Charlie Daniels

I am amazed that nobody has commented on two comments that Charlie made in his segments of the show:

(1) He was planning on attending the national championship game vs. FSU, but had surgery scheduled for removal of a polyp on his vocal cords soon thereafter. When he informed his surgeon of his travel plans, the doctor basically said, "Charlie, you're not going. I know you, you will get entirely too excited at the game and further damage your vocal cords." Charlie reluctantly agreed and honored his physician's wishes. He stated, however, that, if Tennessee plays for the national championship again in his lifetime, he will be there, "even if it is on Mars."

(2) Charlie also said that one of his favorite sports memories was when he had just concluded singing the national anthem prior to an NFL game (either Packers or Eagles, I don't recall). Someone tapped him on the shoulder and, lo and behold, the Minister of Defense, Reggie White, told him that he just wanted to say how much he enjoyed Charlie's performances when he had played at UT. It meant a lot to Charlie that Reggie went out of his way to convey those sentiments.
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Dang you guys are all over (my strape... ment strap) I fixed my post and sorry Charlie... no disrespect Sir
charlie daniels sucks

In 1975 while stationed at Ft. Hood,I saw CDB at the Armadillo Bar in Austin.They opened for Marshall Tucker and both bands played Fire on the Mountain...CDB didn't suck that night.They were a tight pro group of musicians while Marshall Tucker sucked and was tooo wasted...Go Vols!!!
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Am I the only one glad we have Charlie representing us opening night of sec network! Really seems like he loves his Vols! Imagine watching Ralphie May (or Monicas boyfriend) and saying I wish I could be a Razorback. Not to mention how long is Ashley gonna be the face of UK she has to be 50


Love Charlie. He is a true Fan and Patriot. Great man!
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Guy is so not funny when I've seen him on tv.

I saw Ralphie when he did a tribute to Tim Wilson. Agree, not that funny on tv but in person he was great. More vulgar when live but within the context of his bit so it worked well.

And like others mentioned, they best they could get for Bama was Melissa Joan Hart??? She grew up in NY and never got into football until she got married. At least Fla used Emmitt, could they not have got Willie Joe Namath? I like Charlie Daniels but I'd say Kenny Chesney might have been a better pick.

That is hilarious!
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Am I the only one glad we have Charlie representing us opening night of sec network! Really seems like he loves his Vols! Imagine watching Ralphie May (or Monicas boyfriend) and saying I wish I could be a Razorback. Not to mention how long is Ashley gonna be the face of UK she has to be 50

Ashley is the only one in Kentucky that has all her teeth still. :eek:lol:
I saw Ralphie when he did a tribute to Tim Wilson. Agree, not that funny on tv but in person he was great. More vulgar when live but within the context of his bit so it worked well.

And like others mentioned, they best they could get for Bama was Melissa Joan Hart??? She grew up in NY and never got into football until she got married. At least Fla used Emmitt, could they not have got Willie Joe Namath? I like Charlie Daniels but I'd say Kenny Chesney might have been a better pick.

Pretty sure you'll NEVER see CD like this.......

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