Yeesh...I now see why this site has a bad name. This thread has been beyond ridiculous.
1) It is obvious - though not 100 percent proven fact, there for everyone to see on a fully-notarized document with Knox County government letterhead - that Pearl cheated on his wife.
2) It is obvious - though not 100 percent proven fact, there for everyone to see on a fully-notarized document with NCAA letterhead - that Calipari knowingly cheated/let someone else cheat with full knowledge of it at both UMass and Memphis. And we can therefore assume with some level of confidence (though not 100 percent confidence...probably not even 75 percent confidence, to be fair) that he either has cheated/let someone else cheat with full knowledge of it or will cheat/let someone else cheat with full knowledge of it at Kentucky.
The question, then, is whether one is worse than the other. And personally speaking, I have no idea what Pearl's personal life has to do with his job. And the job he is doing is all that I care about.
As an Atlanta native (and Braves fan), I watched this happen a while back when Chipper Jones cheated on his wife. And I watched as at least half of the city turned on him. I never understood it, and I still don't understand it. What business of ours is someone else's personal life? I don't think it's any of our business. Unless their personal life blatantly interferes with them doing their job, I really don't know why it's anybody's concern except the people directly involved. If you had someone at your job constantly bringing up issues in your personal life, I'm guessing you would think it was unfair and irrelevant.
Cheating at one's job on the other hand, is different, because it directly relates to the job that they're doing. So for our purposes as college sports fans, Calipari's issues are relevant, whereas Pearl's divorce issues are not.
But in the end, if it makes you feel rational and smart to defend the man who has coached our two biggest rivals and who is incredibly unlikeable regardless (NCAA issues aside) in the name of being contrarian. I won't try to take him from you. You can have him.
And BTW, he's still an unbelievably awful gameday coach.