Given the things Clinton enjoys in life, he's not terribly concerned about his days as an old man. Further, he's the kind of back that doesn't take that much punishment. He'll walk away from the game just fine and still be laughing at the guys with ugly wives, whining kids, and lousy jobs.Yes advantage Portis. Check back with him when he is 40, can't walk without a limp and his shoulder hurts when it rains and he still thinks dog fighting is ok.
A few things on this issue: 1. I love dogs and think anyone treating them inhumanely should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 2. I've gotten to know Portis a little bit through some mutual friends in South Florida. I think rather highly of the guy. 3. That said, anything he says must be taken with a grain of salt. Why? Clinton is nuts.Yea, I stretched on that one a bit. This type of animal treatment registers as a hot button issue with me so I just lose any respect for someone like him with the sort of comments he made.