Chiefs sign Bray

If Andy Reid still has the QB coach he had in Philly, that should be a boost to Tyler's chances...if he'll just listen! Like having Berry, Bray & Colquitt together, too.
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His competition for 3rd string isn't that stiff. Might be able to squeak by Daniels for second string if he stays focused.
Perfect place for him, gets to learn under Andy Reid and Alex Smith.

It is good that Alex Smith is the consummate professional. Maybe some of that will rub off on him if he shows a willingness to learn and will humble himself enough to let them help him. I don't remember anyone handling that kind of situation any better than Smith did last year.
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How funny would it be if Alex Smith gets injured, then Bray comes in and wins like Kaepernick did for the Niners when Smith got injured last season... Then Bray takes over the job and takes the Chiefs to the Super Bowl!

...Eh, I guess that's a bit crazy when you consider he would go up against another former UT Vol QB, by the name of Peyton Manning... Maybe you've heard of him?
...Eh, I guess that's a bit crazy when you consider he would go up against another former UT Vol QB, by the name of Peyton Manning... Maybe you've heard of him?
?? Peyton Manning plays for Denver..
I like Tyler, but I doubt he makes it. Nothing against his arm talent. It's his lack of football understanding that will be his ultimate downfall.

I could see him maybe making No. 3 or practice squad for two years.

But if he doesn't seriously commit himself to learning Xs and Os football he will be out of a job very soon.
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I like Tyler, but I doubt he makes it. Nothing against his arm talent. It's his lack of football understanding that will be his ultimate downfall.

I could see him maybe making No. 3 or practice squad for two years.

But if he doesn't seriously commit himself to learning Xs and Os football he will be out of a job very soon.
Why do you say he has bad football knowledge? I'd say he just doesn't have a good work ethic.
Good luck to Tyler. I hope he can make the team and improve in the areas he needs to become a good NFL QB.
Why do you say he has bad football knowledge? I'd say he just doesn't have a good work ethic.

It's a lot more than just being lazy.

Chaney had to dumb down the playbook and offensive scheme dramatically for Tyler.

Tyler doesn't understand the basic concept of reading defense from a simple thing like inside to outside read progression.

Tyler can make any throw asked of an NFL QB, but what he can't do is look at a pre-snap photo and tell you what every person on that field is going to do.

His pre-snap read at UT was signaled in from the sideline and even then he didn't pay attention to it. He just said hike and threw the ball.

I could go on, but I think you get the point. His football IQ is why no GM or coach wanted to draft him.

They don't care about his bottle incident or jet-ski issue or any off field issues - they care about his on field issue of not being able to read and react to what the defense is showing.

Could he get better, yes. He has a lot of work to put in and I think he could do it.

His track record says otherwise.
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It's a lot more than just being lazy.

Chaney had to dumb down the playbook and offensive scheme dramatically for Tyler.

Tyler doesn't understand the basic concept of reading defense from a simple thing like inside to outside read progression.

Tyler can make any throw asked of an NFL QB, but what he can't do is look at a pre-snap photo and tell you what every person on that field is going to do.

His pre-snap read at UT was signaled in from the sideline and even then he didn't pay attention to it. He just said hike and threw the ball.

I could go on, but I think you get the point. His football IQ is why no GM or coach wanted to draft him.

They don't care about his bottle incident or jet-ski issue or any off field issues - they care about his on field issue of not being able to read and react to what the defense is showing.

Could he get better, yes. He has a lot of work to put in and I think he could do it.

His track record says otherwise.

Spot on post is spot on.
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I like Tyler, but I doubt he makes it. Nothing against his arm talent. It's his lack of football understanding that will be his ultimate downfall.

I could see him maybe making No. 3 or practice squad for two years.

But if he doesn't seriously commit himself to learning Xs and Os football he will be out of a job very soon.

I question whether "commitment to learning" is something he has the capacity to do. Percentages would suggest that he is well on his way to becoming one of those "what a waste of talent" statistical examples.
Arena Football should be able to find him a team..............once the Chiefs dump him.
It's a lot more than just being lazy.

Chaney had to dumb down the playbook and offensive scheme dramatically for Tyler.

Tyler doesn't understand the basic concept of reading defense from a simple thing like inside to outside read progression.

Tyler can make any throw asked of an NFL QB, but what he can't do is look at a pre-snap photo and tell you what every person on that field is going to do.

His pre-snap read at UT was signaled in from the sideline and even then he didn't pay attention to it. He just said hike and threw the ball.

I could go on, but I think you get the point. His football IQ is why no GM or coach wanted to draft him.

They don't care about his bottle incident or jet-ski issue or any off field issues - they care about his on field issue of not being able to read and react to what the defense is showing.

Could he get better, yes. He has a lot of work to put in and I think he could do it.

His track record says otherwise.

I had heard pieces of the 1st part second hand but reportedly from someone who'd know. Basically that the fan base would be shocked at how little Bray really knew on the field.
Doesn't help any but helps me to know "source" wasn't just making stuff up. I think the draft help solidify it further how else could you explain a talent like Bray's not being picked up at some point.
It's a lot more than just being lazy.

Chaney had to dumb down the playbook and offensive scheme dramatically for Tyler.

Tyler doesn't understand the basic concept of reading defense from a simple thing like inside to outside read progression.

Tyler can make any throw asked of an NFL QB, but what he can't do is look at a pre-snap photo and tell you what every person on that field is going to do.

His pre-snap read at UT was signaled in from the sideline and even then he didn't pay attention to it. He just said hike and threw the ball.

I could go on, but I think you get the point. His football IQ is why no GM or coach wanted to draft him.

They don't care about his bottle incident or jet-ski issue or any off field issues - they care about his on field issue of not being able to read and react to what the defense is showing.

Could he get better, yes. He has a lot of work to put in and I think he could do it.

His track record says otherwise.

Agree 100% with this. Here's hoping he puts in the necessary prepration needed for an NFL QB.

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