Coach BJ tests [lack of] 'sharpness' of UT

Signs of a 4 win season?

Maybe we do have a 4 win season.

I do not think a fall camp practice several weeks before an opening game, where the intention was to flesh out any weaknesses the team has, so they can work on them, is an indicator of what our W/L record will be.

There have been games UT has WON and made more mistakes than that.

Well said. Very logical.
Signs of a 4 win season?

Maybe we do have a 4 win season.

I do not think a fall camp practice several weeks before an opening game, where the intention was to flesh out any weaknesses the team has, so they can work on them, is an indicator of what our W/L record will be.

There have been games UT has WON and made more mistakes than that.


Furthermore, how better to teach improvement than to set the situation where a catastrophic error can occur. We all know that a sack kills in crunch time as well as delay of game adding 5 more yards. That is why they run situational drills. That one example was 2009 Bama all over again basically.

I am still curious about ole Butch as a coach but he is doing all of the right things as far as I can tell.

Furthermore, how better to teach improvement than to set the situation where a catastrophic error can occur. We all know that a sack kills in crunch time as well as delay of game adding 5 more yards. That is why they run situational drills. That one example was 2009 Bama all over again basically.

I am still curious about ole Butch as a coach but he is doing all of the right things as far as I can tell.

YES! And that I think is on all of our minds. I am sure we all like to think that he has to be a good ball coach because of recent jobs and recruiting and the energy he has brought. I think, but hope, that he can ALSO coach. We will just have to wait and see.
I can't wait to see how well they do as a coaching staff.


Kick a governors @$$!
But seriously, I am truly worried about our DL and our inconsistency in WR's. We can't afford many more injuries. No one here should be disappointed this year as long as A) We show steady improvement and have heart.. and B) get to a bowl game.
Thanks to my handy-dandy 'Ignore' button, I don't suffer through such bush-league drivel.

I am surprised, however, by the sheer number of posts. So, let me help those of you who are late to the game save some time: self-proclaimed "Braniac" [sic] struggles to string together comments that he thinks will leave the impression that he's intelligent. They don't and he's not, so feel free to move on.

It would be the height of self deprivation to ignore Bran-man. His posts are the extreme in unintentional hilarity.

YES! And that I think is on all of our minds. I am sure we all like to think that he has to be a good ball coach because of recent jobs and recruiting and the energy he has brought. I think, but hope, that he can ALSO coach. We will just have to wait and see.
I can't wait to see how well they do as a coaching staff.


Kick a governors @$$!

You mean, on all our... brans.
False. Your avatar represents attempted cat rape.


Get rid of that filthy crap, this is NOT an adult's only forum. :naughty:


No doubt. Most teams have things basically mistake free after a whole week in practice. Some people think adding 20 freshman to an SEC practice w 80 other players is a big deal. No way, they should gel by day 3 IMO. Those returning from injury are all in by day 2.

Coaches select depth charts before camp using 247 ratings an VN posts. Offense, ST, an D only have like 5 plays each for everyone to remember. So, I totally agree. These guys suck pretty bad if they don't resemble the Patriots already.

Normally coaches just take the last three weeks of camp off. They only go through this for media I'm sure.
Did you read the article, or just scan for the most negative parts?

Yep, that's his m.o. But braniac did share the link to yet another excellent Patrick Brown column. The TFP coverage of UTK far surpasses what the rest of us are subjected to in Knoxville & Nashville "rags".
Idiocy or sarcasm?

Interesting, much like you analysis of the article you pick and choose what you want to respond to, taking what this man said out of context. Had you read his entire response you wouldn't need to ask that question. See, I read the article, the point of that practice was to simulate game conditions and to gauge how the players respond. Some instances they responded well and others not so much. More bad than good, but that isn't a bad sign, the first step to improving is recognizing what is wrong. The fatal flaw in your analysis is that you present one side of the story and then assert that your opinion is the only one with any validity. This is called circular reasoning. Anyone that has a different opinion, rather than engage in a constructive dialogue, you dismiss and resort to belittlement. Back to the article, you would be hard pressed to find a team in the first two weeks of fall practice that doesn't have a lot to work on and frankly if there were such a team and I were fan, I would be worried.

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