Children don't belong to parents, they belong to the community

Biden just made a remark that ends his political career. People are angry as hell.
Virginia mom denounces Book With Illustrations of 'deviant sex acts' in school library, demands answers

Stacy Langton read aloud ‘Queer: A Graphic History’ at a previous school board meeting, an ongoing series she has dubbed 'porn book story hour'

Stacy Langton, a mother of six, called out Fairfax County Public Schools for lack of inaction and accountability after she called to attention a book that contains illustrations of "deviant" "sex acts" that she discovered in the Fairfax County Public School Library.


She described to the board an image in the book that involves "mom and dad" having "anal sex" but with the roles reversed with the mom using a strap-on dildo.

Virginia mom denounces book with illustrations of 'deviant sex acts' in school library, demands answers
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Reading, Writing and Planned Parenthood ‘Pubic Hair Art’ in a Washington Grade School

Will you uptight conservative parents get it through your reactionary little heads: nobody is trying to sexualize your children – certainly not in our world-class public schools … okay, maybe in Chicago, and maybe the Biden Administration, but nobody anywhere else. Those people you call “groomers” (hate speech, BTW!) are education professionals who operate according to the latest, cutting-edge thinking about … er, sex and … children …

Consider this latest moral panic from Lincoln Elementary School in Washington State. It seems that on May 9, students saw a presentation of “sex education material from Planned Parenthood that included information about puberty blockers and graphics of pubic hair art.”

The presentation came from the caring and not-at-all creepy folks at “Teen Council, a sex-education program from Planned Parenthood.” So, these kids are in good hands. Nobody knows more about sex and evading its consequences than Planned Parenthood.

The most graphic thing kids were shown was a diagram of differently shaped genitalia. Some of the pictures included pubic hair shaved to appear like a cartoonish cat, while another showed pubic hair shaved like a heart.

Reading, Writing and Planned Parenthood ‘Pubic Hair Art’ in a Washington Grade School

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