careers. There needs to be jail time to stop them from doing things like that.

Just my opinion, and hopefully, there is jail time for this offense. I don't know...it's why I asked the question.

I agree with you but, as I suspect you well know, issues like this have nothing to do with "fair."
I'm more concerned, if true, with what could happen to UT especially considering we are currently on probation. Can someone give some good insight?

While it is a concern, it shouldn't be an issue as long as no one from the university knew about it.
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Hopefully, this gets resolved as quickly as the Manziel situation and with the same outcome...but I doubt it will. Johnny F$$tball pocketed thousands and he was thumbing his nose at the NCAA the following week.
So...no one has an answer to my question?

Regarding the agents facing any punishment? I don't know. A lot of agents are attorneys and I'm sure they'll find a loop hole.

Plus, the money was received by an "adult" even if it was the player. Ineligibility isn't illegal.

That's part of the problem.
So...no one has an answer to my question?

I'm no expert but I don't think they will . Some states have laws against this like Texas , but I don't think Tennessee is one of them . There has to be some way to punish agents who do this . That's the only thing that will stop this
This is what Brent Hubbs is saying also. He doesn't think it will affect the university.

Maurice seems like the type of guy to take ownership and not drag the university him. Now Tyler is the wildcard. I feel he hated Dooley so much if he were still here he would say Dooley knew. Hopefully Tyler keeps it close to the vest and has moved on not holding grudges for all the over the top things fans said about him.
I'm no expert but I don't think they will . Some states have laws against this like Texas , but I don't think Tennessee is one of them . There has to be some way to punish agents who do this . That's the only thing that will stop this

That's what I'm thinking. And Tennessee congressmen need to get on that!

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