China After Covid 19?



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
At some point this will eventually all calm down across the world. The question remains what will happen to China when all this is said and done? There is no way China simply skates on this. You can't decimate the world's economy, kill possibly hundreds of thousands of people and not expect any repercussions whatsoever. What happens to China I can only assume will be monumental. Think Germany after the Holocaust, or a complete change in government leadership.
At some point this will eventually all calm down across the world. The question remains what will happen to China when all this is said and done? There is no way China simply skates on this. You can't decimate the world's economy, kill possibly hundreds of thousands of people and not expect any repercussions whatsoever. What happens to China I can only assume will be monumental. Think Germany after the Holocaust, or a complete change in government leadership.
Good post. I would like to think the world steps back and takes a real hard and long look at what the cost of doing business with China is. They have been responsible for almost every outbreak of killer disease in the last 20 years. The only thing China does well is produce cheap crap. Zero quality control, zero social and ethical responsibility, and zero regard for human life within and outside of their borders. I'd like to see China go back to just producing plastic trinkets that you get from gumball style machines for a quarter.
Good post. I would like to think the world steps back and takes a real hard and long look at what the cost of doing business with China is. They have been responsible for almost every outbreak of killer disease in the last 20 years. The only thing China does well is produce cheap crap. Zero quality control, zero social and ethical responsibility, and zero regard for human life within and outside of their borders. I'd like to see China go back to just producing plastic trinkets that you get from gumball style machines for a quarter.

I would like to think this also but I have real doubts anything of consequence will happen. They are too big of a market and their government has the “stay in power at all costs” mentality.
Good post. I would like to think the world steps back and takes a real hard and long look at what the cost of doing business with China is. They have been responsible for almost every outbreak of killer disease in the last 20 years. The only thing China does well is produce cheap crap. Zero quality control, zero social and ethical responsibility, and zero regard for human life within and outside of their borders. I'd like to see China go back to just producing plastic trinkets that you get from gumball style machines for a quarter.
I would like to see China get karma and go back to poverty.
I would like to think this also but I have real doubts anything of consequence will happen. They are too big of a market and their government has the “stay in power at all costs” mentality.

Besides pulling out and lessening the money going into China, there is little else to be done.

World can't handle a confrontation like China. Too weak, no willingness to sacrifice, especially as the Chinese have spent decades programming and training their citizens.

The government and military will operate free from any internal strife, uprising or resistance or, crush it before it begins. They are free to use their centralized power and do what would need to be done, and sacrifice is one thing they could and would have no problem with. They do not care about what the world has to say or yell about, they will go about their business. And, if and when they finally felt cornered and their resentment makes them lash out, what will the world do?

I've said for so long that not making more of an effort with Russia (granted, to what extent it would/might have really worked or been worth and could they really change and be trusted) was worth one thing alone, a strong ally next to China. Sharing a border, and one that has been a point of contention and war between the 2 makes Russia a key ally.

Now, we must worry about the world wide political landscape, and who's backing who and who would, when push comes to shove, align with who. How far will escalation go?

We can do little except value our currency and domestic value. We need to spend and give as little as possible to China, and take away the demand we created. Much easier said than done.
At some point this will eventually all calm down across the world. The question remains what will happen to China when all this is said and done? There is no way China simply skates on this. You can't decimate the world's economy, kill possibly hundreds of thousands of people and not expect any repercussions whatsoever. What happens to China I can only assume will be monumental. Think Germany after the Holocaust, or a complete change in government leadership.
I’m pretty sure nothing is going to happen.
At some point this will eventually all calm down across the world. The question remains what will happen to China when all this is said and done? There is no way China simply skates on this. You can't decimate the world's economy, kill possibly hundreds of thousands of people and not expect any repercussions whatsoever. What happens to China I can only assume will be monumental. Think Germany after the Holocaust, or a complete change in government leadership.
the least would be shut down those disease ridden markets
Nothing. America can’t do much to China because they have a lot of manufacturing plants that we rely on for cheap goods.
At some point this will eventually all calm down across the world. The question remains what will happen to China when all this is said and done? There is no way China simply skates on this. You can't decimate the world's economy, kill possibly hundreds of thousands of people and not expect any repercussions whatsoever. What happens to China I can only assume will be monumental. Think Germany after the Holocaust, or a complete change in government leadership.

They've made some moves to crack down on exotic meat sales. But those laws have to actually be enforced. I doubt they will be. I think China needs to allow international health monitors in at it's infectious disease centers. We all know that won't happen though.
Something needs to happen and I don’t know what that is and it probably won’t.

How’s that for being lost?
China deserves to pay in financially, economically, socially, politically, etc.. They have unleashed a disease that has impacted the world. Was it man made? That is probably something they are trying to keep the world from finding out. They are as attempting to expand their power as a bad actor. The WHO was a player in this.

Let's be honest if anything is going to happen after this, then the United States are going to have to be the country that puts it foot down. That is a hard ask with so many corporations in bed with China and working for expansion. Let's be honest, unless it's by Trump leadership, anyone else leading the United States will revert to business as usual with China and is too weak and too partisan to want to do anything about it.
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Nothing is going to happen to China. They are the second or third most powerful country in the world and the second largest economy. They are run by a dictatorship regime. The rest of the world is afraid of them and will appease them. FFS look at that BS WHO appointment they just got. Ridiculous.
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China deserves to pay in financially, economically, socially, potentially, etc.. They have unleashed a disease that has impacted the world. Was it man made? That is probably something they are trying to keep the world from finding out. They are as attempting to expand their power as a bad actor. The WHO was a player in this.

Let's be honest if anything is going to happen after this, then the United States are going to have to be the country that puts it foot down. That is a hard ask with so many corporations in bed with China and working for expansion. Let's be honest, unless it's by Trump leadership, anyone else leading the United States will revert to business as usual with China and is too weak and too partisan to want to do anything about it.

If it was man made and got out by accident or on purpose we'll never be told because our government couldn't deal with the demand for retaliation. It would have to be war and nobody is attacking a nuclear power.
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At some point this will eventually all calm down across the world. The question remains what will happen to China when all this is said and done? There is no way China simply skates on this. You can't decimate the world's economy, kill possibly hundreds of thousands of people and not expect any repercussions whatsoever. What happens to China I can only assume will be monumental. Think Germany after the Holocaust, or a complete change in government leadership.

It would be a smart move for the U.S. to at least cease the manufacturing of prescriptions Meds and Medical equipment overseas.

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