Chiefs sign Bray

None of SBV's post surprises me. Thanks for sharing. It goes a long way to explaining why nobody wasted a pick on him.
Chaney had to dumb down the playbook and offensive scheme dramatically for Tyler.

His football IQ is why no GM or coach wanted to draft him.

Throw in Patterson's football IQ, and we probably were running a version of Coach Klein's offense from the beginning of The Waterboy--when he was reading Football For Dummies.
It's a lot more than just being lazy.

Chaney had to dumb down the playbook and offensive scheme dramatically for Tyler.

Tyler doesn't understand the basic concept of reading defense from a simple thing like inside to outside read progression.

Tyler can make any throw asked of an NFL QB, but what he can't do is look at a pre-snap photo and tell you what every person on that field is going to do.

His pre-snap read at UT was signaled in from the sideline and even then he didn't pay attention to it. He just said hike and threw the ball.

I could go on, but I think you get the point. His football IQ is why no GM or coach wanted to draft him.

They don't care about his bottle incident or jet-ski issue or any off field issues - they care about his on field issue of not being able to read and react to what the defense is showing.

Could he get better, yes. He has a lot of work to put in and I think he could do it.

His track record says otherwise.

I think it's less that he couldn't understand. It's that he didn't want to understand. He's Favre-ish. He thinks he can make any throw in the book, which he did against lesser teams. If Reid can get a hold of Favre, hopefully he can do the same to Bray.
If Andy Reid still has the QB coach he had in Philly, that should be a boost to Tyler's chances...if he'll just listen! Like having Berry, Bray & Colquitt together, too.

Reid essentially is and always has been the QB coach. His former OC is in NY.
Why do you say he has bad football knowledge? I'd say he just doesn't have a good work ethic.

For starters an unnamed GM was quoted saying Tyler had "one of the worst white-board performances he had ever seen."
How funny would it be if Alex Smith gets injured, then Bray comes in and wins like Kaepernick did for the Niners when Smith got injured last season... Then Bray takes over the job and takes the Chiefs to the Super Bowl!

...Eh, I guess that's a bit crazy when you consider he would go up against another former UT Vol QB, by the name of Peyton Manning... Maybe you've heard of him?

That's a fun little scenario and all, but he is 4th on the depth chart, and they signed Chase Daniel to a $10 million deal to be the back-up to Alex Smith. Unless there is some sort of Stigmata outbreak in KC Tyler will not see the field, assuming he can beat our Ricki Stanzi for the #3 spot.
I think it's less that he couldn't understand. It's that he didn't want to understand. He's Favre-ish. He thinks he can make any throw in the book, which he did against lesser teams. If Reid can get a hold of Favre, hopefully he can do the same to Bray.

That-makes no sense. What QB does not want to understand how to run an offense? Did you pick a major in college that you did not want to understand? Did you marry someone you, at the time, did not want to marry?

And if that was the case for him then all the more reason he did not get drafted.
He has been catching a lot of heat on here and im one of them but if Tyer has the talent and ready to work coach Reed will get it out of him, got to thinking maybe a lot of his problems was the lack of coaching Reed is one of the best coaches ever to work with a QB.
It's a lot more than just being lazy.

Chaney had to dumb down the playbook and offensive scheme dramatically for Tyler.

Tyler doesn't understand the basic concept of reading defense from a simple thing like inside to outside read progression.

Tyler can make any throw asked of an NFL QB, but what he can't do is look at a pre-snap photo and tell you what every person on that field is going to do.

His pre-snap read at UT was signaled in from the sideline and even then he didn't pay attention to it. He just said hike and threw the ball.

I could go on, but I think you get the point. His football IQ is why no GM or coach wanted to draft him.

They don't care about his bottle incident or jet-ski issue or any off field issues - they care about his on field issue of not being able to read and react to what the defense is showing.

Could he get better, yes. He has a lot of work to put in and I think he could do it.

His track record says otherwise.

Where he was failed is the apparent lack of someone sitting down with him and teaching these things. Tyler lacks the discipline to learn, but more control by his coaches would have made him learn, or ride the pine. Hopefully he gets that teaching now and has matured enough to take it and run with it. Put in the work and have a mentor to teach.
From the lack of coaching.

Did you read SBV's post? You can't pin this on Chaney. He tried.

And besides the coaching these guys get in college they prepare for the combine and their interviews for months in advance with former coaches and players. He still could not get it done.
Did you read SBV's post? You can't pin this on Chaney. He tried.

And besides the coaching these guys get in college they prepare for the combine and their interviews for months in advance with former coaches and players. He still could not get it done.

He just said Chaney dumbed it down, never said he tried to make him learn it and its very apparent nobody tried.
That-makes no sense. What QB does not want to understand how to run an offense? Did you pick a major in college that you did not want to understand? Did you marry someone you, at the time, did not want to marry?

And if that was the case for him then all the more reason he did not get drafted.

I think you missed my point. IMO, he wants to do enough to get by and then let his arm do the rest. Just look at his Gruden interview. Gruden told him what his progressions were and he just brushed him off by saying he should have sped up the pass. It goes hand-in-hand with the reports of him ignoring the play call and drawing routes up in the huddle. I like an arrogant QB, but he was too arrogant.
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He just said Chaney dumbed it down, never said he tried to make him learn it and its very apparent nobody tried.

In most cases coaches will dumb it down if a QB cannot handle it. Bray himself said his preparation was a 7 out of 10.
In most cases coaches will dumb it down if a QB cannot handle it. Bray himself said his preparation was a 7 out of 10.

Exactly, if he is not willing to learn, why reward him with a starting position? 100 pct fault on Bray for not learning. It's just a shame he was allowed to control that situation. Which is why I said he was failed.
when he gets his head out of his butt, he will be an excellent nfl qb. Should not be too hard to beat out alex smith and chase daniels. He may be playing this yr
Why do you say he has bad football knowledge? I'd say he just doesn't have a good work ethic.

All the QB's in the pros have physical ability and there is no question Tyler does. It's what he has from the neck up that left him an undrafted free agent. Not one single team was willing to bet big bucks he has what it takes to make it. Time will tell.
I have a good friend who is on the football staff at Bama.He told me that AJ Mccarron tells a story about Bray at the Manning quarterback camp.Peyton tells Bray that if he ever needs to call him for any advice or help he would be glad to help him.After Peyton walks away Bray says why would I ever need to call him.Tells me all I need to know about Bray.
Not being a douche, but if there was a GM that thought he had half a brain he would have been drafted. Your "link" is 7 rounds of the NFL draft.

Well played, but to answer his question, it was a tweet from an NFL reporter
I have a good friend who is on the football staff at Bama.He told me that AJ Mccarron tells a story about Bray at the Manning quarterback camp.Peyton tells Bray that if he ever needs to call him for any advice or help he would be glad to help him.After Peyton walks away Bray says why would I ever need to call him.Tells me all I need to know about Bray.

That story sounds like a load of bull
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I have a good friend who is on the football staff at Bama.He told me that AJ Mccarron tells a story about Bray at the Manning quarterback camp.Peyton tells Bray that if he ever needs to call him for any advice or help he would be glad to help him.After Peyton walks away Bray says why would I ever need to call him.Tells me all I need to know about Bray.

More unproven stories that are useless.
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