China owning US farmland

Just freakin terrific
Who knows what genetically altered seed they plant
We are in big time trouble

Well, since you asked, “…first discovered in 2011 in China”. Not genetically altered seed, but a gene that makes bacteria resistant to the most powerful antibiotics (Colistin). @kiddiedoc, has this hit the medical community radar? Personally, I think it’s @joevol33 just crappin’ in the Georgia water supply. Amarite?

Gene found in Georgia sewer water could be 'global public health threat,' scientists say
Well, since you asked, “…first discovered in 2011 in China”. Not genetically altered seed, but a gene that makes bacteria resistant to the most powerful antibiotics (Colistin). @kiddiedoc, has this hit the medical community radar?

Gene found in Georgia sewer water could be 'global public health threat,' scientists say

I was harkening to those "mysterious seed" that were mailed to people from CCP last year.
What if they just decide not to plant anything? This is beyond stupidity.
Yet some proclaim we can just nationalize...well that can be countered by the CCP nationalizing how many hundreds of billions of American investment in China....Just why even allow the possibility?
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Let the CCP buy up as much as possible. Then make them pay about $1,000,000 for every American that died of COVID. If they fail to pay it, place liens on their farm land.
My guess is we are just as responsible as them for this. So we should probably keep quiet.
nationalizing/state-ilizing private property, what could possibly go wrong...

OT but I had no idea that Sarah Huckabee Sanders was their governor. I guess being the mouthpiece for the orange man paid off.
I’m not a fan of it, but we also can’t have an enemy country owning farms in the US. If DC wasn’t bought and paid for this wouldn’t have been allowed in the first place.
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nationalizing/state-ilizing private property, what could possibly go wrong...

OT but I had no idea that Sarah Huckabee Sanders was their governor. I guess being the mouthpiece for the orange man paid off.

I see no problem making it illegal for non permanent residents/citizens to own land within a state. We're actually one of the few countries that allow foreign entities to own property, in a lot of places a citizen/legal resident has to be the owner and then the foreigner leases from them.
I see no problem making it illegal for non permanent residents/citizens to own land within a state. We're actually one of the few countries that allow foreign entities to own property, in a lot of places a citizen/legal resident has to be the owner and then the foreigner leases from them.
This country does a lot of dumb $hit.
I see no problem making it illegal for non permanent residents/citizens to own land within a state. We're actually one of the few countries that allow foreign entities to own property, in a lot of places a citizen/legal resident has to be the owner and then the foreigner leases from them.

Exactly - I am all for this. Only a progressive would think the concept of America being owned only by Americans is somehow "bad".
Yes it does, other dumb things include allowing dual citizenship and our version of birthright citizenship.
I have always been on the fence with dual citizenship. A few people close to me have it. If they renounced their citizenship, then they can't own land from their country of origin.
I have always been on the fence with dual citizenship. A few people close to me have it. If they renounced their citizenship, then they can't own land from their country of origin.

That sucks but I'm a firm believer in ending dual citizenship. Pick one and live with it.
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Exactly - I am all for this. Only a progressive would think the concept of America being owned only by Americans is somehow "bad".
or how about the government's ability to give itself the power to seize private property, seems like a pretty progressive thing in and of itself too. I guess its ok because its happening to the bad guys....for now.
or how about the government's ability to give itself the power to seize private property, seems like a pretty progressive thing in and of itself too. I guess its ok because its happening to the bad guys....for now.

Stop paying your taxes and you will find out that they ALREADY have given themselves the power to seize private property long ago.
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or how about the government's ability to give itself the power to seize private property, seems like a pretty progressive thing in and of itself too. I guess its ok because its happening to the bad guys....for now.

WTF are you talking about? The state isn't seizing the land, they have 2 years to sell it and if they don't the state still has to take them to court. If the state was using eminent domain to do this you would be onto something but they're not.
I’m not a fan of it, but we also can’t have an enemy country owning farms in the US. If DC wasn’t bought and paid for this wouldn’t have been allowed in the first place.
Mixed feelings on this. Is this farmland being used to raise food for us or China's market? If it is for export to China, is this an issue because it is bypassing tarrifs or sanctions or something? Is it because they are breaking environmental laws? Are they getting special tax advantages?

I'm trying to understand what the real issue is here. If the argument is that these farms should be owned by "Americans", does this mean American mega-corporations or individual farmers?
Mixed feelings on this. Is this farmland being used to raise food for us or China's market? If it is for export to China, is this an issue because it is bypassing tarrifs or sanctions or something? Is it because they are breaking environmental laws? Are they getting special tax advantages?

I'm trying to understand what the real issue is here. If the argument is that these farms should be owned by "Americans", does this mean American mega-corporations or individual farmers?

Why make it complicated? Foreign entities, individual, corporation or what have you shouldn't be able to own real property of any kind.
Why make it complicated? Foreign entities, individual, corporation or what have you shouldn't be able to own real property of any kind.

Every other friggen country has enough sense to do this. Only America is stupid enough to sell our very land to foreigners.
WTF are you talking about? The state isn't seizing the land, they have 2 years to sell it and if they don't the state still has to take them to court. If the state was using eminent domain to do this you would be onto something but they're not.
So you are ok with the state telling you you have to sell the land within 2 years or they will take you to court, and then take it from you? that's a fair system that you have no issues with?

Its exactly the same as eminent domain, they are just adding more justifications to it. ED (lol) isn't a one day process where they show up with the bulldozers running giving you and your family just enough time to get out of the house. the government just acts as the buyer in ED. you can negotiate with them over the price, at least in GA, and then once a price is agreed you are given a certain amount of time, but the minimum is 3 months to vacate the property.

I am not seeing the difference you are implying against the distinction of eminent domain.
So you are ok with the state telling you you have to sell the land within 2 years or they will take you to court, and then take it from you? that's a fair system that you have no issues with?

Its exactly the same as eminent domain, they are just adding more justifications to it. ED (lol) isn't a one day process where they show up with the bulldozers running giving you and your family just enough time to get out of the house. the government just acts as the buyer in ED. you can negotiate with them over the price, at least in GA, and then once a price is agreed you are given a certain amount of time, but the minimum is 3 months to vacate the property.

I am not seeing the difference you are implying against the distinction of eminent domain.

Am I “ok” with the state telling me that I have to sell my land? No, of course I’m not “ok“ with that because I am a citizen of the state. I’m I ”ok“ with the state barring foreign ownership of real property yes, am I ok with the state forcing foreign entities to divest from current ownership, yes. And no that doesn’t include legal permanent residents.
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Am I “ok” with the state telling me that I have to sell my land? No, of course I’m not “ok“ with that because I am a citizen of the state. I’m I ”ok“ with the state barring foreign ownership of real property yes, am I ok with the state forcing foreign entities to divest from current ownership, yes. And no that doesn’t include legal permanent residents.
right, because if there is anything the government's recent actions have shown us is that you give them a little bit of power they will only take that much and no more. Its a good thing various government agencies haven't been politicized and turned against its own citizens over purely political stances.

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