People like this are so out of touch with reality
A black man has way more chance of being gunned down, for no reason, by another black man. Actual facts back this up
Its the "boogie man" syndrome. We cant possibly be responsible for whats wrong in our lives, so we need a boogie man to blame. The incarceration rates in black males is higher than any other race. Its not the fact that, statistically, they commit more violent crimes, per capita, than any other demographic. Its because the justice system is biased against them.
Economically, its not because of the greater than 50% drop out rate but because of biased hiring practices. Or the fact that 75% of young black children are born out of wedlock and automatically put at a greater disadvantage.
Most of the times, its your own actions that dictate how you end up in life. Until you are willing to clean your own house, it wont get clean