China After Covid 19?

Is this for real?

Yes it’s real .. in China . We had better fight like hell to keep it out of this country or it will be real here . The people that say it can’t happen here are nuts . People in general are sheep and will give up their rights for perceived safety and protection .
Yes it’s real .. in China . We had better fight like hell to keep it out of this country or it will be real here . The people that say it can’t happen here are nuts . People in general are sheep and will give up their rights for perceived safety and protection .
I found it disturbing that they are tracking our phones to see where we travel during Coronovirus.
I found it disturbing that they are tracking our phones to see where we travel during Coronovirus.

NGV and I used to joke about our conversation topics popping up on YouTube or ads on google ... it’s not funny anymore . Every once in a while I’ll tell them to F off to see if I get a reply . The day a voice or text tells me “ no you F off “ I’m out ! Lol
I’m more concerned about what we look like after CV-19. The Government now knows they can stop people from going to church, stop people from leaving their homes, stop us from shopping, stop us from working, stop us from seeing our families, openly admit to using cell phone data to track us. These will have much longer and much worse effects than this flu bug
I have been sick of reading "Made in China" on almost everything you can buy for years. But it's only since CV-19 became a thing that our dependence on China for such "mission critical" items as medicines and medical supplies has become widely known.

Yet the MSM and the left in this country are still carrying water for the ChiComms. Unbelievable.

If for no other reason than to lessen our dependence on those evil baskerds for items essential to our well-being, we better hope Trump gets re-elected.
The MSM and lefties are carrying water for ANYTHING that isn't Mr Trump. They really don't care how many Americans die.. Ask luther if you don't believe me.
I’m more concerned about what we look like after CV-19. The Government now knows they can stop people from going to church, stop people from leaving their homes, stop us from shopping, stop us from working, stop us from seeing our families, openly admit to using cell phone data to track us. These will have much longer and much worse effects than this flu bug

.gov will never forget what we have allowed them to get away with.
At some point this will eventually all calm down across the world. The question remains what will happen to China when all this is said and done? There is no way China simply skates on this. You can't decimate the world's economy, kill possibly hundreds of thousands of people and not expect any repercussions whatsoever. What happens to China I can only assume will be monumental. Think Germany after the Holocaust, or a complete change in government leadership.
Not sure about that but any manufacturing job we have there, no matter if it's medicine or dog toys, should all come home.

After this people should love to pay two or three dollars more for anything made in the USA.
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He's got a point.

I was going to post this. It’s common sense from a Liberal who is.... wait for it.... critical of other Liberals for being offended during a pandemic and holding China accountable . Like for instance giving a $hit what the virus is called. “If it were from Milan it would be called the Milan Virus.” How is it that Bill Maher of all people keeps telling you how dumb the PC element of your party is? And yet you wonder how Trump keeps winning elections.

And #blamechina .
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I was going to post this. It’s common sense from a Liberal who is.... wait for it.... critical of other Liberals for being offended during a pandemic and holding China accountable . Like for instance giving a $hit what the virus is called. “If it were from Milan it would be called the Milan Virus.” How is it that Bill Maher of all people keeps telling you how dumb the PC element of your party is? And yet you wonder how Trump keeps winning elections.

And #blamechina .
He knows the PC element is killing his party.
Not sure about that but any manufacturing job we have there, no matter if it's medicine or dog toys, should all come home.

After this people should love to pay two or three dollars more for anything made in the USA.
I needed a new toilet valve recently. I went down the street and Home Depot had a couple of different offerings, one was cheap and one was about twice the price but had an American flag on the box and touted that it was made in America. I chose the made in America version. I'm just glad my extra 3 or 4 bucks went home instead of to some bat eating POS.
To those saying "nothing will happen to China", I understand that initial line of thinking but this happened on a world scale and I can guarantee you this has likely angered a lot of the right people. Only time will tell but I'd keep an eye on this in the coming weeks and months. China is already allowing it's wet markets to reopen where this allegedly started.
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To those saying "nothing will happen to China", I understand that initial line of thinking but this happened on a world scale and I can guarantee you this has likely angered a lot of the right people. Only time will tell but I'd keep an eye on this in the coming weeks and months. China is already allowing it's wet markets to reopen where this allegedly started.
nicholson laugh.gif
In this country it’s going to be up to each and every one of us as consumers to make the choice to avoid buying the Made in China crap as much as we possibly can. We’ve got to put a hard hurt on the corporate bottom line for them to wake up and make the necessary manufacturing changes.
People in general are sheep and will give up their rights for perceived safety and protection .

That's the thing that is really bumming me out about this whole ordeal. Is the number of people especially on the r/nashville reddit feed that willingly suggesting that TN should be even more restrictive w/ the "stay at home" order and if you show any dissent,you'll get down voted.
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