Coin Shortage



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
Meijer Stops Accepting Cash As Nationwide Coin Shortage Erupts

Fed Chair Powell admitted to lawmakers last week that The Fed has been rationing coins as the circulation of coins across the US economy ground to a halt due to the pandemic.

"What's happened is that with the partial closure of the economy, the flow of coins through the economy ... it's kind of stopped," Powell told lawmakers.​

He said the shortage was due to the mass business closures that prevented people from spending their coins, as well as a lack of places that are open where people can trade coins for paper bills.

Or, this is what happens when you print more electronic money than you have circulating in the M1 money supply.

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That's an interesting take. I had heard of a coin shortage, but I hadn't even considered this.
Its a common sense take. Printing off $100 bills to cash those $1200 stimulus checks has to trickle down and affect coinage. This nonsense about Americans saving money is something Powell is just pulling out of his arse.

Think about or imagine how many $20s and $100s have been printed in the last few months vs coins... It makes all the sense in the world for them to be in a shortage.
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Please use your debit or credit card so we can see where and what you purchase
Do you think the government cares how many times you ate Wendy's this month?

There's nothing on my credit card statement I find interesting.. I highly doubt the government would either.

If you want to buy something discreetly, there are very easy ways to do that, all digital, with no less of a trail than a bank withdrawal.

Moving to digital currency is going to happen, like it or not. Anyone who thinks the government is out to get them can put their money where their mouth is and go all in on crypto.
The government may or may not care where you spend your money. But they have no problem selling out to the people who do, I can assure you the government does care about the money and power to gained from the information. I think it a little naive to believe otherwise.
Its a common sense take. Printing off $100 bills to cash those $1200 stimulus checks has to trickle down and affect coinage. This nonsense about Americans saving money is something Powell is just pulling out of his arse.

Think about or imagine how many $20s and $100s have been printed in the last few months vs coins... It makes all the sense in the world for them to be in a shortage.

Most of it was probably direct deposit and those people probably used direct deposit or electronic means to pay for bills or groceries so I’m not sure how it would affect coins?
For the first time in my life I think I can honestly contribute greatly to a crisis. I have so much change it’s ridiculous. I mean, YEARS worth I haven’t rolled or cashed in.
Me too.
I’ve been keeping my pocket change for years. I guess I should cash it in.
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Me too.
I’ve been keeping my pocket change for years. I guess I should cash it in.

Keep one of these coin sorters in your vehicle with some cylindrical wrappers and you are good to go. Roll as needed and once you get so much deposit at bank.

Tell me about it.
We’re getting ready to rebuild the temple. Most people have no idea how close that is.

I saw a doc awhile back that the Temple was not necessarily at the Dome of the Rock. You think the DoR will be torn down?
My guess: they are trying to train people to only use cards. Why? Not sure. But could be

1. Make us more susceptible to a collapse of the electric grid (easier than you think. Google it and look for the Ted Talk posted earlier this month that was recorded 3 years ago)

2. Apple, Google and Facebook have a plans to become global banks and they want to capture transactions on mobile devices.

3. Ive long though the day is coming where cards will become a thing of the past. Things like Cash App, Venmo, PayPal, and chips on your card instead of a swipe are things that could move us this direction.
Most of it was probably direct deposit and those people probably used direct deposit or electronic means to pay for bills or groceries so I’m not sure how it would affect coins?
Well of course most of that was deposited electrically, but there was indeed a good deal removed from atm machines. Let's not over think this. They printed too much electronic money, but didn't have the M1 supply of coins to compensate for that increase.
My guess: they are trying to train people to only use cards. Why? Not sure. But could be

1. Make us more susceptible to a collapse of the electric grid (easier than you think. Google it and look for the Ted Talk posted earlier this month that was recorded 3 years ago)

2. Apple, Google and Facebook have a plans to become global banks and they want to capture transactions on mobile devices.

3. Ive long though the day is coming where cards will become a thing of the past. Things like Cash App, Venmo, PayPal, and chips on your card instead of a swipe are things that could move us this direction.
What does the loss of a physical card have to do with anything?

Or at least your argument needs to go a step back further to whatever made online purchases possible, for me that's just a CC number and 3 digit security code.

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