China owning US farmland

The Japanese own a considerable amount of our major metropolitan cities' commercial properties
Isn't this just like all the other debates to just start enforcing what's already on the books? Trust in govt

The Federal law requiring foreign entities to advise the Department of Agriculture of investments in land is only haphazardly enforced, and companies from China are listed under various names. In addition, the USDA has not enforced tracking of foreign entities under the law since 2014.
So what's the solution? Ban certain companies from purchasing land?

Good question. In some countries you would have to form a native corporation or other legal entity to purchase land, that sounds on the surface to be an idea in discussion.
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It’s not a big deal…we can simply nationalize any lands purchased by foreign companies or governments by the stroke of a pin. It’s certainly happened to American interests in foreign countries in the past.
It’s not a big deal…we can simply nationalize any lands purchased by foreign companies or governments by the stroke of a pin. It’s certainly happened to American interests in foreign countries in the past.

No! Absolutely not! Nationalizing anything privately owned is a horrible idea and should be opposed by everyone.
Well, yea. Other countries allow foreign investment, just not ownership of property.
As I posted above they already must disclose when buying land.

What is it's a US citizen acting on their behalf? Can they also be barred?
No! Absolutely not! Nationalizing anything privately owned is a horrible idea and should be opposed by everyone.
Assset forfeiture by any private individual should be a non starter, citizen or not. But for a government entity proxy I’m not so sure I think it’s a bad idea. I don’t think any rational citizen would think having huge chunks of America owned by the Chinese government is a good idea. For Chinese citizens I really don’t care though. But when the line blurs what do we do? I really don’t have a good idea 🤷‍♂️
We are far from the only country that allows foreign ownership of land.

I'm sure I wasn't 100% correct, but my sentiment toward the act is the same. But, I'm also sure our monitoring foreign ownership in US property is as strictly adhered to as immigration when compared to other countries.
Assset forfeiture by any private individual should be a non starter, citizen or not. But for a government entity proxy I’m not so sure I think it’s a bad idea. I don’t think any rational citizen would think having huge chunks of America owned by the Chinese government is a good idea. For Chinese citizens I really don’t care though. But when the line blurs what do we do? I really don’t have a good idea 🤷‍♂️

I googled some other countries laws on this and what I can find it's a mishmash of foreigners can own land to no they can't with everything in between. Several allow it but you have to form a naturalized entity within the country to own land. I don't see why that would be a bad thing here.
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As I posted above they already must disclose when buying land.

What is it's a US citizen acting on their behalf? Can they also be barred?

I wish I had a good answer or resolution other than that most people would be appalled at how much US land and metro buildings are owned by foreign countries.
I googled some other countries laws on this and what I can find it's a mishmash of foreigners can own land to no they can't with everything in between. Several allow it but you have to form a naturalized entity within the country to own land. I don't see why that would be a bad thing here.
I’d agree that’s a decent approach to start the process on. Straight up foreign governments or entities under direct foreign government control I think is a bad idea. Of course the Chicoms really don’t care about the laws governing US land ownership if they’ve decided they want to buy it so… 🤷‍♂️
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