Chiefs sign Bray

That story sounds like a load of bull
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People on here like to make up stories like pro wrestling arcs, or soap operas.

I tend to ignore things that can't be verified beyond someone's "uncle's best friend's cousin's sister's grandpa".
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What Tyler has going for him is his arm. You can't teach that. What you can teach is his pre-snap IQ / reading defense. If he takes the next few years or at least the next 12 months and studies NFL defense he'll make the team and could be a pretty good starting QB. The ball is in his court though, he's not limited by his arm, he's limited by his work ethic and defense knowledge. This guy could make millions in the NFL, it's up to him. That's what Gruden was trying to get him to understand, but I'm not so sure he listened. Hopefully he did.
From the lack of coaching.

Perhaps, but most likely, a combination of both Tyler's lack of motivation and poor coaching. If you noticed, from the second he declared for the draft, he started to immediately bulk up. Why couldn't he do that sooner? He actually performed well at the NFL combine, so why didn't he get drafted? Watch Gruden's video with him and then given the GM's comment about his white-board performance, it's easy to see why Tyler is in the position he is.
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when he gets his head out of his butt, he will be an excellent nfl qb. Should not be too hard to beat out alex smith and chase daniels. He may be playing this yr

Sorry but there not gonna hold his hand. He'll either quickly learn, or he'll be kicked to the curb. I doubt he'll see more than 2 years worth of backup duty!
Vols had record year with TB under center. He's a good QB, and I hope to get to watch him on Sundays.
I think Tyler has too much raw talent to not eventually have enough of an understanding to be moderately successful in the NFL
I have a good friend who is on the football staff at Bama.He told me that AJ Mccarron tells a story about Bray at the Manning quarterback camp.Peyton tells Bray that if he ever needs to call him for any advice or help he would be glad to help him.After Peyton walks away Bray says why would I ever need to call him.Tells me all I need to know about Bray.

That's why he is UDFA....all the talent in the world and work ethic and attitude of my 5yr old.
when he gets his head out of his butt, he will be an excellent nfl qb. Should not be too hard to beat out alex smith and chase daniels. He may be playing this yr

Completely disagree. Smith was one of the better QBs in the league the last 2 years and Daniel was backing up a future Hall of Famer. TB will likely not see the field this year.
He just said Chaney dumbed it down, never said he tried to make him learn it and its very apparent nobody tried.
Thats what Im wondering. Who's the adult here? Cheney was the o coordinator and chiefly the QB coach so why is Bray slow to read defenses and counter with protections? Cheney I think Bray actually stumbled into the very best spot for him, a place to learn under Reid and the time to do it. Stansi isn't much competition, Smith has all the pressure. Maybe throw in a few phone chats with Peyton Manning and our young Bray may be positioned for Gumplike greatness.
Completely disagree. Smith was one of the better QBs in the league the last 2 years and Daniel was backing up a future Hall of Famer. TB will likely not see the field this year.

Alex Smith is way over hyped. IMO

He is a product of a Stacked 49er team.
i heard he was taking part in a science experiment while at ut.he was being exposed to a ray that causes grown men qb's to act like spoiled brat children.the ray is called the infantyler.

it's a joke.har har
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I hope Bray can make it in the NFL, but I'm skeptical. His lack of athleticism will hurt him, for one thing--he is not mobile at all and it may be hard for him to even buy time in the pocket. Some great NFL QBs are not mobile--Manning and Bray, for starters--but they are great at every other aspect of the position. Beyond that, he'll have to be smart and really understand the game--manage the game, read and understand what a defense is doing on every play, and then make plays. I think it will be hard. He does have the size and arm to succeed; he'll just need to really work on his game, particularly mental preparation.
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I think at this point its far more important for him to understand the moves he needs to make as a QB to protect himself against pressure, than to be concerned about reading pro defenses, that will come in time. If he can protect himself along with his arm talent he should easily replace Stansi as the 3rd string QB.

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