Children don't belong to parents, they belong to the community

Watch: Rashida Tlaib Claims Concerned Parents at School Board Meetings Are ‘White Supremacy’*******-640x480.jpg

Far-left Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) told a group of Democrats that concerned parents who speak out against critical race theory at school board meetings are perpetuating “white supremacy” and are trying to “whitewash history.”

Watch: Rashida Tlaib Calls Concerned Parents 'White Supremacy'
At This Manhattan Middle School School, Sixth-Graders Are Asked To Surveil Friends and Family for ‘Microaggressions’

'This Book Is Antiracist' is key element of curriculum at Lower Manhattan Community Middle School

A New York City public school encouraged students as young as 10 years old to keep a list of all the "microaggressions" they witnessed, both at school and in their own families, according to materials from the school’s curriculum reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. The same students were also asked to list their gender identity—"cisgender," "nonbinary," or "trans"—as well as their sexual orientation on a graded worksheet.

The sixth-grade humanities curriculum from Lower Manhattan Community Middle School, where just 31 percent of students are white, required students to read Tiffany Jewell’s This Book Is Anti-Racist, one of only five books assigned for the 2021-2022 year. The book contains 20 lessons on "how to wake up, take action, and do the work"—including the work of confronting the police, which Jewell suggests white students can do without ending up "in jail or harmed."

At This Manhattan Middle School School, Sixth-Graders Are Asked To Surveil Friends and Family for ‘Microaggressions’ - Washington Free Beacon
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California school district Paid $20K for 'Woke Kindergarten' consultant

EXCLUSIVE — A California school district paid an education consultancy organization called "Woke Kindergarten" $20,000 for a monthlong teacher training program on "anti-racist" and anti-bias curriculum in elementary school.

Hayward Unified School District contracted Woke Kindergarten at its district board meeting this week in order to continue training staff at Glassbrook Elementary School in anti-racism, a phrase commonly associated with critical race theory .

California school district paid $20K for 'Woke Kindergarten' consultant
New York Times Promotes Explicit Sex Education Book for Children


The New York Times promoted a leftist sex education activist who founded a “beginner’s sex store” and has authored explicit books intended for a child audience.

The Times has promoted Sex is a Funny Word author Corey Silverberg and his work on multiple occasions, most notably in a June 2022 article titled The Books About Sex That Every Family Should Read.

The article, written by literary critic Elaine Blair, first discusses a book titled It’s So Amazing! A Book About Eggs, Sperm, Birth, Babies, and Families, which was not written by Silverberg and was at one time considered “the standard-bearer of liberal sex education for younger school-age children.”

New York Times Promotes Explicit Sex Education Book for Children
Education Consulting Firm Seeks to Promote ‘Queer Mathematics’ in K-12 Schools


A leftist organization called “The Queer Mathematics Teacher” is seeking to embed gender theory in K-12 math classes.

Brandie Waid, the director of The Queer Mathematics Teacher, laid out a plan for incorporating gender theory into math classes in a blog post on the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) website. CASEL is sponsored by the Allstate Foundation.

The Queer Mathematics Teacher is an educational consulting firm that seeks to promote “queer mathematics” in American K-12 classrooms. The firm sells a book titled “Talking about LGBTQ+ Identity,” which includes chapters titled “The Gender Unicorn,” “How Do I Talk About LGBTQ+ Identity With My Students,” and “What if I Receive Pushback?”

The firm also offers coaching services to teachers, which include curriculum design, district-wide audits, and professional development workshops. The site claims, “The ability to consider sexuality irrelevant in the mathematics context is a heteronormatively privileged position” and notes that some areas of expertise include “queer pedagogy,” “teaching mathematics for social justice,” “Fostering Students’ Growth Mindset (While Advocating for Systemic Change),” and “humanizing Mathematics Education for LGBTQ+ Students.”

Education Consulting Firm Seeks to Promote K-12 'Queer Mathematics'
Exclusive: National Education Association Doubles Down on Social Justice Agenda in Letter to Senator Marsha Blackburn

The President of the National Education Association (NEA) sent a letter to Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), Steve Daines (R-MT), and James Lankford (R-OK), exclusively obtained by Breitbart News, doubling down on the organization’s commitment to leftist curriculum.

NEA President Rebecca Pringle’s letter was a response to a letter sent by the Senators Blackburn, Lummis, Daines and Lankford, reported exclusively by Breitbart News, that demanded answers on a proposed “enemies list” targeting those who oppose gender ideology curriculum.

The letter from the Senators blasted the NEA for being “more concerned with advancing a ‘social justice’ agenda instead of meeting the needs of children and students who are experiencing catastrophic learning challenges.” It also specifically inquired about a measure that would earmark $140k to create the enemies list.

The NEA President responded to the four Republican Senators in a letter that doubled down on the teacher’s union’s leftist agenda. The letter, obtained exclusively by Breitbart News, does not address the “enemies list” that the Senators inquired about and only briefly mentions gender ideology.

Teacher's Union Defends Social Justice in Letter to Sen. Marsha Blackburn
Pennsylvania Education Department Claims 3-Year-Olds Can Identify as Transgender


The Pennsylvania Department of Education claims children as young as three can identify as transgender and lists “ne, ve, ze/zie and xe” as viable pronouns.

The website for the department also advises teachers to ask students before assuming what a student’s preferred pronouns might be.

“In addition to the traditional pronouns (he/him, she/her, they), some people prefer to use gender-neutral pronouns, such as ne, ve, ze/zie and xe,” the website says. “If you don’t know a student’s preferred personal pronoun, it’s always best to ask.”

According to the website, which is intended to be a guide for teachers, “binary gender” is the “faulty concept that there are only two genders: male and female” and “gender expression/gender presentation” is “how we show our gender to the world through external choices (e.g. dress, behavior, hairstyle).”

PA Education Department Claims 3-Year-Olds Can Identify as Transgender
Rhode Island mom sues after discovering 'Secret' 'Antiracist' Meetings held in district

A Rhode Island mom filed a lawsuit Wednesday after she was blocked from attending "secret" meetings that were focused on antiracist ideology and should have been open to the public, allegations in a complaint said.

"I learned that my school had appointed a subcommittee to change the curriculum in the school under an anti-racist or equity lens – which is really just a radical ideology," Nicole Solas, a senior fellow with Independent Women's Forum, told Fox News Digital.

Upon discovering the meetings, Solas requested to join, but was told that "the board meetings aren't open to the public." The lawsuit was filed by The Goldwater Institute and alleged that blocking Solas from attending "public body" meetings violated Rhode Island's Open Meetings Act.

The South Kingston BIPOC Advisory Committee was formed in 2020 and is "an entity that receives public funds, is comprised in part of public officials and has regular and recurring meetings to advise the School Committee on ‘equity in education,'" the lawsuit said.

"Schools are looking for a way to implement a racist ideology into their curriculum… So what's going on is that these schools are looking for ways to enforce their ideology, but they know it's controversial. So they have to do it in a secret way because there will be public outcry if this happens in public," Solas told Fox News Digital.


Rhode Island mom sues after discovering 'secret' 'antiracist' meetings held in district
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‘Orwellian’: School District Encourages Entire Town To Report Violations Of ‘Anti-Racism’ Policy

A Rhode Island school district is encouraging its community to report anyone who violates the district’s anti-racism policy.

The “Anti-racism, Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy” at South Kingstown school district in Rhode Island says anyone in the educational community is “personally responsible” and must “immediately report” different kinds of racism including, “cyber racism,” “interpersonal racism” and “institutional racism,” according to the district policy. The policy states that “any member of South Kingstown is encouraged to report incidents or allegations of incidents” that break anti-racism policy guidelines. (RELATED: Democrat Activists Are Dishing Out Millions To Keep CRT, Gender Theory In Schools)

“The South Kingstown School District Anti-Racism policy creates a paranoid, stasi-style online reporting system for any member of the Town of South Kingstown to report not only incidents of racism, but also cyber racism and interpersonal racism as defined by the district,” Nicole Solas, South Kingstown resident and Independent Women’s Forum senior fellow, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

‘Orwellian’: School District Encourages Entire Town To Report Violations Of ‘Anti-Racism’ Policy
Pro-Antifa California teacher given 3 years’ salary to resign: report

Gabriel Gipe's teaching methods at Inderkum High School were exposed in Project Veritas video last year

A California teacher who received widespread backlash after getting caught on video bragging about how he was working to radicalize his students with far-left ideology was given three years of pay to resign, according to a local report.

Officials in January agreed to pay Gabriel Gipe, a social studies teacher at Inderkum High School, $190,000 to leave his post without fighting his prospective firing, the Sacramento Bee reported, citing settlement records.

After tax, Gipe walked away with a total of $100,000, the paper reported. His annual salary reportedly was $60,000.

Project Veritas exposed Gipe’s teaching methods last year on video, which captured Gipe stating that he tried to "scare the f---" out of kids in order to motivate them politically. Footage also surfaced of his classroom, which reportedly included a poster of former Chinese dictator Mao Zedong, as well as one with the Antifa flag.

Pro-Antifa California teacher given 3 years’ salary to resign: report
'THIS is why trust in America's schools is eroding': Outrage over ANTIFA teacher's $190,000 payout as school board blames California teachers' union for making it 'impossible' to fire staff

There is growing outrage over a California school board's decision to give a pro-communism, ANTIFA teacher a generous $190,000 payout i
nstead of firing him after he was exposed for trying to indoctrinate kids to become 'revolutionaries'.

Gabriel Gipe was last year exposed by Project Veritas. A teacher at Inderkum High School, he plastered his classroom with photos of former Chinese leader Mao Zedong with the slogan 'Antifascist Action'.

The Natomas Unified School District placed him on paid leave pending an investigation and four months later, struck a deal with him in which he received $190,000 and he tendered his resignation. That deal was made public this week.

Now, there is growing outrage over the payout.


Gabriel Gipe was paid $190,000 to resign from his role at Inderkum High School after being exposed by Project Veritas for trying to push his ANTIFA agenda on kids


Gipe also displayed a poster of Chinese Communist Party leader Mao Zedong in his classroom at Inderkum High School, in Sacramento, California

Outrage over California school district giving ANTIFA teacher a $190,000 payout | Daily Mail Online
Canada’s Legalization Of Public Sex Displays Is Coming To A School Near You


Warning: This article contains content that might not be suitable for young audiences.

Fox’s “Family Guy” is awfully prescient for our current times. Take this segment. A woman sits at a bar watching pornography on a phone. The bartender interjects, “Excuse me, ma’am, no porn at the bar.” The apparent woman responds, “Oh it’s okay, I’m transgender.” The bartender exclaims, “Oh, I had no idea. Do whatever you want all the time.”

What a great summary of the West’s current attitude toward transgenderism. Because we’ve enshrined such subjective terms as “gender identity” and “gender expression” into law, whatever a trans person says, goes. In other words, the West is now in the position of protecting attitudes and expressions that are completely at odds with reality and pose a menace to society.

Canada’s Legalization Of Public Sex Displays Is Headed Your Way
Private School Sex Ed. Teacher: Kids Are Sexual Beings ‘Since Birth’

A sex educator at a Pennsylvania private school claimed that children are sexual beings “since birth.”

Al Vernacchio is a sex educator at Friends’ Central School in Pennsylvania, which is affiliated with the National Association for Independent Schools (NAIS), the largest private school accreditation organization in the country.

Vernacchio, who is listed on the school’s website as the Coordinator of Gender, Sexuality, and Consent Education, explained during one talk that he oversees the sex education of students ranging from ages three to 18.

Screenshots from his Twitter account show a poster, which appears to be at a school, that reads, “Sex is like pizza, not baseball.” One portion of the poster also says, “Everyone likes different kinds of pizza! Some people like mushrooms. Other people like anal!”

Private School Sex Ed. Teacher: Kids Are Sexual Beings 'Since Birth'
SEE IT: DeSantis's office Reveals Sexually Graphic books found in Florida Schools

Gov. Ron DeSantis's (R-FL) office revealed photos on Tuesday of two sexual picture books that were found in Florida schools.

The books Gender Queer, It's Perfectly Normal, and Let's Talk About It have been discovered in schools across several counties in Florida, DeSantis's deputy press secretary, Jeremy Redfern, told the Washington Examiner.

The infamous book Gender Queer follows the author's "journey of self-identity, which includes the mortification and confusion of adolescent crushes, grappling with how to come out to family and society, bonding with friends over erotic gay fanfiction, and facing the trauma and fundamental violation of pap smears."

SEE IT: DeSantis's office reveals sexually graphic books found in Florida schools
WATCH: Preschool Teachers Drill Students in 'Woke' Gender Language

Teachers told to Teach Kids as Young as Four about Transgenderism and Black Lives Matter

A group that accredits North Carolina day-care centers encouraged early childhood educators to teach kids as young as four about transgenderism and the Black Lives Matter movement.

WATCH: Preschool Teachers Drill Students in 'Woke' Gender Language

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