Coach BJ tests [lack of] 'sharpness' of UT

You picked pretty much every negative comment. Then you ignored both the positives AND the FACT that the session was designed for A) putting the team in difficult situations and B) public consumption.

If this is some kind of self therapy where you low ball your expectations so you are "happy" with a 6 win season... how about keeping it to yourself rather than burdening the rest of us with your moronic negativism?
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Maybe he played for a 4-win team. Just sayin'.

If he played... I'd almost guarantee he didn't play for a winner. He's clueless about how you develop a team...

You actually have to let or even make them fail so you can correct things. When is the better time to correct this? Early in fall camp or after taking a beating in the third game?
If he played... I'd almost guarantee he didn't play for a winner. He's clueless about how you develop a team...

You actually have to let or even make them fail so you can correct things. When is the better time to correct this? Early in fall camp or after taking a beating in the third game?

i doubt he played or is even a vol fan, he's just trolling.
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The Vols still have a chance at winning 5 games, and possibly 6 with some luck. If we only win 4 and set the record for most loses, Butch Jones should be fired. Now that's out of the way, let's stay positive and hope for 6 wins and any kind of crapy Bowl to get the monkey off our back. UT has had enough losing seasons for a life time.
Go Vols
The Vols still have a chance at winning 5 games, and possibly 6 with some luck.

Agree. "Chance"and "luck" are the operative words.

If we only win 4 and set the record for most loses, Butch Jones should be fired. Now that's out of the way, let's stay positive and hope for 6 wins and any kind of crapy Bowl to get the monkey off our back. UT has had enough losing seasons for a life time.
Go Vols
I'm' in with ya'!
Originally Posted by esarmstrong

Until Dooley came along, UT had never gone three seasons with 7 or more losses for 3 consecutive seasons, but we have now. You sunshine pumpers are funny, sometimes. Just setting yourselves up for disappointment.

Let them. Then when they cry :cray::cray:their little orange eyes out, we will be there, just as in the Dooley years, to say "We told you so"
You picked pretty much every negative comment. Then you ignored both the positives AND the FACT that the session was designed for A) putting the team in difficult situations and B) public consumption.

If this is some kind of self therapy where you low ball your expectations so you are "happy" with a 6 win season... how about keeping it to yourself rather than burdening the rest of us with your moronic negativism?

Exactly, Good post. Points ... 1. Good things were said by CBJ and ignored by the NEGAVOL. 2. It's PRACTICE where you work on mistakes. 3. We have a motivator as a coach who does not put down players. 4. We have coaches who know what they are doing (see CHAMPIONSHIPS). 5. We have a few more practices before August 31. 6. We have more player motivation than I have seen in years. 7. Player GPA highest in years. I could go on with a few more but these negavols really amaze me! Either support the program, if you are a true Vol fan, or get out of the way. Give the man a chance, please. Quit your doomsday predictions!

I won't even bring up the fact we have a pretty good recruiting class for 14. Oh wait, negavol will predict we will lose all of them. The sky is falling, the sky is falling ... lol
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You picked pretty much every negative comment.

Then you ignored both the positives..

I quoted the article exactly and yes, those two out of the entire article I left out.

I also left out two additional negative comments but I'll let you take that up with the author that you hate emailed.

Oh, you didn't email the author of the article? Only moi who reported it.

Imagine that. :ermm:
Damn, how could I forget that 'gimme'. :censored:

That will happen when we lose to Austin Peay.


Still smells like a 4 win team to me. :shhh:

The only thing I smell is the the smell of a Tator troll emanating from your posts!

Agree. "Chance"and "luck" are the operative words.

I'm' in with ya'!

While I agree there are bound to be some roughage times this season I have a bowl full of faith in the new staff. They are obviously adept at colon our players up to their full potential. I believe they'll be able to flush out this team's losing ways.

We have a talented O line, so their blockage should be unmovable. We have a talented D line, so they'll be able to stop up the opponent's runs. We have almost a month of summer practices left, so between the heat and exercise, that should get things moving.

Look I know the product on the field recently was a steaming pile. Butt it's a new day. There should be no reason, with this bran of football, that we shouldn't go to a bowl.

So wipe away the stains of former expectations. Pull up your big boy drawers. Enter this new day with confidence.

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That is very clearly a woman kissing, not sucking, a cat's paw. No sexual undertones whatsoever.

False. Your avatar represents attempted cat rape.


Get rid of that filthy crap, this is NOT an adult's only forum. :naughty:

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