China Thread

maybe it is real, maybe it isn't, but it seems far fetched.

1. its going to produce as much thrust as A commercial jet engine, trying to move something far far heavier, and in much more resistant media, and supposedly going to go the speed of sound or faster? for reference the fastest american subs do about 30 mph, but this is going to go 600+?
2. even if it does create the micro vacuums for super speeds, I don't see how that is going to completely remove water resistance, and seems like that would be a noisy (relatively) process. they would have to have those fiber optics literally everywhere displacing ALL the water around the sub.
3. even if the little vacuums do create a +mach speed I would assume you are still going to hear that water moving. I don't think sonic booms/breaking the speed of sound underwater works like it does in the air, but I still don't see how it will be silent. especially if you are relying on constantly displacing a certain amount of water to move.
4. unless they figure out how to slow it down just as fast as they accelerate it, its going to have extremely limited usage. They are going to have to completely rework any weapon system to go faster than their +mach, rework their targeting, going 200x the speed of your target means you are going to have to detect 200x further away to be able to aim at it. and with the super speeds you aren't going to be able to maneuver much, unless this magic tech somehow conquers that too.
5. at best I could see it being useful to blitz past a defensive line/screen, but at some point its going to have to move at normal speeds closer to targets, at which point its like any other submarine system. coastal/shallow waters would make traveling at high speeds suicidal at best.
6. seems like the light would also make it detectable. it may be a case of "too little too late" when it comes to that detection currently, but given that the chinese sub is likely going to have to drop speeds to work normally, it gives their enemies more of a chance in case it really is silent.
7. also seems like superheating the water is going to create steam, and would damage the system and the sub with usage.
8. I know all modern subs use certain materials to make themselves less detectable to sonar, are fiber optics going to give the same results?

lots and lots of questions.
Idk man - I’ll classify laser submarines alongside their 3,000 mile carrier killers.

I’ll believe it when I see it. Or see us respond in a way that indicates they actually have it.

Mach speed submarines. Pretty fantastical.
it doesnt say they have it as there are still hurdles..some crazy advancements but am surprised it to be published if true. I belive Russia claimed a supercavitating torpedo years ago but who knows.
it doesnt say they have it as there are still hurdles..some crazy advancements but am surprised it to be published if true. I belive Russia claimed a supercavitating torpedo years ago but who knows.

Russia did claim to have at least a working prototype but i dont think it was ever verified. 200mph torpedoes if I remember correctly. I read an article where we were apparently trying to engineer the same thing based on their claim but could not. Our attempts convinced our scientists with relative certainty that the Russians were FOS as well. Cavitation produces bubbles that destroy propellers etc made of incredibly strong alloys...and quickly. Incredibly high temperatures and pressures can be created at the micro level which known metals just cannot stand up too.
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Ehh, they're not known for outside the box thinking.
They're not. Tyrannies don't like independent thought. Some there do understand the downside to groupthink and are pushing for more critical thinking, but they've got a long way to go.
They're not. Tyrannies don't like independent thought. Some there do understand the downside to groupthink and are pushing for more critical thinking, but they've got a long way to go.
that is a myth. You have moneyand engineers, you can develop. They lead the world in patents and are cutting edge in several endevours

We should absolutely be incorporating unmanned aerial assets into the greater surface fleet.

A variation on this premise of distributed lethality and capability - there is no reason San Antonio (with a fresh coat of paint on the deck) should not be launching F-35B…

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When WW3 gunna POP off!?

Plugging Whiney The Pooh ain’t gonna do squat.
That clown just approved Bitcoin ETF for Hong Kong.

He don’t want no smoke…
WOW... The Washington Generals also have a lot of experience... but they never seem to win against The Globetrotters.

Also, WTF is this supply chain nonsense this guy is talking about? We would be fighting China on their own soil. And they share a border with Russia. How in the f*** will the US be able to disrupt supply chains when China leads the world in manufacturing and they can get anything they need extra from Russia? Just some goofy azz nonsense.

China’s new stealth bomber ‘nowhere near as good’ as US’s, intel official says

“The biggest…challenge for the Chinese side is actually not so much capability of actual systems, it's more capability of personnel to effectively employ those systems at speed and at scale. We, as a U.S. military, have a lot of experience fighting wars. And yes, you talk to any operator, and they'll tell you all the problems we have, but quite frankly, we're able to figure out how to execute kill chains. The Chinese don't really have anybody right now at all, in the PLA, who's actually been in a war,” the official said.
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Could they penetrate the US market? They might be so cheap,so never say never. Autos have become insanely priced..

Its insane what most vehicles cost. Especially trucks from Detroit companies. You can thank the garbage UAW unions, the Feds for their ridiculous EPA regulations such as mileage and pushing electrics, and then thank the Feds again for the worst inflation in 50 years under Sloppy Joe and the Socialists. It is ridiculous and young people have every right to be pissed. They can forget about owning a home or even a brand new car in most cases...even as they will be counted on to finance the SS payments for Boomers that they will never receive themselves. Hell I am 47 and have paid into SS heavily my entire life. I will never be around to draw a dime myself, as they keep raising the age requirement and its already out past my life expectations due to family medical history etc. BS ponzi scheme should be optional.
There's other markets to dump on if this is unavailable. Latin America, Asia.
I don’t know much at all about the Asian car markets, but Latin America markets are wild.

They have their own models down there, with parts and service for those specific applications.

Not sure the Chinese could cater to the average consumer down there. At least with existing stock they’re looking to dump.
Could they penetrate the US market? They might be so cheap,so never say never. Autos have become insanely priced..
I don't think a lot of what they make would pass the various standards we have in country. I am sure they have some "American" grade vehicles. But safety and all the EPA stuff aren't in the typical Chinese car.
WOW... The Washington Generals also have a lot of experience... but they never seem to win against The Globetrotters.

Also, WTF is this supply chain nonsense this guy is talking about? We would be fighting China on their own soil. And they share a border with Russia. How in the f*** will the US be able to disrupt supply chains when China leads the world in manufacturing and they can get anything they need extra from Russia? Just some goofy azz nonsense.

China’s new stealth bomber ‘nowhere near as good’ as US’s, intel official says

“The biggest…challenge for the Chinese side is actually not so much capability of actual systems, it's more capability of personnel to effectively employ those systems at speed and at scale. We, as a U.S. military, have a lot of experience fighting wars. And yes, you talk to any operator, and they'll tell you all the problems we have, but quite frankly, we're able to figure out how to execute kill chains. The Chinese don't really have anybody right now at all, in the PLA, who's actually been in a war,” the official said.
Any attempt by the USA to invade mainland China would be idiotic.

The USA's best bet in fighting China would be to blockade China with the US Navy which is the United State's strongest advantage then try to take over the air and use our air force to known out the electrical grid, logistical facilities, communications, etc.

The USA still has vast naval superiority and nearly every major war in modern history has come down to who owns the sea lanes.
That being said, I don't think China wants war with USA and vice versa. I really think all the discussion is pointless.

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