Seems like a double-standard at TSR... keep Ainge onboard with a legit DUI and fire Treece on a charge that was dropped.
I liked Treece during pre-season practice when he seemed to have a good eye for spotting the players who would make an early impact. His shows were just okay. He always seemed to have a chip on his shoulder and relished the bad boy persona.
TSR is hard to listen to due to the volume of commercial breaks, at least during Ainge and Hooker's shows. Not just top of the hour 6 minute breaks, but every 8 minutes or so they break for 6 more.
Jay Bay, the station owner, needs to get off the air with Ainge and run the station behind the scenes. He's even more immature than Ainge and their middle school banter really gets. I quit listening to Ainge during my commute to work.
I listen to Hooker's show while at lunch at it's okay. He tries to keep it interesting for the most part. Still, way too many commercial breaks to keep the topic flow going. Hooker suffers from lack of recall when it comes to Vol related facts, figures & info which is surprising for someone who has covered the Vols for most of his career. His sidekick Durago is young and acts like it with his opinionated comments and bravado.
IMO Swain does the best job at TSR. I enjoy listening to his show driving home from work and on podcasts. Stokes needs to get better and quit growling words to make a point. I think he tries hard, maybe too hard. Perhaps now that he has his own show, he'll improve.