Colin Kaepernick sits during national anthem

like I said. a simple search on twitter will find 1000s more. I didn't even go past august 24th 2016.
And a couple of bonus material free of charge.

I'm starting to come around to the pro-reparations side. If I were paid reparations for all the slaves my family lost without compensation I promise to never oppress another person of any color.

Except the Mrs of course.
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like I said. a simple search on twitter will find 1000s more. I didn't even go past august 24th 2016.

They are hilarious. I was checking ones related to Karpernick. They're awesome, then you realize these people are real and actually vote.

I don't call people uncle toms. There is no right way to be Black. We all don't act or think the same.

There are some Black people that will bash other Black people to prove they are, "not like the rest," or to try to fit in with their majority White friends, classmates, or coworkers. Some will get straight up called the n word and justify it as playing around or something like that. They could be spit on and slapped and would justify it to not make a fuss or remind their friends or coworkers they actually are Black. There are many Black people filled with self hate because they never were taught to love and respect themselves.I feel sorry for those types more than anything else.

What's "not like the rest of us"?
What kind of oppression have you faced personally?

OK since you want to ask me what personally has happened.

Passed over for promised promotions when results, seniority, and precedent was in my favor and everyone assumed I would get the job as the best candidate and workplace leader.

There were times I applied for jobs and I am pretty sure I didn't get them due to my race but that would be impossible to prove.

At a job about 10 years ago I found out I made less than everyone else despite having more job duties than some coworkers while being considered a top employee who others looked to for guidance and training.

Police harassment in many forms. I can't name how many times I have been followed and or stopped by the police in one of my cars. They followed me around Dillards in West Towne a week ago actually. It didn't matter that I shop their all the time or that I was dressed professionally. The jackazz still followed me until I stopped and stared at him and said something about it really loud to my gf.

Racism is not only oppression though. It can be believing other races are inferior. There have been too many instances to list were this has happened at work and school with bosses or teachers.

I have had it way better than many though. I didn't grow up super poor and I have good parents. I am an attractive light skinned man which has earned me some advantages not available to to other Black men. So I have not had it as bad as many I know or have heard about. I am not nearly as oppressed as many Black people have been. But once again one doesn't not have to be oppressed nor the the whole race have to be actively oppressed for their to be racism.
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regarding those twitter feeds: Keep up that victim mentality - your left masters like it that way.

“The victim mindset dilutes the human potential. By not accepting personal responsibility for our circumstances, we greatly reduce our power to change them.”
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Whatever ignorant, stereotypical view of other Black people they have from been brainwashed by the media and their environment.

So, all blacks should have the same view of blacks, or they are brainwashed? Lol

Maybe "their environment" doesn't promote this hateful, racist habitat that you are advancing? Is that possible?
And a couple of bonus material free of charge.

This is my twitter thread x 100. Just add in a couple "shut up b!t#h" and a " I hope a trigger happy cop kills you" and you will have all the things people have said to me in the last 2 days.
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I legit have never seen anyone with a Social Justice degree.

Maybe you have had experiences others have not had, or you have not had the experiences that others have. If you are truly Black and think we aren't oppressed, good for you. That means you most likely had a sheltered life to not be exposed to some things others have been.

My girlfriend goes to college with girls who are getting Social Justice Degrees. They blame every major issue that affect the black community or Africans on White people and colonialism.
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Whatever ignorant, stereotypical view of other Black people they have from been brainwashed by the media and their environment.

Name some examples

Ive actually heard some black people called some nasty stuff by other blacks, only to have us whites take up for them and then get called racist

I dont think its actually whites that have the issues
People that don't believe in equal rights or respecting other races, sexes, and religions are cavemen. Its not about believing everything the same but not having such a myopic worldview.

I believe in equal rights. I do not believe in some of the extremes that SJW's promote. I do not believe that only white people can be or are racist.

So, lumping everything into Enlightenment vs Neanderthal fails to recognize a spectrum of beliefs that all have merit.

Rather than use the "your with me or against me" attitude why not try to recognize that there are many legit viewpoints with regard to the issues.
I don't call people uncle toms. There is no right way to be Black. We all don't act or think the same.

There are some Black people that will bash other Black people to prove they are, "not like the rest," or to try to fit in with their majority White friends, classmates, or coworkers. Some will get straight up called the n word and justify it as playing around or something like that. They could be spit on and slapped and would justify it to not make a fuss or remind their friends or coworkers they actually are Black. There are many Black people filled with self hate because they never were taught to love and respect themselves.I feel sorry for those types more than anything else.

Forgive me but in all your examples of "no right way to be black" all the ones that aren't like you are doing so for the wrong reasons.

Maybe it's not what you meant but surely at least some black people who don't share your views aren't coming from a place of self hate or just trying to separate themselves (or fit in with whites). Sounds like you are delegitimizing their view point.
OK since you want to ask me what personally has happened.

Passed over for promised promotions when results, seniority, and precedent was in my favor and everyone assumed I would get the job as the best candidate and workplace leader.
I have had this happen to me twice in my career

There were times I applied for jobs and I am pretty sure I didn't get them due to my race but that would be impossible to prove.
Ive never thought about race having to do with me not getting a job

At a job about 10 years ago I found out I made less than everyone else despite having more job duties than some coworkers while being considered a top employee who others looked to for guidance and training.
I'm going through this right now

Police harassment in many forms. I can't name how many times I have been followed and or stopped by the police in one of my cars. They followed me around Dillards in West Towne a week ago actually. It didn't matter that I shop their all the time or that I was dressed professionally. The jackazz still followed me until I stopped and stared at him and said something about it really loud to my gf.
I cant relate as this hasn't happened to me

Racism is not only oppression though. It can be believing other races are inferior. There have been too many instances to list were this has happened at work and school with bosses or teachers.
Do you think it's possible that you are perceiving this because you are predisposed to thinking this because of your environment as a young adult?

I have had it way better than many though. I didn't grow up super poor and I have good parents. I am an attractive light skinned man which has earned me some advantages not available to to other Black men. So I have not had it as bad as many I know or have heard about. I am not nearly as oppressed as many Black people have been. But once again one doesn't not have to be oppressed nor the the whole race have to be actively oppressed for their to be racism.

There is a division here at work that deals with contracts for the Army. They are all Government positions and we work directly with them on many projects. All of them are GS13s and above. There are 20 slots within this division, 19 are filled with blacks and there is a single white guy working in that division. I was recently not hired over at that division for a promotion and the person they hired didn't have my educational background, didn't have my experience, and didn't have the knowledge I have. Yet, this person was hired and was black. I didn't think at first that I was racially discriminated against know that **** doesn't exist for us white folk. I simply took at as that person obviously did better in the interview as I did. The problem I have with this whole BLM and all this other bull**** is that they are squawking at anything and everything that doesn't go their way as being racially discriminated against.
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This is my twitter thread x 100. Just add in a couple "shut up b!t#h" and a " I hope a trigger happy cop kills you" and you will have all the things people have said to me in the last 2 days.

Oppressed for not feeling oppressed - classic :)
I have a black friend and a Puerto Rican friend.

I've even got an Asian friend. And my cousin is half Hispanic.

I've got I think 6 half black cousins, my niece is half Mexican, and one of my papaw a was full blooded Indian, but I'm racist 😁
Forgive me but in all your examples of "no right way to be black" all the ones that aren't like you are doing so for the wrong reasons.

Maybe it's not what you meant but surely at least some black people who don't share your views aren't coming from a place of self hate or just trying to separate themselves (or fit in with whites). Sounds like you are delegitimizing their view point.

Sounds like it to me
D4H... serious question. I can think of plenty of blacks who have improved themselves, but can you provide examples of those who you would consider "coons"? In other words, who are the black people you consider coons and what exactly did they do in "turning on their own people"?

Any black person who doesn't support the Black Lives Matter movement is a coon.

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