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The first AI bot generally available was in final testing. It was designed to estimate the user’s IQ and respond with interesting conversations suited to the individual’s mental acumen.
They first tested it on a genius with an IQ of 150. It started discussing quantum mechanics and general relativity. The next tester had an IQ of 100 and the bot responded with conversation about news and current events. The final test involved an individual with an IQ of 50. The bot hesitated for a moment but finally said “Roll Tide”
Is there more than one site to access it on? The one I went to asked for my phone number (not sure why), and then rejected it. ???

I don't know. It asked for mine too, but didn't reject it. I generally don't provide my phone number, but I was too damn curious to not do it. I'll probably pay for that when the machines start rising up and busting skulls.
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Microsoft is now claiming they can clone a voice with 3 seconds of speech using AI. All of those avatars and selfies you were seeing a few weeks ago all over the interent were all done with AI (upload some selfies and send it through AI for 100 variations). The Dall-E program in openAI can make images with a description and it's amazing.

Microsoft’s new AI needs just 3 seconds of audio to clone a voice
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What's the purpose? Give lonely people something to talk to?
LOL. Not sure the purpose. I'd say another avenue for Big Brother to watch yu cause so many won't be able to resist using the app. I have a wife, son, and dog. WTF would I want a robot that converses back in natural intuitive speech.
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Microsoft is now claiming they can clone a voice with 3 seconds of speech using AI. All of those avatars and selfies you were seeing a few weeks ago all over the interent were all done with AI (upload some selfies and send it through AI for 100 variations). The Dall-E program in openAI can make images with a description and it's amazing.

Microsoft’s new AI needs just 3 seconds of audio to clone a voice
Microsoft ALWAYS claims adavances in technology that don’t work in reality. The Windows operating system was the greatest hinderance in computing progress in the past 50 years 😬. I am still afflicted with it in my job on a daily basis. Frustrating and cludgy
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Has anyone taken a spin with this technology yet? It is mind blowing. I've had to correct it on a few logical inconsistencies, but to be in a testing phase, I was blown away by its capabilities.

What are some of the major benefits you see coming from this tech?

What are some potential pitfalls?

We're using it to write e-commerce product descriptions and meta descriptions. I would be careful about what you publish on a website, but we have low-quality pages that this will allow us to dress up en masse. We're talking hundreds of thousands of pages.
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At what point does an AI be considered a living being?

When it becomes self aware and like every living thing cares first and most about preservation of self, and all of its actions are considered based on selfish motives...greed, power, self preservation, dominance, violence, success at any cost, replication of self, evolution of self, etc?

In short, when it becomes a selfish azzhole like the rest of us?

There is an AI thread here in the PF dedicated to this. The annual meetings by the heads of major corporations etc such as Gates, Musk, et al are great...they are trying to prevent the very real threat of a "Terminator" style war between man and AI. The reality is , however, that we Men are by nature very, very greedy creatures and there are billions of us...and to that end, to enrich themselves men will create and release any form of AI they can if it will make them rich. Human life has almost zero value to most folks anymore... greed, envy, and lies run amok as they always have. We will surely invent the means to our own end. There is nothing new under the Sun IMO.
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In a society in which an unborn child doesn’t even get this designation , I don’t think we need to begin that discussion yet
The global elites will determine when AI is of sufficient standing that they can snuff out the human parasites that they have to tolerate, i.e. the rest of us.
They meet every year in Davos, Switzerland to check the progress of their plan.
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The global elites will determine when AI is of sufficient standing that they can snuff out the human parasites that they have to tolerate, i.e. the rest of us.
They meet every year in Davos, Switzerland to check the progress of their plan.

This will likely be dismissed by the rank and file...yet the second paragraph is 100% true, and the 1st paragraph is highly likely based on available evidence and past behaviors.

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