China After Covid 19?

As I recall, China has a road network all the way down through Laos and Cambodia to a port in Cambodia and with a Chinese base at that port. With that China has the land mass and coastline to directly threaten any country from Australia to Japan. You are looking at a WW2 type scenario except against a nation with a huge population, rich resources (including the manufacturing and technology we gave them - including by theft), and a huge land base to work from. They wouldn't have to invade the US any more than the Japanese did, but the real difference would be the staying power that the Japanese didn't have. You also have to remember the Chinese run the Panama Canal and have swindled their way into bases near the Suez Canal.
China's biggest shortfall on resources would be oil. Thus the Panama Canal and the courtship with Venezuela
We play Candyland and the Chinese play Go (the complex board game that's all about strategy and tactics). We don't have the patience and the focus to beat the Chinese. They play the long game, and our population turns negative when body bags start coming home. Their people have no choice about supporting a war, and ours won't support war once the initial popularity wears off.

The left had rather surrender. I wonder if china shoots down aone of our plane, would our board's lefties support any retaliation?
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The world wouldn't need to. The U.S. and Japan are their two largest trading partners. That would be enough to send their economy into a tail spin.

But we won't, hell just look at the crap Trump received for the paltry actions he took standing up to them. They have brought off too many of our entrenched politicians and bureaucrats. Same goes for the rest of the free world.
China's biggest shortfall on resources would be oil. Thus the Panama Canal and the courtship with Venezuela

I think the Panama Canal is because of strategic implications - they could always sabotage it, if forced by war to leave, making life more difficult for us in repositioning Naval fleets. It's cash flow for China right now. The Suez is of importance for the same reason. Oil from S America is a way of sustaining them, but the fallback should that be lost for a Chinese base in this hemisphere is the E China Sea oil and other areas to the south - making Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia of strategic importance. The real issue for now is economic; we've made this country dependent on China - even when we've diversified from China the countries we would rely on are generally within striking distance for China. China is probably not ready militarily for war, but they will be and their military will be funded by us if we don't come to our senses regarding trade.
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We have too many lefties getting rich so they'll not sanction china.

Probably even a more equal opportunity thing across the political spectrum. Cheap Chinese goods are making a lot of people rich in the short term. The problem for those at the top of the corporate world is when the lack of jobs in the US translates to no market for their goods.
Probably even a more equal opportunity thing across the political spectrum. Cheap Chinese goods are making a lot of people rich in the short term. The problem for those at the top of the corporate world is when the lack of jobs in the US translates to no market for their goods.

Thats where the illegal aliens and free college come in to play,

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