Mostly Peaceful Poster
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Really glad he has a meltdown plan. Most I've met have no clue how to constructively deal with that energy.You’re absolutely correct.
My son runs a remodel crew. (Which the psychologists said he’d never be able to do). He doesn’t do small jobs because the quick changes really mess with him. He needs to be on jobs that take 3-6 weeks. Then he can make a plan and work that plan. We’ve found that working out helps a great deal so on days when the plan goes bad he ends up at the gym for a few hours. “Melt downs” are few and far between because he’s learned to cope/hold it in till the end of the day then blow up at the gym.
He’s in ridiculously good shape btw
Yep then their team hires a series of incompetent coaches and falls to historic lows in said game. Then a culture of losing envelops every aspect of the child's life until, like football, life itself is just a shell of what it once was and solace can only be found in posting pro communist propaganda on said favorite teams forum.That is exactly the point. She isn't mature enough and doesn't have the wisdom to know what is constructive. I'd use the opportunity to draw parallels with some other kids who were indoctrinated, but I can't see it ending well, so I'll go with discretion. She's caught up in something like happens to all kids ... makes them a rabid fan of a singer, or a game, or whatever ... some of us even have a fatal obsession over a football team.
Always enjoy your rants. Well stated as always.
You really feel big hurling insults like that at a 16yo girl with Asperger's? You have lost the ability to ever claim the high road.
You would be hard pressed to find posts where I claim a moral high road. You can find many where I may call sin what it is...sin. or what is wrong, wrong...they could be cherry picked and made to show that I bet, but I would bet a 10 spot there is a post close to them in the same thread where I admit that I am just a dirty sinner, and in no place to judge anyone. In fact, for all my flaws in life and as a poster, i would wager that i have posted far more than anyone here that I am a sinner and have done many things that I am not proud of . That is the beginning of redemption, owning failure and sin. I have posted about my battle with addiction to opiates after 2 back surgeries, the hardship of losing my brother, my dad, and grandfather within a year, and when it's really hard I ask for prayer. I mess up, but I am honest about it.
If I remember correctly 1 of your kids has special challenges right? Is that what made you get upset by my post? I had no idea she actually had a disability. I posted what I said based just on her appearance, the same way yall call Trump the "cheeto" or "orange man bad" etc...people with downs all look very, very similar. The ratios of their faces and their mannerisms are almost identical. Her face looks that same way to me. It was a simple shot at her appearance, nothing more.
FWIW, with all the special needs foster kids that were raised in my home, 37 I believe, there were many with mental challenges. My parents took great care of them and I helped out when I could. Both of my little sisters have challenges. Youngest has HIV and the oldest has a handful of acronyms (ADHD, BPD, ASD etc) I have been around lots of unique people in my life and know for a fact that I am no better than any of them. I personally struggle mightily with depression, and suicidal ideation, and have for more than 25 years. I take meds but dont think they help much, they just make me numb sometimes . Many days I wish I were dead and gone, even though I am blessed and have 2 great kids. It is a disease
Anyway, what I said was inappropriate...but if you look carefully I was making fun of her appearance just like everyone here does everyone they see...I had no idea that a girl I dont really care for who rails about a bullcrap cause that isnt a cause has a mental challenge. If I had, I wouldnt have posted that. I am beyond over this climate change bullcrap though. It will be laughed at in the future just like we laugh now about the 1970s "headed into an ice age by 2020" crisis. Doesnt mean we shouldn't recycle and such though. You don't have to worry about me claiming a moral high ground though bro, I know too much about me to ever look down on others about morals. I will still call sin what it is though, and call crazy what it is all this "cis gender" bullcrap etc...the libs are trying to normalize deviant behaviors. Most people hopefully will scream out "the Emperor HAS NO CLOTHES." And make his nasty butt put a robe on....
Keep it classy
What in the **** did I just watch??
The liberals have lost their collective ****ing minds.
^^^^ Is beyond stupid^^^^Treatment for Aspergers should:
The odds of this girl becoming a scientist is very high. I see a high functions person with a strong desire. You see an abused girl with Aspergers exploited by her parents. You will not be able to find anyone in the mental health community to call it abuse.
- Address the three main areas of problems (poor communication skills, obsessive/repetitive habits, and social skills)
- Start when your child is as young as possible
- Build on your child's skills
- Have a predictable schedule
- Break down material into simple steps
- Actively engage your child's attention
- Reinforce good behavior
- Be as intensive as possible
What you and some of the others are doing is the opposite of what you should be doing as far as this girl is concerned.
I have known this information for a while now. And yes I know quite a bit more than him. Aspergers is now categorized in the ASD (since 2013). His child is different from every other child in the spectrum. There is not a one size fits all treatment. That's why he is FOS and has yet to refute anything I have said. I'm close friends with one of the lead researchers in ASD. You would have been a wise man to let it go but you just wanted to show you ignorance as well. He is an integral part of his child's treatment and his participation with the therapist is to customize the treatment for his son. From what I gather he has done a great job. If you need any more information, feel free to ask.^^^^ Is beyond stupid^^^^
So you and a quick Google search know more than a person that actually deals with it on a daily basis?
Even AOC didn't wanna touch that level of crazy.
Even AOC didn't wanna touch that level of crazy.
I figured as much. That was a new level of crazy.Far-right group says it was behind bizarre outburst at Ocasio-Cortez town hall
This turns out to be a plant from a far-right group that drummed-up all this "must eat babies" ordeal....
They were trying to prank a joke on the situation of the climate control dummies.
If I ever need any pointers on how to be a pompous d@$k when I post I will hit you up. If I need information on Aspergers I’ll ask someone that deals with it daily.I have known this information for a while now. And yes I know quite a bit more than him. Aspergers is now categorized in the ASD (since 2013). His child is different from every other child in the spectrum. There is not a one size fits all treatment. That's why he is FOS and has yet to refute anything I have said. I'm close friends with one of the lead researchers in ASD. You would have been a wise man to let it go but you just wanted to show you ignorance as well. He is an integral part of his child's treatment and his participation with the therapist is to customize the treatment for his son. From what I gather he has done a great job. If you need any more information, feel free to ask.